Glossary Flashcards
What’s the definition of acceptance criteria?
Criteria associated with requirements, products, or the delivery cycle that must be met in order to achieve stakeholder acceptance.
What’s the definition of actor (business analysis)?
A human, device, or system that plays some specified role in interacting with a solution.
What’s the definition of adaptive approach?
An approach where the solution evolves based on a cycle of learning and discovery, with feedback loops which encourage making decisions as late as possible.
What’s the definition of Agile Extension to the BABOK?
A standard on the practice of business analysis in an agile context.
What’s the definition of allocation?
The process of assigning requirements to be implemented by specific solution components.
What’s the definition of architecture?
The design, structure, and behaviour of the current and future states of a structure in terms of its components, and the interaction between those components.
What’s the definition of artifact (business analysis)?
Any solution-relevant object that is created as part of business analyses efforts.
What’s the definition of assumption?
An influencing factor that is believed to be true but has not been confirmed to be accurate, or that could be true now but may not be true in the future.
What’s the definition of behavioural business rule?
A business rule that places an obligation (or prohibition) on conduct, action, practice, or procedure; a business rule whose purpose is to shape (govern) day-to-day business acitivity. Also known as operative rule.
What’s the definition of benchmarking?
A comparison of a decision, process, service, or system’s cost, time, quality, or other metrics to those leading peers to identify opportunities for improvement.
What’s the definition of body of knowledge?
The aggregated knowledge and generally accepted practices on a topic.
What’s the definition of BPM?
Business Process Management: A management discipline that determines how manual and automated processes arte created, modified, cancelled, and governed.
What’s the definition of brainstorming?
A team activity that seeks to produce a broad or diverse set of options through the rapid and uncritical generation of ideas.
What’s the definition of business (business anlaysis)?
A system of one or more organisations and the solutions they use to pursue a shared set of common goals.
What’s the definition of business (business world)?
A economic system where any commercial, industrial, or professional activity is performed or profit.
What’s the definition of business analysis?
The practice of enabling change in the context of an enterprise by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders.
What’s the definition of business analysis information?
Any kind of information at any level of detail that is used as an input on business analysis work, or as an output of business analysis work.
What’s the definition of business analysis package?
A document, presentation, or other collection of text, matrices, diagrams and models, representing business analysis information.
What’s the definition of business analyst?
Any person who performs business analysis, no matter their job title or organizational role.
What’s the definition of business analysis approach?
The set of processes, rules, guidelines, heuristics, and activities that are used to perform business analysis in a spoecific context.
What’s the definition of business analysis communication plan?
A description of the types of communication the business analyst will perform during business analysis, the recipients of those communications, and the form and frequency of those communications.
What’s the definition of business analysis effort?
The scope of activities a business analyst is engaged in during the life cycle of an initiative.
What’s the definition of business analysis plan?
A description of the planned activities the business analyst will execute in order to perform the business analysis work involved in a specific initiative.
What’s the definition of business architecture?
The design, structure, and behaviour of the current and future states of an enterprise to provide a common understanding of the organization. It is used to align the enterprise’s strategic objectives and tactical demands.
What’s the definition of business case?
A justification for a course of action based on the benefits to be realized by using the proposed solution, as compared to the cost, effort, and other considerations to acquire and live with that solution.
What’s the definition of business decision?
A decision that can be made based on strategy, executive judgment, consensus, and business rules, and the is generally made in response to events or at defined points in a business process.
What’s the definition of business domain?
The sphere of knowledge that defines a set of common requirements, terminolgy, and functionality for any program or initiative solving a problem.
What’s the definition of business goal?
A state or condition that an organization is seeking to establish and maintain, usually expressed qualitatively rather than quantitatively.
What’s the definition of business need?
A problem or opportunity or stategic or tactical importance to be adressed.
What’s the definition of business objective?
An objective, measurable result to indicate that business goals has been achieved.
What’s the definition of business policy?
A non-practicable directive that controls and influences the action of an enterprise.
