glossary Flashcards
procedure by which a nation becomes part of an agreement already in force between other nations
international agreement originally thought to be for lesser subjects than covered by treaties, but now really treaties by a different name
Ad Referendum
agreement reached by negotiations at the table (subsequent concurrence of their governments)
before the appointment of a chief diplomatic mission from one state to another, it must be asked whether the appointee is acceptable to the receiving state
Aide Mémoire
written summary of the key points made by a diplomat in an official conversation
an agreement is signed between a number of states, each keeps a copy. Principle which provides that a state’s own name will be listed ahead of the other signatory in its own official copy.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
chief of a diplomatic mission, personal representative of his own head of state to the head of state of the host country. Ext.. has no real meaning. “Plenypoten…”= possessed of full power to do an ambassador’s normal job.
Someone named to be ambassador but has not yet taken his oath of office
wife of ambassador OR misused to denote a woman chief of a mission
giving refuge:
- within the extraterritorial grounds of an embassy
- a state which allows someone to live within its borders, out of reach of the authority of a second state from which the person seeks protection
officers who have a professional specialization (civilian, labour, commercial, army…)
Bag- Bag day
pouch - when the bag is sealed and sent to the home office.
state of armed conflict
between a state and another one, otherwise: multilateral
Bout the papier
very informal means of conveying written information
Breaking relations
the formal act of severing (cutting off) diplomatic relations with another state to underscore (underline) disapproval of its actions or policies.
Actual situation when diplomats are mostly required. better is to recall the ambassador indefinitely.
Calls and calling cards
still useful in diplomacy. Soon after the diplomat’s arrival at a new post, he will start calling those he will be dealing with and whom he must not waste time in getting to know.
- not so important but the traditional initials are useful and accepted to convey simple messages.
Casus Belli
an action of one state regarded as so contrary to another state to be considered by the second state as a cause of war.
foreign offices
building where the chief and the staff of the mission work.
not to be confused with the embassy which is where the ambassador lives.
(Head of) Chancery
in British embassies is an officer charged with coordinating the substantive and administrative performance of the embassy.
Chargé d’affaires
formerly: chief of mission (inferior rank as an ambassador)
A.I:: senior officer taking charge for the interval when a chief of mission is absent from his post.
Chief of Mission
ranking officer in an embassy, permanent mission, legation, consulate general or consulate.
A message, document or policy is “cleared” when all officials who have responsibility have signified their approval by initialing it.
a brief public summary statement issued following important bilateral or multilateral meetings.
Effort to achieve agreement and increased goodwill between two opposed parties.
treaty which sees the Pope as a party
Conference or Congress
international meetings; same meanings.
Consular Agent
official doing consular work for a nation in a locality where it does not maintain a regular consulate. (national of the host state and part-time).
office established by one state in an important city of another state for the purpose of supporting and protecting its citizens travelling or living there.
- important administrative duties (visas, trade)
-administratively under the ambassador and embassy.
Consulate General
bigger and most important consulate
(Honorary) Consul
host-country national appointed by a foreign state to perform limited consular functions in a locality where the appointing state has no other consular representations.
agreement between two or more states concerning matters of common interest, and important subjects.
Counselor of Embassy
Senior diplomatic title just behind an ambassador and a minister.
Country Desk
State departments and foreign offices have one office for each county with which they have active dealings
Country team
American term for the ambassador’s cabinet
letters given to an ambassador by his chief of state addressed to the chief of state of his host country
- delivered through a formal credentials ceremony
- request of giving full credence to what the ambassador will say on behalf of his government
shorthand for deputy chief of mission
- unilateral statement by one state
- joint statement by two or more states (binding effect as a treaty)
- specific powers delegated by his government to a diplomatic acting in specific circumstances
- official party sent to an international conference or on some other special diplomatic mission
approach, making of representations
- the official rising of a matter with host country officials followed by the request of an action in connection with it.
easing of tension between states
Diplomatic agent
generic term for a person who carries out regular diplomatic relations from one state to the other.
