Glossary Flashcards
110 Connector
Insulation displacement connector
66 connector
insulation displacement connector type
abandoned cable
installed cables and cabling that are not terminated at both ends at a connector other equipment and not identified with a tag for future use
development of a hard char that resists the erosion of fire and flames
characteristic of a firestop when exposed to fire (TIA)
above finished floor AFF
standard mounting height measured from floor surface to center line of the object
absolute filter
filter capable of collecting solid particles greater than a stated micron size
phenomenon causing attenuation of wave signals (electrical, electromagnetic, optical, acoustic) passing through a medium.
Occurs when gaseous molecules or suspended water particles in the atmosphere absorb the signal energy and convert it into heat due to molecular resonance
A-C- Rated Fire Retardant Plywood
plywood treated with a fire retardant
smooth finished A Grade side exposed for purpose of mounting equipment
Rough finished C Crade side
acceptance angle
half angle of an imaginary cone extending from the end of an optical fiber cable
incident light is totally and internally reflected within the optical fiber core
light within cone is coupled into reflected modes of the optical fiber cable
light striking the surface of the fiber at an angle greater that the acceptance angle will not enger the optical fiber cable = maximum coupling angle
acceptance plan
agreement between parties (contractor / client) that defines satisfactory completion of a project task or complete project
acceptance test
tests performed to demonstrate satisfactory completion of predetermined tasks which acceptance is dependent
the process of connecting to a network
access block
A single access switch or group of switches sharing one trunk, uplink, or set of redundant uplinks to the distribution layer.
Generally confined to one
telecommunications room (TR). In a large TR, it is possible to have more
than one access block.
access control
process in which access to the resources of an area or system is limited to authorized personnel, users, programs, process or other systems and denied to all othere
access control card
ID card with encoded information
when presented to card reader, identifies the holder to the access control system
allows that system to determine cardholders rights
access control list (ACL)
keeps track of and controles access to network services
through assigned privileges for users and groups
access control mechanism
ID Device
assigned to individual to give that individual access rights to an access control system
access control system (ACS)
interconnected set of controllers
manage the entrance and exit of people through secure areas
access controller
see data gathering panela
access floor
system consisting of completely removable and interchangeable floor planels
supported on pedestals or stringers
allow entry to area beneath
aka raised floor
access group
superset of information
include time zones and secured doors
applied toward cardholders
information defines time of day and doors through which cardholders are granted access
access layer
point at which local end users are allowed into the network
in LAN environment - typically a switched ethernet port assigned to a virtual LAN (VLAN)
access parameter
programmed information that defines conditions that must be met to grant access to a secure area
access point (AP) - security
point of entry into a secure area
access point (AP) - hardware
standalone hardware device or computer wireless adapter w/ software that acts as a wireless communication hub for users of wireless devices to connect with each other and to bridge those devices to the cabled portion of the network.
access protocol
set of procedures
enable user to obtain services from a network
(eg. carrier sense multiple access with collission detection (CSMA/CD) and token passing for LANs)
access provider (AP) - Company
company that provides circuit path between a service provider (SP) and the client user. AP can also be the SP
access provider (AP) - operator
Operator of any facility that is used to convey telecommunications signals to and from a client premises (TIA)
see service provider
formal process by which an agency evaluates and recognizes an institution or program as meeting certain criteria or standards
coating applied during the optical fiber cable manufacturing process to provide physical and environmental protection for the fiber
active card
type of access card - dependent upon a card reader to provide power necessary to allow the card to transmit its data
active circuit
any circuit connected to an energized system
active equipment
energized equipment used for receiving or transmitting analog or digital signals
private branch exchanges
aka powered device
active multiplex system
multiplexing system in which signaling devices (transponders) are employed to transmit status signals of each initiating device or initiating device circuit within a prescribed time iinterval
lack of receipt of such a signal can be interpreted as a trouble signal
ad hoc network
peer-to-peer network characterized by communication between nodes without the need for an infrastructure.
