Glossary Flashcards
antemortem and/or postmortem injuries resulting from friction of the skin against a firm object resulting in the removal of the epidermis
a localized accumulation of pus
the process of taking in, as in a colored object which absorbs certain rays of light and reflects other rays giving the object its recognizable color (e.g., An apple is called red if the red rays are reflected and the other rays in the light are absorbed.)
to bluntly adjoin another structure; for example, the line of eye closure
dimethyl ketone; a colorless liquid which is used to soften and remove scabs; a solvent for restorative wax, or a stain remover
a color not found in the visible spectrum; a neutral color such as white, black, gray, and silver and gold (for decorative purposes)
achromatic color
facial markings that develop during one’s lifetime, primarily as a result of repetitious use of certain muscles
acquired facial markings
a process of mixing colored lights on a surface on which the wave lengths of each are combined; adding two or more colored lights together to create another color of light
additive method
sticking to or adhering closely; substances which may be applied in order to sustain contact of two surfaces
a colloidal solution dispensed as a mist
psychological; a visual impression remaining after the stimulus has been removed
a pressured atomizer utilized for spraying liquid paint or cosmetic upon a surface
a bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the maxilla and the superior surface of the mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth
alveolar process
an abnormal protrusion of the alveolar process(es)
alveolar prognathism
in color harmony, two or more hues which have the same hue in common
a material or technique employed to secure tissues or restorative materials in a fixed position; an armature
a bony angle formed by the junction of the posterior edge of the ramus of the mandible and the inferior surface of the body of the mandible; marks widest part of lower 1/3 of face
angle of the mandible
the degree from vertical at which the surface(s) of a prominent feature projects
angle of projection
the small convex prominence found lateral to the end of the line of closure of the mouth; a natural facial marking
angulus oris eminence
the groove found at each end of the line of closure of the mouth; a natural facial marking
angulus oris sulcus
before death
before or in front of; an anatomical term of position and direction which denotes the front or forward part
the external openings of the nostrils
anterior nares
the inner rim of the ear
a small eminence obliquely opposite the tragus on the superior border of the lobe of the ear
a clear, thin, alkaline fluid which fills the anterior chamber of the eyeball
aqueous humor
curved, as the beak of an eagle; as viewed from the profile, a nasal profile which exhibits a “hook” or convexity in its dorsum
the inferior margin of the nasal wing which forms a distinct concave arc superiorly
arch of the wing
framework; a material, commonly of pliable metal or wood, employed to provide support for a wax restoration
to draw out liquids or gases by means of suction
lack of symmetry, balance, or proportion
(1) in cosmetology, the vehicle in a cosmetic (oil base); the initial application of cream or cosmetic; (2) the lower part of anything, the supporting part
four hues which correspond to the pigments of the skin
basic pigment
(cross stitch) a network of stiches which cross the borders of a cavity or excision to anchor fillers and to sustain tissues in their proper position
basket weave suture
those areas of the fleshly lips, cheeks, chin, and neck which exhibit hair growth
beard area
two sides
dissimilarities existing in the two sides or halves of an object
bilateral differences
an inferior or superior viewpoint which permits the comparison of the two sides or halves of an object or facial feature
bilateral view
an achromatic color; the absence of all color in pigmentation
to whiten by removing color; to make pale
a chemical which lightens or blanches skin discolorations
the act of lightening a discoloration by hypodermic means or by surface compress
color which escapes at the edge of a mixture
to mix or intermingle colors smoothly; to make a gradual change from one color to another
light yellow in coloration; a term commonly employed to describe hair color
the horizontal portion of the lower jaw
body of the mandible
a raised support; the arched portion of the nose which is supported by the nasal bones; a structure or span connecting two parts of a mutilated bone
(interrupted suture) a temporary suture consisting of individually cut and tied stitches employed to sustain the proper position of tissues
bridge stitch
brightness; in colored illumination, the quantity of illumination passing through a color transparency
brown or copper-like in coloration
the color of a tanned leather
dark brown in coloration; a term commonly employed to describe hair color
the space between the lips and the gums and teeth; the vestibule of the oral cavity
buccal cavity
natural, shallow concavities of the cheeks which extend obliquely downward from the medial or lateral margins of the cheekbones
buccal depressions
the principle muscle of the cheek which compresses the cheeks and forms the lateral wall of the mouth
the vertical furrow of the cheek; an acquired facial marking
bucco-facial sulcus
dental prognathism
buck teeth
to oxidize or to cause to be oxidized by fire or equivalent means; a tissue reaction or injury resulting from the application of heat, extreme cold, caustic material, radiation, friction, or electricity
in cosmetology, a compressed powder
purple-red in coloration; (aka crimson)
the yellow pigment of the skin