What’s the definition of business problem?
An issue of strategic or tactical importance preventing an enterprise or organization from achieving its goals.
What’s the definition of business process?
An end-to-end set of activities which collectively responds to an event, and transforms information, materials, and other resources into outputs that deliver value directly to the customers of the process. It may be internal to an organization, or it may span several organizations.
What’s the definition of business process management?
A management discipline that determines how manual and automated processes are created, modified, cancelled and governed.
What’s the definition of business process re-engineering?
Rethinking and redesigning business processes to generate improvement in performance measures.
What’s the definition of business requirement?
A representation of goals, objectives and outcomes that describe why change has been initiated and how success will be assessed.
What’s the definition of business rule?
A specific, practicable, testable directive that is under the control of the business and that serves as a criterion for guiding behaviour, shaping judgments, or making decisions.
What’s the definition of capability?
The set of activities the enterprise performs, the knowledge it has, the products and services it provides, the functions it supports, and the methods it uses to make decisions.
What’s the definition of cause-and-effect diagram?
A diagramming tecnique used in root cause analysis to identify underlying casues of an observed problem, and the relationships that exists between those causes. Also known as an Ishikawa or fishbone diagram.
What’s the definition of change?
the act of transformation in respons to a need.
What’s the definition of change agent?
One who is a catalyst for change.
What’s the definition of change control?
Controlling changes to requirements and designs so that the impact of requested changes is understood and agreed-to before the changes are made.
What’s the definition of change management?
Planned activities, tools, and techniques to adress the human side of change during a change initiative, primarily adressing the needs of the people who will be most affected by the change.
What’s the definition of change strategy?
A plan to moce from the current state to the future state to achieve the desired business objectives.
What’s the definition of change team?
A cross-functional group of individuals who are mandated to implement a change. This group may be comprised of product owners, business analysts, developers, project managers, implementation subject matter experts (SME’s), or any other individual with the relevant set of skills and competencies required to implement the change.
What’s the definition of checklist (business analysis)?
A standard set of quality elements that reeviewers use for requirements verification.
What’s the definition of collaboration?
the act of two or more people working together towards a common goal.
What’s the definition of COTS?
Commercial off-the-shelf: A prepackaged solution available in the marketplace which address all or most of the common needs o a large group of buyers of those solutions. A commercial off-the-shelf solution may require soms configuration to meet the specific needs of the enterprise.
What’s the definition competitive of analysis?
A structured assesment which captures the key characteristics of an industry to predict the long-term profitability prospects and to determine the practice of the most significant competitors.
What’s the definition of component?
A uniquely identifiable element of a larger whole that fulfills a clear function.
What’s the definition of concept model?
An analysis model that develops the meaning of core concepts for a problem domain, defines their collective structure, and specifies the appropriate vocabulary needed to communicate about it consistently.
What’s the definition of constraint (business analysis)?
An influencing factor that cannot be changed, and that places a limit or restriction on a possible solution or solution option.
What’s the definition of context?
The circumstances that influence, are influenced by, and provide understanding of the change.
What’s the definition of core concept (business analysis)?
One of six ideas that are fundamental to the practice of business analysis: Change, Need, Solution, Context, Stakeholder, and Value.
What’s the definition of cost-benefit analysis?
An analysis which compares and quantifies the financial and non-financial costs of making a change or implementing a solution compared to the benefits gained.
What’s the definition of CRUD matrix?
Create, Read, Update and Delete matrix. A two-dimensional matrix showing which user roles have permission to access specific information entities, and to create new records in those entities, view the data in existing records, update or modify the data in existing records or delete existing records.The same type of matrix can be used tos how which processes, instead of users, have the create, read, update and delete rights.
What’s the definition of customer?
A stakeholder who uses or may uses products or services produces by the enterprise and may have contractual or moral rights that the enterprise is obliged to meet.
What’s the definition of decision analysis?
An approach to decision making that examines and models the possible consequences of different decisions, and assists in making an optimal decision under conditions of uncertainty.