aka independent basic service set (IBSS)
Device that enables different sizes or types of plugs to mate with one another or to fit into a telecom outlet / connector
rearrangement of leads
large optical fiber cables with numerous wires to fan out into smaller groups of wires
interconnection between fiber cables
limited voltage or polarity or direct current (dc) rectification conversion
adapter - optical fiber duplex
mechanical device designed to align and join two duplex optical fiber connectors (plugs) to form an optical fiber duplex connection (TIA)
document used to provide additional requirements / recommendations to a published document
when published, becomes a part of document that it supports
unique identification code asssigned to a network device that is used to associate a message with its source and destination
unique location in a computers memory or other electronic storage medium
addressable device
system component w/ a discrete ID that can have its status individually indentified or that is used to individually control other functions
adjacent channel interference
radio frequency interference (RFI) caused by residual energy outside the nominal bandwidth of an adjacent channel signal spilling into the wanted channel signal on two systems operating in close proximity on side by side channels
adjacent channel rejection
ability of a receiver to reject interference caused by a transmitter operating on an adjacent channel
methodology defining the documentation requirements of a cabling system and its containment
labeling of functional elements
process by which moves, adds, changes are recorded
advanced encryption standard (AES)
National Institute of Standards and Technoloty (NIST)
secret key encryption using 128 to 256 bit keys
adverse condition
any condition occurring in a telecom channel that interferes with the proper transmission or interpretation of status change signals at the supervising station
aerial cable
telecommunication cable installed on aerial supporting structures (poles, side of building, other structures) (TIA)
aerial entrance
entrance facility where telecom cables providing service to a building are placed overhead and the entry point is located above the ground level.
aerial plant
components of aerial infrastructure
pole line hardware
telecom services between facilities
aerial buried plant
General term
All outside plant (OSP) cable runs made up of both aerial and direct buried cablesair
air bottle
portable compressed air or gas source
air feeder pipe
underground pipe that parallels cable runs and is used to supply air for pressurized telecommunications cables
air-pressure closure
splice closure that uses an applied internal air pressure to prevent water entry
internal pressure needs to be greater than external pressure caused by water pressure or other sources
air-sampling type detector
early warning smoke detector
consists of piping or tubing distribution network that runs from detector to areas being protected
air terminal
lightning strike termination device that is a point receptor for attachment of flashes to the lightning protection system
typical air terminal is formed from a tube or solid rod
aka - lightning rode
alarm indicator
device or combination of devices that respond to a signal from an alarm sensor
indicates fault or emergency situation
alarm service
service required following the receipt of alarm signal
organization that monitors alarm device activity and responds to signals
alarm signal
signal resulting from the activation of an alarm event
results in automatic activation of visible or audible notification
indicate immediate action required
alarm system
combination of compatible initiating devices, control panels and indicating appliances designed and installed produce an alarm signal in a specifically defined event
alert tone
audible attention-getting signal to inform occupants of the pending transmission of a voice message
alien crosstalk
unwanted coupling of signals
into balanced twisted pair in a given copper cable
from one or more balanced twisted pairs
EXTERNAL to the given cable
alien far-end crosstalk (AFEXT)
Unwanted signal coupling from a disturbing pair of a 4-pair channel, permanent link or component to a disturbed pair of another 4-pair channel, permanent link or component
measured at the FAR END`
alien near-end crosstalk (ANEXT)
Unwanted signal coupling from a disturbing pair of a 4-pair channel, permanent link or component to a disturbed pair of another 4-pair channel, permanent link or component
measured at the NEAR END
all-dielectric self-support (ADSS)
type of aerial fiber that is nonconductive / non-metallic and requires no messenger strand for installation
all-threaded-rod (ATR)
straight section of round rod stock that has threads installed over its entire length
alternate entrance
supplementary entrance facility into a building using a different routing to provide diversity of service and for assurance of service continuity
alternate route
secondary communications path used to reach a destination
alternating current (ac)
current flow that alternates periodically in magnitude and direction
usually sinusoidal
alternating current equipment ground (ACEG)
conductor installed from equipment grounding busbar inside an electrical panel to the secondary bonding busbar (SBB) or primary bonding busbar (PBB)