a specialized type of dense connective tissue; attached to the ends of bones and forming parts of structures, such as the nasal septum and the framework of the ear
casting; any object which has been made from a mold; the positive reproduction obtained from a negative impression
a chemical capable of drying tissues by searing; caustic
cauterizing agent
a substance used to promote the adhesion of two separated surfaces, such as the lips, the eyelids, or the margins of an incision
reduced to carbon; the state of tissues destroyed by burning
(intensity) brightness or dullness of a color
a color having hue; a color of the visible spectrum
chromatic color
the eyelashes
a clear syrup-like liquid which evaporates, leaving a contractile, white film; a liquid sealer
a visual sensation perceived by the eye and the mind due to the activity and vibration of light
in cosmetology, a substance used to impart color to an object; dye, pigment, ink, or paint
colored glass, gelatin, or other substances which transmit light of certain wave lengths while absorbing the others
colored filter
illumination of an identifiable hue
colored light
a circle in which the primary, secondary, and intermediate hues are arranged in orderly intervals
color wheel
the fleshy termination of the nasal septum at the base of the nose; located between the nostrils; the most inferior part of the mass of the nose
columna nasi
directly opposite hues on the color wheel; any two pigmentary hues which, by their mixture in equal quantities, produce gray
the color and texture of the skin, especially that of the face
a broken bone which pierces the skin
compound fracture
gauze or absorbent cotton saturated with water or an appropriate chemical and placed under or upon tissues to preserve, bleach, dry, constrict, or reduce swelling
exhibiting a depressed or hollow surface; a concavity
a facial profile variation in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the chin recedes from the plane of the upper lip
concave-convex profile
a depressed profile form which may dip concavely from root to tip (also see retrousse and infantine)
concave nasal profile
a basic facial profile form in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the chin protrudes beyond the plane of the upper lip (e.g. infantine, retrousse, and least common)
concave profile
a facial profile variation in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the upper lip and chin project equally to an imaginary vertical line
concave-vertical profile
the concave shell of the ear; the deepest depression of the ear
treatments of a restorative nature performed during the embalming operation
a rounded prominence at the end of a bone forming an articulation; the posterior process of the ramus of the mandible
the outline or surface form
a bruise
the color of an object being changed or completely destroyed when one color of illumination strikes an object of a completely different color
curved evenly; resembling a segment of the outer edge of a sphere
a profile variation in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin protrudes beyond the plane of the upper lip
convex-concave profile
(Roman, aquiline) a nasal profile which exhibits a hump in its linear form
convex nasal profile
a basic profile form in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin recedes from the plane of the upper lip (most common)
convex profile
a profile variation in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin and upper lip project equally to an imaginary vertical line
convex-vertical profile
blue, green, purple, or any intermediate pigmentary hue in which they predominate; a receding hue which creates the illusion of distance from the observer; a color of short wave lengths
cool hue
vertical prominences of the neck; an acquired facial marking
cords of the neck
the anterior, non-articulating process of the ramus of the mandible which serves as the insertion for the temporalis muscle
coronoid process
having an abnormal amount of fat on the body
a cosmetic technique which consists of highlighting those parts of the face or individual features to enlarge or bring them forward or shadowing them to reduce the appearance of size or deepen a depression
corrective shaping
a pyramid-shaped muscle of facial expression which draws the eyebrows inferiorly and medially
a media for beautifying the complexion and skin, etc
a cosmetic medium composed of two, three, or all four basic pigments
cosmetic compound
the initial application of a cream or paste cosmetic to skin tissues
cosmetic base
the process of applying cosmetics to a surface
(beautician) a professional trained in the application of cosmetics and the styling of hair
the study of beautifying and improving the complexion, skin, hair, and nails
that part of the human skull which encloses the brain
a semi-solid cosmetic
cream cosmetic
the horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone separating the cranial cavity from the nasal cavity
cribiform plate
see basket weave
cross stitch
(vertex) the topmost part of the head
(optical facial sulcus) the furrows radiating from the lateral corner of the eye; acquired facial markings
crows feet
the superior and anterior bifurcating branches of the antihelix of the ear
crura of the antihelix
the origin of the helix which is flattened in the concha
crus of the helix
a commercially-prepared solvent used to remove dead cuticle from the nails and obstinate scabs
cuticle remover
separation of the head from the body; to decapitate is the act of such separation
separation of compounds into simpler substances by the action of microbial or autolytic enzymes
a material employed to fill cavities or excisions and to serve as a foundation for the superficial wax restoration