What’s the definition of decomposition?
A technique that subdivides a problem into its component parts in order to facilitate analysis and understanding of those components.
What’s the definition of defect?
A deficiency in a product or service that reduces its quality or varies from a desired attribute, state or functionality.
What’s the definition of definitional business rule?
A rule that indicates something is necessarily true (of untrue); a rule that is intended as a definitional criterion for concepts, knowledge, or information. Also known as structural rule.
What’s the definition of deliverable?
Any unique and verifiable work product or service that a party had agreed to deliver.
What’s the definition of design?
A usable representation of a solution.
What’s the definition of document analysis?
An examination of the documentation of an existing system in order to elicit requirements.
What’s the definition of domain?
The sphere fo knowledge that defines a set of common requirements, terminology, and functionality for any program or initiative solving a problem.
What’s the definition of domain matter expert?
A stakeholder with in-depth knowledge of a topic relevant to the business need or solution scope.
What’s the definition of DSDM?
Dynamic Systems Development Method. A project delivery framework which focuses on fxing cost, quality, and time at the beginning while contingency is managed by varying the features to be delivered.
What’s the definition of elicitation?
Iterative derivation and extraction of information from stakeholders or other sources.
What’s the definition of end user?
A stakeholder who directly interacts with the solution.
What’s the definition of enterprise?
A system of one or more organizations and the solutions they use to pursue a shared set of common goals.
What’s the definition of enterprise architecture?
A description of the business processes, information technology, people, operations, information, and projects of an enterprise and the relationships between them.
What’s the definition of enterprise readiness assesment?
An assesment that describes the enterprise is prepared to accept the change associated with a solution and is able to use is effectively.
What’s the definition of entity-relationship diagram?
A graphical representation of the entities relevant to a chosen problem domain and the relationships between them.
What’s the definition of estimate?
A quantitive assesment of a planned outcome, resources requirements, and schedule where uncertainties and unknowns are systematically factored into the assesment.
What’s the definition of evaluation?
The systematic and objective assesment of a solution to determine its status and efficacy in meeting objectives over time, and to identify ways to improve the solution to better meet objectives.
What’s the definition of event?
An occurrence or incident to which an organizational unit, system, or process must respond.
What’s the definition of evolutionary prototype?
A prototype that is continuously modified and updated in response to feedback from stakeholders.
What’s the definition of experiment?
Elicitation performed in a controlled manner to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
What’s the definition of external interface?
An interaction that is outside the proposed solution. It can be another hardware system, software system, or a human interaction with which the proposed solution will interact.
What’s the definition of facilitation?
The art of leading and encouraging people through systematic efforts toward agreed-upon objectives in a manner that enhances involvement, collaboration, productivity and synergy.
What’s the definition of feasability study?
An evaluation of proposed alternatives to determine if they are technically, organizationally, and economically possible within the constraints of the enterprise, and whether they will deliver the desired benefits to the enterprise.
What’s the definition of feature?
A distinguishing characteristic of a solution that implements a cohesive set of requirements and which delivers value for a set of stakeholders.
What’s the definition of fishbone diagram?
A diagramming technique used in root cause analysis to identify underlying causes of an observed problem, and the relationships that exist between those causes.
What’s the definition of focus group?
A group formend to elicit ideas and attitudes about a specific product, service, or opportunity in an interactive group environment. The participants share their impressions, preferences, and needs, guides by a moderator.
What’s the definition of force field analysis?
A graphical method for depicting the forces that support and oppase a change. Involves identifying the forces, depicting them on opposite sides of a line (supporting and opposing forces) and then estimating the strength of each set of forces.
What’s the definition of functional requirement?
A capability that a solution must have in terms of the behaviour and information the solution will manage.
What’s the definition of gap analysis?
A comparison of the current state and desired future state of an enterprise in order to identify differences that need to be adressed.
What’s the definition of goal?
A state or condition that an organization is seeking to establish and maintain, usually expressed qualitatively rather than quantitatively.
