Global Warming Flashcards
What is the enhanced greenhouse effect?
- an inc. in greenhouse gases: allows shortwave radiation to penetrate through them, but prevents longwave
- so traps more radiation inside atmo., causing global avg. T°C to rise
How has certain greenhouse gases inc. as a result of human activity (causing enhanced greenhouse effect)?
- CO2:
- 315ppm = 1950, >400ppm = 2020
- due to burning fossil fuels + deforestation (inc. emissions + reduce trees dec. emissions)
- methane:
- inc. at 0.5-2%/yr
- cattle produces 75M tonnes + wetlands 150M tonnes/yr
- released as perma-frost melts
- CFCs:
- inc. at 6%/yr
- 10,000x more efficient at preventing longwave radiation from penetrating than CO2
- destroys ozone
What is the evidence for the enhanced greenhouse effect + global warming?
- rising sea lvls (3.1mm/yr) from thermal expansion + melting glaciers
- ocean acidity inc. by 26% since 1750
- melting ice + glaciers are showing signs of dec., exposing more land + adding to sea lvl rise
- Arctic ice sheet shrunk by 65% since 1975
What are the possible causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect + global warming?
- albedo change: deforestation + urbanisation has resulted in more darker surfaces
- so ground absorbs more radiation that’s released back to atmo., heating it
- Natural causes:
- variations in Earth’s orbital, axial tilt + solar output
- changes in axial precession + ocean currents
- inc. atmospheric dust from volcanoes
- during El Niño: warm water stays closer to surface + pools in Eastern Pacific + radiates heat into air
What are the atmospheric impacts of the enhanced greenhouse effect + global warming?
- rising sea levels:
- 200M ppl could be displaced
- 200M at risk from flood/drought
- 4M km2 of land threatened by floods from melting glaciers
- warming oceans: 1°C fluctuate causes plankton + coral to stress, bleach + die
- inc. storm activity so more frequent + intense hurricanes
- changes in agri. patterns: e.g. USA’s grain belt will dec., Canada’s growing season will inc.
- widespread drought as dec. rainfall over Europe + USA
- inc disease: 60M more ppl exposed to malaria, as mosquitoes breed faster in heat
- dec. wildlife: 40% of species will become extinct if T°Cs rise by 2°C