deep filler
loss of water from the body or tissues
(desiccation) the loss of moisture from body tissue which may occur antemortem or postmortem; rendered thoroughly dry; exhausted of moisture
the thickness of the applied cosmetic
(buck teeth) oblique insertion of the teeth
dental prognathism
ligature around the superior and inferior teeth employed to hold the mandible in a fixed position
dental tie
to lower inferiorly or to reduce projection
a hollow or shallow concave area in a surface
a muscle of facial expression which depresses the angle of the mouth
depressor anguli oris
a muscle of facial expression which draws the lower lip inferiorly and slightly lateral
depressor labii inferioris
(dermis, skin) the corium, or true skin
(skin slip) the separation of the epidermis from the dermis as a result of putrefaction
(see dehydration)
a variation from the common or established
a frontal-view geometric head shape which is widest across the cheekbones, narrowing in width in both the forehead and the jaws
a double bellied muscle which draws the hyoid bone superiorly
a substance thinned or reduced in concentration; a cosmetic lessened in brilliance
shallow depressions located on the cheek or chin in a rounded or vertical form; natural facial markings
a state of stretching out or becoming inflated
a state of being twisted or pushed out of natural shape or position
top; the anterior protruding ridge of the nose from the root to the tip of the lobe
a wooden or metal rod used as an armature
a compacted cake-type cosmetic of red coloration
dry rouge
a non-preserving powder utilized in setting cosmetics and a wax firming agent; examples include: talcum powder and cosmetic powder
drying powder
swarthy; somewhat dark in color; when used to describe the complexion color
the organ of hearing
abnormal accumulation of fluids in tissues or body cavities
an electrically-heated blade used to dry moist tissues, reduce swollen tissues, and restore contour to natural form
electric spatula
a raised surface or part
excessive leanness; a wasted condition resulting in sunken surfaces of the face
to fix or fasten in place
a prominence or projection of a bone
the process of making color appear more vivid by illuminating it with a light of the same color
the removal of an entire mass or part, especially a tumor or the eyeball, without rupture
the muscle that draws the scalp posteriorly and inferiorly and raises the eyebrows
epicranius (occipitofrontalis)
the outermost layer of skin; the cuticle or scarf skin
to remove as by cutting out
the area from which tissue has been removed
any visible surface which is to remain uncovered or unclothed
exposed area
the opening or passageway of the ear
external auditory meatus
weight applied to a surface
external pressure
(supercilia) superficial hairs covering the superciliary arches
a cosmetic in pencil form for coloring the hairs of the eyebrow, or creating an eyebrow where the hairs were removed
eyebrow pencil
a thin, dome-like shell made of hardened cloth, metal, or plastic placed beneath eyelids to restore natural curvature and to maintain the position of posed eyelids
(palpebrae) two movable flaps of skin which cover and uncover each eyeball
a cosmetic color applied to the upper eyelid
eye shadow
the bony region containing the eyeball; the orbital cavity
eye socket
anatomically, the region from the eyes to the base of the chin; physiognomically, the region from the normal hairline to the base of the chin
the “character” lines of the face and neck; wrinkles, grooves, cords, and dimples
facial markings
the silhouettes of the face from the side view
facial profiles
mathematical relationships of the facial features to one another and/or to the head and face
facial proportions
to reduce gradually to an indistinguishable edge; to “taper”
material used to fill a large cavity (e.g. plaster of Paris and cotton; liquid sealer and cotton)
the degree of rigidity or stability; a condition of the tissues necessary for the application of wax
(wound filler) the most viscous type of wax; a putty-like material used to fill large cavities or model features
firm wax
an injury caused by heat which produces redness of the skin
first degree burn
flushed with red, when describing a complexion; not as vivid as ruddy
the illumination produced by a tubular electric discharge lamp; the fluorescence of phosphors coating the inside of a tube
fluorescent light
an elongated prominence adjoining a surface
an opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes from the brain
foramen magnum
the quality of a color to draw attention by means of its intensity or “advancing” characteristics
that part of the face above the eyes
external shape; a mold for casting; produce a certain shape; to constitute existing elements
the complexion cosmetic in ornamental cosmetology
total evacuation (absence) of tissue
fourth degree burn
broken bone
the vertical restraining fold of mucous membrane on the midline of the inside of each lip connecting the lip with the gum
anterior; the anterior view of the face or features
the anterior third of the cranium, forming the forehead and the anterior portion of the roof of the skull
frontal bone
paired, rounded, unmargined prominences of the frontal bone found approximately one inch beneath the normal hairline
frontal eminences
the ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises beside the nasal bone to meet the frontal bone; the ascending process of the upper jaw
frontal process of the maxilla
the quality and quantity of illumination used for presentation of casketed remains
funeral lighting
(wrinkle) a crevice in the skin accompanied by adjacent elevations
the shape of a plane figure determined by its outline, such as rounded, oval, square, etc.