What’s the definition of governance process (change)?
A process by which apprioriate decision makers use relevant information to make decisions regarding a change or solution, including the means for obtaining approvals and priorities.
What’s the definition of guideline?
An instruction or description on why or how to undertake a task.
What’s the definition of horizontal prototype?
A prototype that is used to explore requirements and designs at one level of a proposed solution, such as the customer-facing view or interface to another organization.
What’s the definition of impact analysis?
An assesment of the effects a proposed change will have on a stakeholder or stakeholder group, project or system.
What’s the definition of implementation subject matter expert?
A stakeholders who has specialized knowledge regarding the implementation of one or more solution components.
What’s the definition of indicator?
A specific numerical measurement that indicates progress toward achieving an impact, output, activity, or input.
What’s the definition of initiative?
A specific project, program, or action taken to solve some business problem(s) or achieve soms specific change objective(s).
What’s the definition of input?
Information consumed or transformed to produce an output. An input is the information necessary for a task to begin.
What’s the definition of inspection?
A formal review of a work product by qualified individuals that follows a predefined process, and uses predefined criteria, for defect identification and removal.
What’s the definition of interface?
A shared boundary between any two persons and/or systems through which information is communicated.
What’s the definition of interoperability?
Ability of systems to communicate by exchanging data or services.
What’s the definition of interview?
Eliciting information from a person or group of people in an informal or formal setting by asking relevant questions and recording the responses.
What’s the definition of ishikawa diagram?
A diagramming technique used in root cause analysis to identify underlying causes of an observed problem, and the relationships that exist between the those causes.
What’s the definition of iteration?
A single instance of progressive cycles of analysis, development, testing or execution.
What’s the definition of knowledge area?
An area of expertise that includes several specific business analysis tasks.
What’s the definition of lesson learned process?
A process improvement technique used to learn about and improve on a process or project. A lessons learned session involves a special meeting in which the team explores what worked, what didn’t work, what could be learned from the just-completed iteration, and how to adapt processes and techniques before continuing or starting anew.
What’s the definition of life cycle?
A series of changes an item or object undergoes from inception to retirement.
What’s the definition of matrix?
A textual form of modelling used to represent information that can be categorized, cross-referenced, and represented in a table format.
What’s the definition of metadata?
A description of data to help understand how to use that data, either in terms of the structure and specification of the data, or the description of a specific instance of an object.
What’s the definition of methodology?
A body of methods, techniques, procedures, working concepts, and rules used to solve a problem.
What’s the definition of metric?
A quantifiable level of an indicator measured at a specific point in time.
What’s the definition of mission statement?
A formal declaration of values and goals that expresses the core purpose of the enterprise
What’s the definition of model?
A representation and simplification of reality developed to convey information to a specific audience to support analysis, communication, and understanding.
What’s the definition of monitoring?
Collecting data on a continious basis form a solution in order to determine how well a solution is implemented compared to expected results.
What’s the definition of need?
A problem or opportunity to be adressed
What’s the definition of non-functional requirement?
A type of requirement that describes the performance or quality attributes a solution must meet. Non-functional requirements are usually measurable and act as constraints on the design of a solution as a whole.
What’s the definition of objective?
A measurable result to indicate that a business goals has been achieved.
What’s the definition of obervation?
Studying and analyzing one or more stakeholders in their work environment in order to elicit requirements
What’s the definition of OLAP?
Online analytical processing. A business intelligence approach that allows users to analyse large amounts of data form different points of view.
What’s the definition of operational support?
A stakeholder who is responsible for the day-to-day magement and maintenance of a system or product.
What’s the definition of operative rule?
A business rule that places an obligation (or prohobition) on conduct, action, practice, or procedure; a business rule whose purpose is to shape (govern) day-to-day business activity.
What’s the definition of organization?
An automonous group of people under the management of a single individual or board, that works towards common goals and objectives.
What’s the definition of organizational capability?
