Globalisation Flashcards
What are the effects of globalisation in the west ?
A shift from manufacturing to knowledge based economies resulting in
¥ Loss of high wage/low skills jobs
¥ Bottoming out of male employment in early 1990’s
What did the decline of manufacturing cause too rise ?
¥ Associated rise in service related jobs
¥ Rise of BRIC economies (from $2.2 trillion in 1982 to $14 trillion today)
What impacts has the decline in manufacturing had on the UK and trade union ?
Decline in trade union representation.
Reduced need for blue collar workers
Rising demand for engineers
What is the difference between migration and offshoring jobs ?
¥ Increasing movement of people to jobs (migration)
¥ Increasing movement of jobs to people (offshoring)
What type of job are almost always done by migrants ?
Fixed jobs: cleaning and construction
What are footloose jobs enabled by ?
- Telecommunications and digitisation. Eg phoning a UK bank but calling someone in a different country for support.
- Increasing interoperability
- Spread of ICT literacy
Identify 3 demographic factors causing the ageing work force in developed countries.
- The large baby boom generation, born between 1946 and 1964, reaching retirement age.
- Increasing human longevity, thanks to medical advances
- Declining birth rates
What do precarious jobs lack ?
Ð employment security – security from dismissal.
Ð job security – occupational niche + career development.
Ð income security – decent stable incomes.
What 4 factors define a protean career ?
Ð Multiple careers over one’s lifetime
Ð Individual “management” of one’s career
Ð Control over learning, skills, job transitions
Ð Employment security rather than job security
What has Development of web-based platforms enabled to form ?
Gig economies (Standford,2017) eg UBER
Give 4 factors that define a Gig economy.
Ð Work performed on demand or as needed
Ð Paid by work completed, not by time spent at work
Ð Have to provide own capital equipment (in this case, a car)
Ð Company acts as intermediary between the producer (the driver) and the customer, in terms of commissioning and supervising work. However, workers not considered ‘employees’.
Define globalisation
Globalisation is changing the structure of employment within countries, as jobs move around the world.