a single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the superciliary arches in the inferior part of the frontal bone above the root of the nose
a neutral, achromatic color resulting from the mixture of black and white pigments; a color resulting from the mixture of complementary pigmentary hues in equal quantities
a nasal profile form in which the dorsum exhibits a straight line from the root to the tip; a straight nasal profile
the hue resulting from the mixture of yellow and blue pigments in equal quantities; one of three secondary pigmentary hues
an elongated depression in a relatively level plane or surface
the outline of hair growth on the head or face; the lowest centrally located part of the hair of the cranium
a grouping of hairs, affixed by suturing, utilized in hair restorations
hair patch
the anterior portion of the roof of the mouth
hard palate
the outline of the exterior margins of the head
head shape
the vertical measurement of a feature or part of a feature; the distance above the base
the outer rim of the ear
red pigment; the protein coloring matter of the red blood corpuscles which serves to convey oxygen to the tissues forming oxyhemoglobin
(intradermal suture) type of suture used to close incisions in such a manner that the ligature remains entirely under the epidermis
hidden stitch
a surface lying at right angles to the source of illumination which reflects the maximum amount of light; the brighter part
parallel to the plane of the horizon
roughly u-shaped, with the front being narrower than the sweep of the curve
horseshoe curve
the property of a color by which it is distinguished from other colors
any liquid or semi-liquid of the body; e.g. the aqueous or vitreous humor of the eyeball
shaped as a bent wood weapon with a central belly; resembling a “cupid” bow; the five arcs in the line of the lip closure resemble the design of the classic hunting bow
hunting bow
the insertion of chemicals directly into the tissues through the use of a syringe and needle
hypodermic injection
the injection of special creams or liquids into the tissues through the use of a syringe and needle to restore natural contour
hypodermic tissue building
giving or casting of light
the illumination resulting from the glowing of a heated filament
incandescent light
a clean cut into tissue or skin
the depression between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth
incisive fossa
the four teeth located anteriorly from the midline on each jaw; used for cutting
incisor teeth
slope; deviation from the horizontal or vertical; oblique
a blue dye from certain plants or made synthetically, usually from aniline dyes; a deep violet blue designated by Newton as one of the seven prismatic colors
babyish, childlike in regard to much adipose tissue; also refers to a facial profile
beneath; lower in plane or position; the undersurface of an organ or indicating a structure below another structure; toward the feet
the lowermost scroll-shaped bones on the sidewalls of the nasal cavity
inferior nasal conchae
the furrow of the lower attached border of the inferior palpebra; an “acquired” facial marking
inferior palpebral sulcus
a form of prognathism in which the base of the nasal cavity protrudes abnormally
infranasal prognathism
the part of the invisible spectrum adjacent to the red end of the visible spectrum
eminence at the medial corner of the closed eyelids
inner canthus
superiorly, the skin portion of the upper lip from the attached margin of the upper mucous membrane to the base of the nose; and inferiorly, the skin portion of the lower lip from the attached margin of the lower mucous membrane to the labiomental sulcus
integumentary lips
existing in a high degree of brilliance; vivid
to become more brilliant or more vivid in color
see “chroma”
the vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows; “acquired” facial markings
interciliary sulci
a pigmentary hue produced by mixing, in equal quantities, a primary hue with its adjacent secondary hue on the color wheel
intermediate hue
see “bridge stitch”
interrupted suture
a notch or opening between the tragus and the antitragus of the ear
intertragic notch
see “hidden stitch”
intradermal suture
tissues turned in an opposite direction or folded inward
a three-sided figure whose base is superior to its apex; when used to describe a frontal-view geometric head shape, a head which is wide at the forehead and narrow at the jaw
inverted triangle
the inferior border of the mandible
any two hues seen together which modify each other in the direction of their complements
the vertical furrows of each lip extending from within the mucous membranes into the integumentary lips; acquired facial markings; e.g. furrows of age
labial sulci
the junction of the lower integumentary lip and the superior border of the chin, which may appear as a furrow; a natural facial marking
labiomental sulcus
to cut or tear into irregular segments
an irregularly torn or jagged wound, ranging from superficial scratches to deep tears in the tissues
oil from sheep wool
(peach fuzz) the downy hair of a fetus, children, or women
a position or direction away from the midline; to the side
escape of blood or fluid
a vertical dimension
a nasal index common to individuals of Western European descent having a long, narrow, and high-bridge
a muscle of facial expression which elevates the angle of the mouth
levator anguli oris
a muscle of facial expression which elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostril opening; the common elevator
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
a muscle of facial expression which elevates and extends the upper lip
levator labii superioris
a muscle of facial expression which raises the upper eyelid
levator palpebrae superioris
to tie or bind using cord, wire, or thread
thread, cord, or wire used for tying vessels, tissues, or bones
to shine; a form of electromagnetic radiation that acts upon the retina of the eye to make sight possible
the line that forms between two structures, such as the lips or the eyelids when in a closed position, which marks their place of contact with each other
line of closure
eyelid furrows which are short and broken, extending horizontally on the palpebrae themselves and which may fan from both the medial and lateral corners of the eyes
linear sulci
a small, flat brush having soft hairs of uniform length