Diplomatic corps
body of foreign diplomats assembled at a nation’s capital.
Diplomatic illness
feigning illness to avoid participation in a diplomatic event + avoid giving formal offence.
Diplomatic immunity
exemption of foreign diplomatic agents or representatives from local jurisdiction.
Diplomatic note
formal written means of communication among embassies.
Diplomatic privileges and immunities
historically accorded in recognition that the diplomat represents a different sovereignty. inviolability of person and premises, exemption from taxation, civil and criminal jurisdiction of local courts.
(rared used word) diplomat
written message from an embassy to its home office or vice versa.
Dual accreditation
having two or more responsibilities (ambassador simultaneously accredited to two countries).
Economic officer
career diplomat specialized in economics rather than other areas.
residence of an ambassador.
close understanding between certain nations.
- mutual and complementary efforts
-a sense of compatible objectives
senior diplomat.
Archaic but used term to address an ambassador.
Exchange of notes
a common way of recording an agreement (agreed in advance).
Document issued to a consul by the host country government authorizing him to carry out his consular duties.
Ex gracia
Something done on a basis of goodwill and not as a legal obligation.
fugitives fleeing justice from one country are returned from the country where they have sought refuge.
agreed exercise by one nation of certain sovereign functions within the territory of another state.
Final act (acte final)
formal summary statement
Foggy bottom
U.S. Departement of State (derives from a marsh area near the White House).
Foreign affairs community
state department and government departments and agencies which have special interests and responsibilities in the foreign affairs field.
American foreign service officer
Full powers
document which authorizes a diplomat to conduct special business on behalf of his government. (before signing a treaty the diplomat has to show his full-power document to the other parties involved).
Good offices
Stimulation of the process of settlement in a dispute between two states by a third actor
(Treaty of) Guarantee
treaty which requires signatories to guarantee that situations agreed upon will be maintained.
High Commission
the diplomatic mission of one Commonwealth country in another.
High Commissioner
chief of a high commission.
diplomatic mission similar to most practical purposes of an embassy but lower in rank and presided by a minister (common in the last century in the US).
Letters of Recall
Presented to the chief of state of the host country by a new ambassador, an official document which recalls his predecessor.
Minister, Minister-Counselor
- chief of diplomatic mission who headed a legation rather than an embassy.
- now designates more the second-ranking officer of a large embassy.
- senior counsellor under the ambassador.
- generic term for embassy
-the entirety of official representation in a given foreign country (under the supervision of an ambassador).
Modus vivendi
temporary agreement, in writing, pending the negotiation of more definitive arrangements.
the official document given to a citizen by its government certifying citizenship and requesting foreign governments to grant the individual safe passage, lawful and protection while under that government’s jurisdiction.
pour condoler
pour feliciter
pour memoire
pour présenter
pour prendre congé
pour remercier
Persona Non Grata
individual who is unacceptable to or unwelcome by the host government
priority; right to superior honour on a ceremonial or formal occasion
ceremonial side of diplomacy; matters of diplomatic courtesy and precedence.
Protocol II
name for an agreement
- added sections which clarify or alter an agreement or add new subjects of agreement to the original document.
Seventh floor
the most senior leadership of the US State Department (where the offices are located).
diplomat whose assignments at a foreign post is near to nearing its close.
Sixth floor
where many of the US State Department’s regional and other assistant secretaries have their offices.
temporary duty assignment.
Tour d’horizon
diplomatic discussion covering the most current and common concern
formal mutually binding agreement between countries.
last statement indicating final positions (prelude to the initiation of military action).
Unfriendly act
action which risks war.
Vice consul
junior ranking consular officer.
written authority to enter a country for either temporary or permanent residence.
Acte final
formal statement summarizing the results of a conference between representatives of two or more nations.
any one of various officials subordinate to an ambassador who represents a nation’s political and economic interests in a major city of another nation and supports the interests of other citizens of his or her nation who are visiting.
representative of a committee or a subcommittee responsible for preparing a summary of its proceedings.
establishment of improved relations between two nations (or reconciliation between any two parties).