Glodme 1.1 test Flashcards
practice of farming; economically dependent in feudal society
Industry (as basis for)
concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufactured goods in factories; economically dependent in market economy
Means of production
raw materials and means of labor employed in production; facilites and resources for producing goods
a loose system of alliances in which armed landowners seek security through threats and pledges of loyalty; pre industrial society; land was valued; very separate social classes
Exchanges work for security and order; lowest social class in the feudal society; worked Noble’s land but did not own any of their own
Middle class
in between nobility and peasantry; desire private capital; merchants and artisans (not farmers, not fighters, but everyone else)
owns and protects land; land was very valued so they secured their land through arranged marriages and protected with weaponry; own land that they don’t work
government ruled by one person who is thought to have divine right; single, inherited noble position
Ruler/Subject relationship
ruler rules people; people below him are subjects; must obey the ruler
Citizen relationship
the state of being vested with rights, privileges and duties of a citizen and being able to cooperate with other citizens
employ a machine or animal to help with production; industrialized; less of a dependence on human labor
place of open exchange in context of competition to create incentive; a place or system in which individual buyers and sellers are free to choose and compete with each other for the best deal; an exchange in the context of competition
Transformation from feudalism to a system that values capital and money; faster means of production with greater surplus; divisions of labor; exchanges work for wage
process of urbanizing/moving to cities; increased population of cities because more jobs are available there; population growth
wealth in the form of money; value employed in the economy; new means of production in industry
physical work
transfer of goods and services into a commodity/something purchasable; Marx argues that the bourgeoisie commodify everything
society must protect individual rights; emerged from industrial society; main role of government is the protection of individual rights; philosophy founded on equality and liberty