lip brush
a soft restorative wax, usually tinted, used to surface the mucous membranes or to correct lip separations
lip wax
a fluid, colorant in which pigments are dissolved or suspended
liquid cosmetic
a quick-drying fluid adhesive
liquid sealer
a part or projection, more or less rounded; e.g. the inferior part of the ear or the projection of the nose overlying the lower lateral cartilages
a single, noose-like suture, not pulled taut before knotting, which stands from the skin and which anchors restorative materials
loop stitch
a red-purple or purplish-red (e.g., a product of red and blue illumination projected on the same area)
those requiring a long period of time, are extensive, require advanced technical skill, and expressed written consent to perform
major restoration
the cosmetic material; the process of application of a cosmetic
the horseshoe-shaped bone forming the inferior jaw
the small oval depression on the zygomatic process of the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible articulates, just anterior to the external auditory meatus; forms the temporal mandibular joint (TMJ)
mandibular fossa
jaw protrusion of the inferior jaw
mandibular prognathism
the furrow beneath the jawline which rises vertically on the cheek; an acquired facial marking
mandibular sulcus
a stitch used to hold the mouth closed; placed behind the lips, one part is passed through/around the inferior jaw at the median plane, while the other part extends through the nasal septum or the superior frenulum
mandibular suture
the boundaries or edges
a cosmetic preparation used to darken the eyelashes
anything that hides or conceals, as cosmetics
a soft, white, oily preparation used as a protective coating for external tissues; a base for cream cosmetics and a wax softener; an emollient
massage cream
muscles of mastication which close the mandible
the rounded projection on the inferior portion of the temporal bones just posterior to the lobe of the ear
mastoid process
having a dull finish; created by the application of loose powder, lack of sheen
a paired bone with several processes that form the skeletal base of most of the superior face, roof of the mouth, sides of the nasal cavity, and floor of the orbit
superior jaw protrudes
maxillary prognathism
nearer to the midline; opposite of lateral direction
tiny prominence on the midline of the superior mucous membrane
medial lobe
situate or placed in the middle of the body dividing it into the right and left halves
median plane
the brown to black-brown pigment in the epidermis and hair
a triangular projection on the inferior portion of the anterior mandible
mental eminence
the muscle which elevates and protrudes the inferior lip, wrinkles the skin over the chin
a nasal classification which is medium broad and medium-low bridged; common to individuals of Asian descent
those requiring a minimum effort, skill, or time to complete
minor restoration
a composition of two or more substances that are not chemically bound to each other
constructing a form with a pliable material such as wax or clay
variations of one hue; tints, tones, and shades of one hue
to diversify with spots or blotches of a different color or shade
a device used in the mouth for shaping the contour of the lips
mouth former
the visible red surfaces of the lips; the lining membrane of body cavities which communicate with the exterior
mucous membranes
a stitch used to hold the mouth closed; placed behind the lips; part is passed through the muscles tangent to the inferior jaw (while the other part extends through either the nasal septum or the superior frenulum)
musculature suture
to reduce the intensity of a color by the addition of another color
disfigured by a loss of a natural part by force
directly inferior to the glabella and forming a dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity
nasal bones
the orifice in the bony face bounded by the margins of the nasal bones and the maxilla
nasal cavity
the sharp, bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity
nasal spine of the maxilla
the angular area between the posterior margin of the wing of the nose and the nasolabial fold; a natural facial marking
nasal sulcus
the anterior fold of the cheek which descends laterally along the upper lip from the wing of the nose; a natural facial marking
nasolabial fold
the furrow lying medial and adjacent to the nasolabial fold; an acquired facial marking
nasolabial sulcus
the concavity superior and medial to the inner corner of the eye
naso-orbital fossa
those that are present at birth, hereditary
natural facial markings
areas of color in the tissues normally darker than the adjacent areas
natural shadows
an instrument used to impel specially designed metal pins (with wire attached to each pin) into bone
needle injector
a new and abnormal formation of tissue, as a tumor or growth
a birthmark; a congenital skin blemish; any congenital anomaly, including various types of birthmarks and all types of moles
the most common characteristics of each feature; typical, common, average
a relatively deep indentation, usually between two projections
slanting or inclined, neither perpendicular nor horizontal
the shallow, curving groove below the medial corner of the eyelids; a natural facial marking
oblique palpebral sulcus
a frontal head form in which the head is long and narrow throughout
lowest part of the back and base of the cranium, forming a cradle for the brain
occipital bone
the prominence at the center of the external surface of the occipital bone
occipital protuberance
(see epicranius)
a coloring medium in which the pigments are combined with a petroleum product
oil-base cosmetics
a yellow-tan of medium value with a greenish tinge
the state of being opaque
not transparent or translucent; not allowing light to pass through a concealing cosmetic
(see crows feet)
optic facial sulci
the mouth; the orifice containing the teeth and tongue
oral cavity
the hue obtained from the mixture of red and yellow; a secondary color of pigments
the muscle that closes the eyelids; compresses the lacrimal sacs
orbicularis oculi
the muscle that closes and puckers the lips
orbicularis oris
(see eye socket)
orbital cavity
bags under the eyes; the fullness between the inferior palpebrae and the oblique palpebral sulcus
orbital pouch
the entrance or outlet of any body cavity; an opening