ambient intelligence
presence of a digital environment that is sensitive, adaptive and responsive to presence of people
improves efficiency and quality of life by creating desired atmospher and functionality
via intelligent, personallized, interconnected systems and services
ambient sound level
level of acoustic noise existing at a given area
aka - background noise
objective measurement of audible sound levels in an arbitrary locationunder ambient conditions
expressed in decibels
sound level meter - measures
Defined as “root-mean-square” RMS
A-Weighted, sound pressure level measured over th eperiod of time that any person is present or a 24 hour period, whichever is less
ambulatory care
examination, diagnosis, treatment and proper disposition of all categories of eligible inpatients and outpatients presenting themselves to the various ambulatory care specialty or subspecialty clinics
ambulatory care clinic
entity or unit of a medical or dental treatment facility that is organized and staffed to provide medical treatment in a particular specialty or subspecialty and holds regular hours in a designated place
American Institute of Architects - AIA
Organization providing resources, education and networking for architects
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Private, nonprofit membership organization focused on meeting the standards and conformity assessment requirements of its diverse constituency
neutral forum for development of consensus agreements on issues relevant to voluntary standardization
US Representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
through the US National Committee to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
US Federal Law
Enacted in 1990
guarantees equal civil rights for people with disabilities
ensure individuals with disabilities have access to or may use public entities and government buildings
affect telecom cabling, infrastructure, design and installation
public telephone height
visual and audible signaling
Americans with Disabilitie Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG)
Set of guidelines
define specific method for ADA compliance
when undertaking construction
First published in 1991
American Wire Gauge (AWG)
system used to specify wire size
greater the wire diameter, smaller the AWG
The current -
measured in Amperes (A)
that a Conductor can carry continuously under the conditions of use without exceeding its temperature rating
Ampere (A)
Unit of measurement
Rate of electron flow or current in an electrical conductor
Ohm’s Law - one A is equal to the current produced by one Volt (V) flowing through a resistance of one ohm.
device that increases the voltage, current or power of a signal
maximum absolute value reached by a voltage or current waveform
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
Modulation in which the amplitude of a carrier wave is varied in accordance with some characteristic of the modulating signal
analog signal
signal in the form of a wave that uses continuous variations of a physical characteristic over time
voltage amplitude, frequency
to transmit information
device attached to piece of equipment or structure used to fasten other materials or equipment and securely hold them in place
in OSP environment - device made up of a single plate or series of flat plates and combined with a rod having a connecting ee
anchor rod
In OSP environment -
portion of an anchor assembly that extends above the anchor plate below ground level to a point above ground level
angled physical contact (APC)
optical fiber connector -
polished at an angle of 8 to 10 degrees
reduce risk of back-reflection of the signal
Some high-performance singlemode systems (high-bandwidth analog video systems, passive optical networks) require a low level of back-reflection (-55 db or better) to perform correctly
annular space
ring of space between a penetrating element such as a cable, conduit or other building services and the fire-rated barrier
unit containing device in which each indication provides status information about a circuit, condition or location.
examples -
one or more indicator lamps
alphanumeric displays
conductive structure specifically designed to couple or radiate electromagnetic energy
in radio frequency (RF) systems, the antenna may be used to both transmit and receive electro magnetic energy
antenna array (including panel)
antenna made up of a number of elements
including an active or driven element, reflector and director
array antennae may be narrowband or broadband and are used in all frequency bands
antenna gain
1) the capability of an antenna to direct signal energy in a particular direction, increasing the effective range of the antenna in the given direction at the expense of range in other directions
2) ratio of power required at the input of a loss-free reference antenna to the power supplied to the input of the given antenna to produce in a given direction the same field strength at the same distance
usually expressed in decibels relative to an isotropic radiator (dBi) or half wavelength dipole reference (dBd)
aperture size
1) effective capture area of an antenna.
Used in connection with microwave horn antennae and waveguides.