A function inside the enterprise, made up of components such as processes, technologies, and information and used by organizations to achieve their goals.
What’s the definition of organizational change management?
Planned activities, tools, and techniques to address the human side of change during a change initiative, primarily addressing the needs of people who will be most affected by the change.
What’s the definition of organizational modelling?
The analysis technique used to describe roles, responsiblities, and reporting structure that exist within an enterprise.
What’s the definition of organizational unit?
Any recognized association of people within an organization or enterprise
What’s the definition of peer review?
A formal or informal review of a work product to identify errors or opportunities for improvement.
What’s the definition of plan?
A detailed scheme for doing or achieving something usually comprising a set of events, dependencies, expected sequence, schedule, results or outcomes, materials and resources needed, and how stakeholders need to be involved.
What’s the definition of policy?
A non-practicable directive that controla and influences the action of an enterprise
What’s the definition of predictive approach?
An approach where planning and baselines are established early in the life cycle of the initiative in order to maximize control and minimize risk.
What’s the definition of prioritization?
Determining the relative importance of a set of items in order to determine the order in which they will be adressed.
What’s the definition of process?
A set of activities designed to accomplish a specific objective by taking one or more defined input and turning them into defined outputs.
What’s the definition of process model?
A set of diagrams and supporting information about a process and factors that could influence the process. Some process models are used to simulate the perfomance of the process.
What’s the definition of product?
A solution or component of a solution that is the result of an initiative.
What’s the definition of product backlog?
A set of user stories, requirements, or features that have been indentified as candidates for potential implementation, prioritized and estimated.
What’s the definition of product scope?
The set of capabilities a solution must deliver in order to meet the business need.
What’s the definition of product vision statement?
A brief statement or paragraph that describes the goals of the solution and how it supports the strategy of the organization or enterprise.
What’s the definition of project?
A temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.
What’s the definition of project manager?
A stakeholder who is responsible for managing the work required to deliver a solution that meets a business need, and for ensuring that the project’s objectives are met while balancing the project constraints, including scope, budget, schedule, resources, quality and risk.
What’s the definition of project scope?
The work that must be performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified featues and functions.
What’s the definition of proof of concept?
A model created to validate the design of a solution without modelling the appearance, materials used in the creation of work, or processes and workflows ultimatily used by the stakeholders.
What’s the definition of protoype?
A partial or simulated approximation of the solution for the purpose of eliciting or verifying requirements with stakeholders.
What’s the definition of quality?
The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills needs
What’s the definition of quality assurance?
A set of activities performed to ensure that a process will deliver a product that meet an appropriate level of quality
What’s the definition of quality attributes?
A set of measures used to judge the overall quality of a system.
What’s the definition of RACI matrix?
Responsible Accountable Consulted and Informed matrix. A tool used to identify the responsiblities of roles or team member and the activities or deliverables in which they will practice, by being responsible (doing the work), accountable (approving the results), consulted (providing input) or informed of the completed item after it has been completed.
What’s the definition of regulator?
A stakeholder from outside the organization who is responsible for the definition and enforcement of standards.
What’s the definition of repository?
A real virtual facillity where all information on a specific topic is stored and is available for retrieval.
What’s the definition of RFI?
Request for Information. A formal elicitation method intended to collect information regarding a vendor’s capabilities or any other information relevant to a potential upcoming procurement.
What’s the definition of RFP?
Request for Proposal. A requirements document issued when an organization is seeking a formal proposal from vendors. An RFP typically requires that the proposals be submitted following a specific process and using sealed bids which will be evaluated against formal evaluation methodology.
What’s the definition of RFQ?
Request for Quote. A procurement method of soliciting price and solution options from vendors
What’s the definition of RFT?
Request for tender. And open inventation to vendros to submit a proposal for good services.
What’s the definition of requirement?
A usable representation of a need
What’s the definition of requirements attribute?
A characteristic or property of a requirement used to assist with requirements management.
What’s the definition of requirements allocation?