the attachment of a muscle which moves least when the muscle contracts; the beginning
an adornment or embellishment; a cosmetic material manufactured for street wear; the technique of cosmetic application to beautify the face
a frontal head form in which the head is generally egg-shaped, with the cranium slightly wider than the jaws; most common geometric head form
a coloring modified by an overlying color; a color which visibly predominates more than general coloring; a wash
one of the bones forming the posterior part of the hard palate and lateral nasal wall between the interior pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla
palatine bone
(see eyelids); singular = palpebra
two bones that form the roof and part of the sides of the skull
parietal bones
the rounded peak of the external convexity of the parietal bones; determines the widest part of the cranium
parietal eminence
a soft, moist opaque cosmetic with the consistency of dough and bound together with the aid of gum, starch, and water; if oils and fats are present, water is absent
a group of hairs of uniform length applied simultaneously as a method of hair replacement
patch of hair
diseased; due to disease
pathological condition
wounds that cause a puncture of the skin, a cavity, or an organ
penetrating wounds
superior portion of the bony nasal septum
perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
a semi-solid, mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum
petroleum jelly
an antiseptic/disinfectant employed to dry moist tissues and to bleach discolored tissues
the vertical groove located medially on the superior lip; a natural facial marking
the study of the structures and surface markings of the face and features
a coloring matter which can be applied to an object, when combined with some type of vehicle
a powder (usually composed of dry, pulverized pigments and talcum) employed as a cosmetic material
pigment powder
the Prang system; the basis for mortuary cosmetology
pigment theory
the exterior ear
surfaces having very little curvature
calcium sulfate; a white powdery substance which forms a quick-setting paste when mixed with water
plaster of Paris
a nasal classification which is short and broad and has the minimum of projection; common to individuals of African descent
thin layer of muscle covering anterior aspect of neck
the transverse, dipping furrow of the neck; an acquired facial marking
platysmal sulci
a small ball, cylinder, or tuft often made of cotton
any device as cotton, cloth wood, etc. used to fill or close an opening
for hypodermic injection, a place (usually invisible) at which access to inner positions may be had
point of entry
minute depressions in the surface of the skin, as in the openings of the sweat glands
treatments of a restorative nature performed after the embalming operation
position of direction; toward the back
after death
any solid substance in the state of fine, loose particles as produced by crushing or grinding
a device used to blow powder onto a surface
powder atomizer
a device containing hairs or bristles set in a handle; used to apply and/or remove powder
powder brush
a soft, circular pad for applying powder
powder puff
treatments of a restorative nature performed before the embalming operation
one of three pigmentary hues (red, yellow, and blue) which can be combined to make all other hues; in light color theory the hues red, blue, and green can be combined to make all other hues
primary hue
the muscle that draws the skin of the forehead inferiorly
a photograph or painting in which the subject has been posed and lighted flatteringly by a professional photographer or artist
professional portrait
the side view of the human head
projection of the jaw(s) beyond the projection of the forehead
the act of throwing forward; a part extending beyond the level of its surroundings
an artificial device used to replace a limb, appendage, or other body part
prosthetic device
the relationships of the size of one feature as compared with another feature or with the width or length of the face
the rounded, anterior projection of the tip of the nose
protruding lobe
the state or condition of being thrust forward or projecting
a soft, circular pad for applying powder
a hole or wound resulting from piercing
a color between blue and red; a secondary hue of pigments
a suture made around the circumference of a circular opening or puncture to close it or to hold the margins in position
purse string suture
a secretion from inflamed tissues; usually an opaque, creamy colored matter
a small elevation of the skin with an inflamed base, containing pus
an apparently solid structure having a square base and four triangular sides which meet at a central point
the large muscle from the cheekbone and lower rim of the eye socket which raises the upper lip
quadratus labii superioris
energy traveling through space in the form of electromagnetic waves of various lenghts
radiant energy
to spread out from a common point
the vertical portion of the mandible
a dark, purplish-red color
a comb with a long, thin handle employed in curling hair
rat-tail comb
a darkened, air-dried area on the skin resulting from removal of the epidermis while shaving
razor burn
a type of surface formed by the withdrawal of a part from its normal position
a four-sided figure having four right angles
to diminish in size, mass, or projection
the return of light waves from surfaces; the bending or folding back of a part upon itself
to lay at rest
the care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color
restorative art
a nose which is turned up superiorly at its tip; a concave nasal profile
the border, edge, or margin of a thing, usually of a circular or curving form, as the rim of the eye socket
the narrow superficial band of muscle which pulls the angle of the mouth laterally
the long, rod-shaped sensory bodies of the retina of the eye responsive to light but not color
rods of the eye
the aquiline profile of the nose
the apex (top) of the pyramidal mass of the nose which lies directly inferior to the forehead; the concave dip inferior to the forehead (profile view)
(infantine) a frontal head form in which the head exhibits maximum curvature; e.g. infantile
an acronym for the spectrum of light
red complexion; having a healthy reddish color, said of the complexion, more vivid than florid
a yellowish, sickly color of the complexion
