Globalisation of work & international business Flashcards
What is a multinational enterprise (MNE)?
a company that operates in multiple countries with: production/services spread across countries, markets in more than one country, a structure beyond one location including Corporate HQ, international divisions, regional HQs and regional managers
what are the key features of an MNEs structure?
corporate hqs, international divisions, regional hqs and regional managers
what are the 3 types of organisational and structures in MNEs?
interantional division structure, geographical area structure, global product division structure
what is extraordinary connectivity in globalisation of work?
extraordinary connectivity refers to advanced communication and technology that enable seamless global collaboration
what is the global talent pool?
is the worldwide availability of skilled workers that business can recruit from, regardless of location
what does ‘hollowing out of work’ mean?
happens when jobs are:
-outsourced to regions with lower wages
-replaced by technology through automation
what is globalisation of virtual work?
involves tasks and projects handled online by teams in different countries
who is transnational worker?
-highly skilled and adaptable
often has dual citizenship
-works across developed and developing countries
how has globalisation affected supply chains?
supply chains are no longer localised; business source materials and distributed products internationally
what are effects of automation on work?
job creation
job destruction
what are the key areas of diversity in global workforces
global recruitment
what are the 2 types of migration in global work?
-low skilled migration - workers moving for basic or manual jobs
-highly skilled migration - workers moving for advanced roles, often in technology or management
how do labour laws differ in international business?
-domestic laws govern local workers
-international companies must balance both domestic and international regulations, including worker rights, wages and conditions