globilisation Flashcards
define globalisation
the ever increasing interconnectedness between countries. it is a process that involves connections interdependence and flows between different locations
what are the 5 types of flows in globilisation
what is internet and digital advances and give an example please and of how it has helped accelearte globilisation
info flows more freely
logistic companies like DHL and investment companies like BLACKROCK allow commodities and capital to flow internationally
what is migration and give an exmaple of how it has helped accelearte globilisation
the free movement of people is only possible within some trade blocks and within some regions
e.g the schengen area in the eu
what is toursim and give an exmaple of how it has helped accelearte globilisation
planes have become cheaper
e.9 some airlines such as ryaniar , wizz air and easy jet can you let u travel to a different country for as little as £20
what are the 4 types of globilisation
economic globilisation
political globilisation
cultural globilsation
social globilisation
how has ecenomic globilisation helped accelearte globilisation
growth of MNCs and TNCs e.g apple , google
how has socail globilisation helped accelearte globilisation
increasing quality of education and health care
increasing number of migrants
has cultural globilisation helped accelearte globilisation
r of western ideas and cultures such as American films and fast food
for example tom cruise films and McDonalds now found in nearly every country
how has political globilisation helped accelearte globilisation
growth of trade blocs to increase the prevalence of free trade
e.g world bank imf and world trade organisations and the UN
how has ict and mobile advances helped accelerate globalisation
electric banking making payment transfer easier
mobile phones communication easier
what is leap frogging
some countries don’t build landline phones and just use mobile phones
in Kenya people sue electronic banking and their mobile phones to make payments with something called M-pesa this i often before having a bank card
example of barriers to migration
in Kuwait people with Israeli passports are not allowed to enter Kuwait even for a short period of time this is because of Kuwait ongoing boycott against Israel
what are the 6 dimensions of globalisation
economic globalisation
society of globalisation-
what is an example global division of labour
- designed in the uk
- manufactured in Malaysia
- sold in 65 countries world wide mainly EU