a visual aspect indicating the vividness of the hue in the degree of difference from a gray of the same lightness
a crust over a healing sore or wound
fossa between the inner and outer rims of the ear; the shallowest depression of the ear
a bright red color inclining toward orange
a quick-drying material which leaves a hard, thin transparent coat or layer through which moisture cannot pass
to cauterize tissues by heat or chemical in order to provide a dry foundation
those resulting in acute inflammation of the skin and blisters
second-degree burn
equal mixture of two primary light colors that will produce pigmentary hues (orange, green, and purple); a mixture of yellow, magenta, and cyan (green-blue)
secondary hue
almost opaque; not transparent or translucent
vertical cartilage dividing nasal cavity into two chambers, responsible for asymmetry of the nose
notched on the edge like a saw
to have been cut or broken apart; disjoined
a hue into which various quantities of black are mixed; the darkened hue
surfaces which do not lie at right angles to the source of illumination or are obscured by other surfaces and which reflect little or no light
shine; as of the reflection of natural oils of the skin
the growth of hair located anterior of the ears
the lateral walls of the nose between the wings and the bridge
sides of the nose
fractured bone which does not pierce the skin
simple fracture
to burn superficially as the hair which shows partial destruction from scorching heat
(see desquamation)
skin slip
surface restorer
soft wax
a substance (usually liquid) capable of, or used in, dissolving something
a flat, blunt, knife-like instrument used for mixing cosmetics and modeling; a palette knife
visible band; the original standard of color; the progressive arrangement of colors (ROYGBIV) seen when a beam of white light is broken down into its component colors
an appliance of wood, metal, etc. used to keep in place or protect a displaced or movable part
a liquid cosmetic so compounded that it can be atomized to provide a means of application to a surface
spray cosmetic
an elastic, porous mass of interlacing horny fibers which are permanently attached; remarkable for its power of absorbing water and becoming soft when wet without losing its toughness
the vertical surface of the temporal bone
a frontal head form in which the head is broad and exhibits very little curvature; the forehead is wide and the angles of the mandible are usually low as well as wide; e.g. strong
to discolor with foreign matter; an area so discolored
any substances or agents which will cause an external discoloration to be removed or lessened
stain removers
used as a dusting powder and an absorbent; used to firm wax; e.g. cornstarch
a muscle of the neck that is attached to the mastoid process of the temporal bone and by separate heads to the sternum and clavicle; marks the widest part of the neck
a small, rounded, stiff brush, all bristles the same length, used to simulate pores on wax; stencil brush; could be used for cosmetic application
stipple brush
a nasal profile in which the dorsum exhibits a straight line from the root to the tip; the most common nasal profile; e.g. Grecian
straight nasal profile
situated or occurring beneath the skin
lowered in intensity or strength; reduced in fullness or color; muted
describing those portions which lie immediately inferior to the mandible
the junction of the base of the chin and the submandibular area, which may appear as a furrow, a natural facial marking
submental sulcus
method of diminishing the wave lengths of light by superimposing two or more color transparencies over the same light source; the light is gradually reduced by absorption of colors in the light
subtractive method
a furrow, wrinkle, or groove
situated as a depression; concave
the inferior part of the forehead just superior to the median ends of the eyebrows
superciliary arches
eyebrows; (singular) supercilium = eyebrow
more elevated in place or position; higher; upper; anatomically towards the head
the furrow of the superior border of the upper eyelid; an acquired facial marking
superior palpebral sulcus
region between the supercilium and the superior palpebrae
supraorbital area
the superior rim of the eye sockets
supraorbital margins
soft wax; a wax used to fill shallow depressions; which is softer and more pliable than wound filler
surface restorer
restoration to a normal position or level through surgical excision
surgical reduction
a substance in which particles of ground pigments are mixed with a fluid but are undisolved
to provide support for; to hold in a fixed position
act of sewing; also the completed stitch
a bit of cotton or cloth used for removing moisture or discharges from mucous membranes as well as for applying bleaches or liquid disinfectants
dark-colored complexion, as a face made swarthy by the tropical sun
correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts that are on opposite sides of the face
a form which receded away from a given point; a form which becomes gradually smaller toward one end; to reduce gradually from the center
inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium, inferior to the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone
temporal bones
the concave surface of the head overlying the temporal bone
temporal cavity
muscle of mastication which help to close the mandible (the strongest chewing muscles)
property of holding fast; adhesiveness
limit; end; the part which terminates
the hue which results from the mixture of two secondary pigmentary hues or an unbalanced proportion of complements with the warm hue or cool hue predominating
tertiary hue
a brush with a relatively large tuft of good quality, fine bristles, such as black sable or finch; used to blend and stipple cosmetics or powder into the applied (cream) cosmetic, and clean out deposits impacted in pores
texturizing brush
destruction of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues; seared or charred tissue
third-degree burn
in reference to a photograph, a view which reveals the fullness of the cheeks
three-quarter view
a hue into which various quantities of white are mixed
a powder which is lightly colored with non-moisture absorbing pigments
tinted powders
the extremity of anything which tapers (e.g. the tip of the nose; the termination of the forward projection of the nose).
