globalisation Flashcards
what is globalisation?
the increasing interconnectedness of economic, social, and political entities worldwide
what is a network?
system of interconnected points between which flows move
what is a flow?
movement of capital, commodities, information, tourists, migrants
what is time-space compression
the impression that time and space have compressed because of an increase in connectivity which changes our conception of time, distance, and potential barriers
19th C developments
railways, steam ships, telegraph
20th century developments
jet aircraft (Easy jet) , lowcost airlines, highspeed railways, containerisation
21st-century developments
mobile phone, internet, social networking, electronic banking (MPESA), fibre optics
what are some international organisations that promote globalisation
Intermonetary fund (IMF), World bank, World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Case study abt World bank
Bataan Nuclear Power plant in the Philippines, WB loaned 2.3 bn but plant never used, poverty, poor qol, 40% of gov budget to debt repayment
what can national governments do to promote globalisation
free market liberalisation, privatisation, encouraging buisiness startups, trade blocs, SEZs, Attract FDI by investing in infrastructure
Compare to measures of gloablisation
KOF index- 24 indicators, out of date, bias, weighted system,
A.t Kearney index 12 indicators, only 62 countries, covers 96% of world gdp
why are some countries switched off
physical, land locked, steep terrain, nat resources, climate (Sahel region)
political (North Korea)
economic, poverty, labour force, wealth, exporting
what is the global shift
1960s-1980s, manufacturing moved from europe and the USA to many asian countries when these began to allow investment into their markets
impacts of global shift on china
positive: investemnt in infrastructure, increase in incomes, reductions in poverty, better education and training (94% literacy rates in 2014 vs 20% in 1950)
negative: loss of productive farmland, pollution, increase in unplanned settlements, land degradation, over-exploitation, loss of biodiversity
Foxconn Apple in China, jobs but low wages and poor working conditions 14suicides in 2010
Deindustrialisation case studies
Detroit USA: 40k vacant residential properties, corrosion of lead pipes, 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 25% unmeployment
Birmingham: lower pop decline and crime rates than detroit