The process of assigning requirements to be implemented by specific solution components
What’s the definition of requirements architecture?
The requirements of an initiative and the interrelationships between these requirements.
What’s the definition of requirements artifact?
A business analysis artificat containing information about requirements such as a diagram, matrix, document, or model.
What’s the definition of requirements defect?
A problem or error in a requirement. Defects may occur because a requirement is poor quality (verification) or because it does not describe a need that, if met, would provide value to stakeholders (validation).
What’s the definition of requirements document?
A specialized form or business analysis package primarily concerned with requirements. A requirement document may represent a basline of a collection of requirements.
What’s the definition of requirements life cycle?
The stages through which a requirement progresses from inception to retirement.
What’s the definition of requirements management?
Planning, executing, monitoring, and controlling any or all of the work associated with requirements elicitation and collaboration, requirements analysis and design, and requirements life cycle management.
What’s the definition of requirements management plan?
A subset of the business analysis plan for a specific change initiative, describing specific tools, activities, and roles and responsabilities that will be used on the initiative to manage the requirements.
What’s the definition of requirements management tool?
Special-purpose software that provides support for any combination of the following capabilities: elicitation and collaboration, requirements modelling and/or specification, requirements traceability, versioning and baselining, attribute definition for tracking and monitoring, document generation, and requirements change control.
What’s the definition of requirements model?
An abstract (usually graphic) representation of some aspect of the current or future state
What’s the definition of requirements package?
A specialized form of a business analysis package primarily concerned with requirements. A requirements package may represent a basline or collection of requirements.
What’s the definition of requirements traceability?
The ability for tracking the relationship between sets of requirements and designs from the original stakeholder need to the actual implemented solution. Traceability supports change control by ensuring that the source of a requirement or design can be identified and other related requirements and designs potentially affected by a change are known.
What’s the definition of requirements validation?
Work done to evaluate requirements to ensure they support the delivery of the expected benefits and are within the solution scope.
What’s the definition of requirements verification?
Work done to evaluate requirements to ensure they are defined correctly and are at an acceptable level of quality. It ensures the requirements are sufficiently defined and structured so that the solution development team can use them in the design, development, and implementation of the solution.
What’s the definition of requirements workshop?
A structured meeting in which a carefully selected group of stakeholders collaborate to define and/or refine requirements under the guidance of a skilled neutral facilitator.
What’s the definition of residual risk?
The risk remaining after action has been taken or plans have been put in place to deal with the original risk.
What’s the definition of retrospective?
A process improvement technique used to learn about and improve on a process or project. A retrospective involves a special meeting in which the team explores what worked, what didn’t work, what should be learned from just-completed iteration, and how to adapt processes and techniques before continuing or starting anew.
What’s the definition of ROI?
Return of Investment. A measure of the profitability of a project or investment.
What’s the definition of risk?
The effect of uncertainty on the value of a change, a solution, or the enterprise.
What’s the definition of risk assesment?
Identifying, analyzing and evaluating risks.
What’s the definition of root cause?
The cause of a problem having no deeper cause, usually one of several possible causes.
What’s the definition of root cause analysis?
A structured examination of an identified problem to understand the underlying causes.
What’s the definition of scope?
The boundarioes of control, change, a solution, or a need.
What’s the definition of scope model?
A modelthat defines the boundaries of a business domain or solution.
What’s the definition of secondary actor?
An actor external to the system, under design that supports the execution of a use case.
What’s the definition of sequence diagram?
A type of diagram that shows objects participating in interactions and the messages between them.
What’s the definition of service?
The performance of any duties or work for a stakeholder, from the perspective of the stakeholder.
What’s the definition of SIPOC?
Suppliers, Input, Process, Outputs, and Customers. A tool used to describe relevant high-level elements of a process. May be used in conjuncting with process mapping and ‘in/out of scope’ tools, to provide additional detail.
What’s the definition of software engineer?
What’s the definition of solution?
A specific way of satisfying one or more needs in a context