2) the physical size of the opening in a camera lens expressed as f-stops
finished combination of devices intended to be placed on the market as a single commercial unit
apparent power
product of the root mean square of voltage and current
magnitude of the vector sum of real and reactive power
application address
address used principally by an operating system to uniquely identify each software process running on a device
application layer
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model Layer -
responsible for providing mechanisms that enable software applications on different systems to use the services of a network to exchange information
See Layer 7
application programming interface form (API)
Set of routines, functions and protocols that accomplish a specific task or interact with a specific software component
May come in the form of a libarary that includes specifications for routines, data structures, object classes and variables
application software
software used to perform a specific task
word processing
spreadsheet analysis
database management
application specific
type of communication cabling installed to meet the requirements of a specific systems or applicationa
official consent of AHJ
approved ground
grounding source approved by AHJ
aramid yarn
material with exceptional tensile strength and coefficient of thermal expansion near that of class
used in optical fiber cable to provide support and additional protection of the buffered fiber strands
1) method of negotiation used in resolving disputes between parties
2) process of determining the order in which devices will gain access to a resource (IEEE)
architectural assemblies
walls, partitions or other barriers that are not load bearing
architectural drawing
graphical representation of a building space or object to convey design information for construction
architectural, mechanical, electrical, structural (AMES)
drawings for architectural, mechanical, electrical structuralar
architectural structures
walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, that are load bearing
long term collection and storage of data, records or info
area distribution facility (ADF)
campus distribution facility - see
method for protecting communication cables against damage
corrugated steel
fiber reinforced polymer rods
steel wire
glass yarns
outer sheath of the cable
array connector
single ferrule connector - contains multiple optical fibers arranged in a row or in rows and columns
aka - multifiber connector
array fiber
optical fiber cable with multiple fiber strands formed together by encasing the fibers into 12-fiber horizontal array units
offers high-fiber density ideal for mass fusion splicing or quick termination
aka - fiber ribbon cable
fibrous silicate mineral substance
building materials, gaskets, fireproof safes, bearings, electrical wiring insulation
documentation of material work performed
employee, contractor or any physical, technological or intellectual possession
asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL)
digital service
designed to provide high data transfer rates over traditional telephone cable
asymmetric refers to different speeds for uplink and downlink traffic
digital subscriber line (DSL)
asymmetric full-duplex
transmission process
allows transmitting / receiving information at different rates on the same path
asynchronous signaling
form of signaling
each data character is coded as a string of bits
bits are separated by start character and stop character bits
signaling not synchronized to a network clock
refer to isochronous signaling, synchronous signaling and synchronous transmission
1) one or more files connected to and sent with an email message
2) the connection of one device to another
3) the physical connection of a communication, to a pole or an underground conduit
The decrease in magnitude or the power loss of a signal that propagates between points
expressed in decibels
ratio of received signal to transmitted signal
aka - Insertion loss
attenuation-to-crosstalk ratio (ACR)
Ratio obtained by subtracting insertion loss (attenuation) from near end crosstalk (NEXT)
measured in decibels
Stated at a given frequency
attenuation-to-crosstalk ratio, far-end (ACRF)
Crosstalk measured at the opposite end from which the distributing signal is transmitted, normalized by the attenuation contribution of the optical fiber cable or cabling.
Device - used for reducing the energy magnitude of a wave without introducing distortion.
Normally a combination of fixed or adjustable resistances.
audible signal
a sound made by one or more audible notification appliances in response to the operation of any manual or automatic electronic device
(bells, horns, speakers)
audio frequency (AF)
Band of frequencies - 20 Hz to 20 kHz
when transmitted as acoustic waves can be heard by normal human ear
audit trail
sequential record
accounts for all activities of a system, device or process
allows for analysis of events over given time period.
colloquial term for zero
security mechanism that confirms the identity of a user or process being implemeted
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)
building official
electrical inspector
fire marshal
or other individual or entities responsible for interpretation and enforcement of local building and electrical codes
Process - establish and enforce network activities permitted for a given user or device.
authorization level
security rating
must be met before access to a secure area can be granted
different areas have different ratings
range of levels
authorized service provider (ASP)
3rd party cleared to work on a product still under warranty by another company without voiding the warranty
automatic extinguishing system supervisory device
Device - responds to abnormal conditions that could affect the proper operation of an automatic sprinkler system or other fire extinguishing system or suppression system,
control valves,
pressure levels,
liquid agent levels and temperatures,
pump power and running,
engine temperature and overspeed
and room temperature.
auxiliary box
Fire Alarm Box - operated only from one or more remote actuating devices
auxiliary disconnect outlet (ADO)
device usually located within the tenant or living unit used to terminate the ADO cable or backbone cable
auxiliary disconnect outlet (ADO) cable
Residential - cable from auxiliary telecommunications disconnects outlet or the distribution device in a client’s premises to the backbone facility or the point of demarcation
1) measure of network’s operation (up time) or absence of operating failure (downtime) during a given period of time.
2) probability that a system or component is operating at a specified time.
3) ratio of the total time a system or component is functional divided by the length of the time interval for which availability is being determined.
average ambient sound level
The root mean square (rms), A-Weighted, sound pressure level measured over a 24-hour period
average power (PA)
The sustainable or usable portion of electrical energy in an alternating current.
For sinusoidal signal, it is the peak power (PP) multiplied by .707
A-weighted Decibel (dBA)
see decibel, A-weighted.