a substance used to elevate sunken (emaciated) tissues to normal level by hypodermic injection
tissue builder
a hue mixed with either a small quantity of gray or the complement of the hue, resulting in dulling the hue
a small wig or patch of false hair covering a bald spot; a hairpiece
elevation protecting the ear passage (external auditory meatus)
transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to eliminate perception of distinct images; somewhat transparent
having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen
furrows which cross the forehead; acquired facial markings
transverse frontal sulci
a physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence
a frontal head form in which the face is wider between the angles of the mandible that it is at the forehead; representing a triangle in shape; formed by three lines and having three angles (least common geometric head form)
depression between the crura of the ear; the second deepest depression of the ear
triangular fossa
a spontaneous new growth of tissue forming an abnormal mass
in liquids, muddy with particles of extraneous matter, not clear or transparent
invisible rays of the spectrum lying outside the violet end of the visible spectrum
a coloring (opaque) applied to an area which, when dry, will be covered with wax or another colorant
the angled cut of the borders of an excision, made so hat the skin surface will overhang the deeper tissues
a part which is, or will be, hidden from view
unexposed area
the lightness or darkness of a hue
changes in form, extent, etc.; things somewhat different from another of the same kind
a material combined with pigments so they may be applied more easily
(see crown)
perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; balanced
one in which the forehead and the eyebrows project equally to a vertical line and the chin protrudes more than the upper lip
vertical-concave profile
one in which the forehead and the eyebrows project equally to a vertical line and the chin recedes from the projection of the upper lip
vertical-convex profile
one in which the forehead, upper lip and chin project equally to an imaginary vertical line; e.g. balanced
vertical (balanced) profile
the semi-fluid, transparent substance which lies between the retina and lens of the eyeball
vitreous humor
brilliance; intensely bright color(s)
the degree of brilliance
bone of the nasal cavity situated between the nasal passages on the median plane; it forms the inferior and posterior portion of the septum of the nose
vomer bone
areas of the skin surface which, during life, are naturally reddened; places where cosmetics will be applied to restore the appearance of warmth that red hemoglobin will give
warm color areas
a color which appears in the spectral band, characterized by long wave-lengths; a color which makes an object appear closer and larger; a color which reflects warmth; i.e. red, orange, yellow, and other colors in which they are predominate
warm hue
a restorative modeling or surfacing material composed of beeswax, spermaceti, paraffin, starch, etc. and a coloring pigment which will soften at body temperature and will reflect light in a manner similar to normal skin
the line of color change a the junction of the wet and dry portions of each mucous membrane
weather line
the aspect of physical heaviness associated with different colors
the color of pure snow; the color reflecting to the eye all of the rays of the spectrum combined; the opposite of black; an achromatic color; a neutral color
a ray of light which contains all the hues of the visible spectrum, in such proportion that the light appears colorless or “natural”; as daylight or sunlight
white light
the dimension of an object measured across from side to side
lateral lobes of the nose
wings of the nose
the length of wire employed to connect two structures which are undamaged such as remaining parts of a bone; a wire mesh placed within an aperture to hold other restorative fillers
wire bridging
(aka inversion suture, draw stitch); a method of sewing an incision along the edges without entering the opening whereby the suture becomes invisible and the line of suture becomes depressed, which lends it ease of concealment by waxing
worm suture
(see firm wax)
wound filler
(see furrow)
the processes on the temporal and zygomatic bones; determines the widest part of the face
zygomatic arch
one of the lesser concavities of the face located on the lateral portion of the cheek inferior to the zygomatic arch
zygomatic arch depression
bones of the cheeks
zygomatic bones
the lateral rim of the eye socket formed by a process of the frontal bone and a process of the zygomatic bone
zygomaticofrontal process
muscles of the face which draw the superior lip posteriorly and superiorly
zygomaticus major
muscles of the face which draw the superior lip superiorly and anteriorly
zygomaticus minor