Glossary Flashcards
Abolishing Operations
a motivating operation that results in decreased effectiveness of a reinforcer
a stimulus that precedes the occurrence of a behavior that may serve as the discriminative stimulus for engaging in that behavior
Antecedent Intervention
a behavioral intervention that manipulates antecedent stimuli
Applied Behavior Analysis
the application of behavioral principles to solve problems of social significance
Aversive Stimulus
a stimulus that an individual finds unpleasant
Backward Chaining
A procedure for teaching a behavior chain in which the last step in the chain is targeted first and each preceding step is added as the individual demonstrates mastery. This continues until the individual is able to complete the entire chain from the first step to the last
Baseline Data
a measurement, calculation, or location used as a basis for comparison; a set of critical observations or data used for comparison or as a control and is taken prior to intervention to determine whether the intervention is effective
an observable movement or interaction of an individual with its environment
Behavior Chain
a sequence of responses that ends in reinforcement
Behavioral Momentum
an increase in the rate of responding after an increase in reinforcement conditions
Conditioned Reinforcer/Secondary
A previously neutral stimulus that has been paired with a primary or other established secondary reinforcer, thus becoming reinforcing itself. Unlike primary reinforcers which are naturally reinforcing, secondary reinforcers are reinforcing only after the individual has been conditioned to find it reinforcing. Secondary reinforcers include tangibles, social praise, and activities
a stimulus that follow the occurrence of a behavior that may serve as a reinforcer or punisher for that behavior
a definition of a response topography that will produce a specified consequence, and the antecedents and establishing operations that influence the likelihood of the occurrence of the response. [The A-B-C model is an example of contingency; the Consequence (a reinforcer) is contingent on the Behavior (compliance) which is contingent on the Antecedent (a demand). Often referred to as the three-term contingency]
Continuous Measurement
recording all instances of a behavior
Continuous Reinforcement (CRF)
a reinforcement schedule in which all occurrences of a targeted behavior are reinforced
the recorded responses of an individual to a stimulus. Factual information organized for analysis or used to reason or make decisions and calculate rate and amount of acquisition
the process of withholding access to a stimulus or stimuli which results in that stimulus or stimuli having increased effectiveness as a reinforcer
Differential Reinforcement
reinforcing the behaviors that meet a specified criterion while all other behaviors are placed on extinction
Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA)
a method for decreasing problem behavior in which an appropriate alternative behavior is reinforced and the targeted behaviors are placed on extinction
Differential Reinforcement of High Rate Behavior (DRH)
a method for increasing a behavior in which reinforcement is delivered at the end of a predetermined interval if the targeted behavior occurred at or above the specified number of responses
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior (DRI)
a method for decreasing problem behavior in which an appropriate alternative behavior that is incompatible with the targeted problem behavior is reinforced and the targeted behaviors are placed on extinction
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate of Behavior (DRL)
a method for decreasing a behavior in which reinforcement is delivered at the end of a predetermined behavior if the targeted behavior occurred at or below the specified number of responses
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO)
a method for decreasing behavior in which reinforcement is contingent on zero occurrences of the targeted behavior at or during specific times
Direct Assessment
a type of functional behavior assessment in which the targeted behaviors and the corresponding antecedents and consequence are observed under naturally occurring conditions without the manipulation of any variables
Discontinuous Measurement
a measurement system that may not record each instance of behavior
Discrete Trial
a trial in which the rate of responding is limited by the presentation of opportunities to responsd
Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
a series of single presentations of a behaviorally-based instruction routine. A particular trial may be repeated several times in succession, several times a day, over several days (or even longer) until the skill is mastered. There are three main parts, the SD which elicits an R (response) which then encounters a SR which reinforces that response. SD –> R –> SR
Discriminative Stimulus (SD)
stimulus that signals reinforcement is available for a particular response
a measure of the amount of time for which a behavior occurs
a type of verbal behavior in which an individual exactly repeats an occurrence of verbal behavior in the same mode in which it was first delivered (e.g. if a technician says “ball” the individual says “ball”, if a technician signs “ball” the individual also signs “ball”)
the entire constellation of stimuli that can affect the behavior of an individual. The environment include stimuli from all sensorial inputs including people, temperature, sights, sounds, smells, etc.
Escape Extinction
a procedure to decrease problem behavior in which emitting the target behavior no longer enables an individual to escape an aversive stimulus (work, loud noises, a particular person or place, etc.) In escape extinction, a targeted behavior that was previously reinforced with negative reinforcement is no longer being reinforced therefore is not followed by the termination of the aversive stimulus
Establishing Operations
a motivating operation that results in increased effectiveness of a reinforcer
the act of no longer providing reinforcement for a previously reinforced behavior in order to decrease and eliminate that behavior
Extinction Burst
an initial increase in the rate of the targeted behavior after the implementation of an extinction procedure
Extinction of Access to Items/Activities
a procedure to decrease problem behavior in which emitting the target behavior no longer enables an individual to access preferred items or activities. In extinction of access to items/activities, a targeted behavior that was previously reinforced with the delivery of an item or activity is no longer being reinforced therefore no item is delivered in response to the behavior
Extinction of Attention
a procedure to decrease problem behavior in which emitting the target behavior no longer enables an individual to receive attention. In extinction of attention, a targeted behavior that was previously reinforced with the delivery of attention is no longer being reinforced therefore no attention is delivered in response to the behavior
to gradually decrease and eventually eliminate any sort of stimuli or prompt used to obtain a desired behavior
Fixed Interval Reinforcement Schedule
reinforcement is delivered for the first response after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed since the last reinforced response
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement Schedule
reinforcement is delivered after a predetermined number of responses
Fixed Time Schedule
a schedule that is not contingent on the occurrence or non-occurrence of any behavior but instead remains the same from one stimulus delivery to the next (e.g. goes to the restroom every 1 hour)
Forward Chaining
a procedure for teaching a behavior chain in which the first step in the chain is targeted first and each subsequent step is added as the individual demonstrates mastery. This continues until the individual is able to complete the entire chain from the first step to the last.
Free Operant
a behavior that can be emitted at any time, requires minimal time for completion, and can produce varying response rates (e.g. number of stomps in a session, the number of words said in an hour)
the number of responses that are emitted
Functional Analysis
an analysis conducted to determine the function of a targeted behavior. the analysis is an experimental design to assess for maintaining function by controlling for every other function in each condition. the functions that are typically assessed are attention, escape, access to items, and automatic. the results of the functional analysis are used to determine behavior treatments
Functional Behavior Assessments
a functional behavior assessment is a method to obtain information about the antecedents and consequences that occur surrounding the targeted behavior to attempt to determine the reinforcer that is maintaining the targeted behavior or the behavior’s function
Functional Communication Training
a behavior reduction procedure in which an appropriate communicative response is taught as a replacement to the targeted problem behavior. in this procedure, the communicative response would be reinforced with the reinforcer that was maintaining the targeted problem behavior. for example, an individual who displays hitting behavior that is maintained by escape from demands could be taught to mand for a break and the mand would be reinforced with escape from the demands