Global Teams are Multicultural Teams with Geographically dispersed Members Flashcards
Multicultural Teams are also known as…
- is a team with persons from a mix of cultures
- Culturally diverse teams
- Culturally heterogeneous teams
Monocultural teams are…
teams with members of only one culture (everyone is from the same culture).
A token team…
is a multicultural team because everyone has the same culture except one person.
A cultural faultline team…
is a multicultural team because it has a small number of subgroups
Geographically (dispersed) teams are also known as…
- virtual teams
- distributed teams
- remote teams
Co-located teams are..
teams that are not geographically dispersed. Members are in the same location and meet at work face-to-face (f2f)
Global Virtual team
Multicultural team + (Globally) dispersed teams
Homogenous nations vs Heterogenous nations
While US, UK, & AUS have similar national culture scores, Aus is a multicultural society, hence having solely Australians on the team does not necessary mean the team is monocultural, since these persons could be of different cultural backgrounds.
Q - Lecture
Prefer a multicultural team for this case. US, UK & American markets will have different preferences & likes for the product. It’s good to know these different POVs to develop an innovative (creative) product that meets the needs of the buyers in these different regions (nations).
Benefits of having Multicultural Teams
- Better creativity
- Better decision making
- Better connection to client/customers
- Better retaining of good employees
More creativity (divergent processes) (Lane et al., 2010)
- Creativity (different ideas & POVs).
Better & more informed decision-making (Strutton & Carter, 2013)
- potentially minimises group think & conformity in decision-making-
- more discussion help team members & leaders evaluate assumptions (question why they made a choice).
- discussions can lead to a better anaylsis of a problem (well-defined problem), more alternatives, and a rigorous evaluation of alternatives, especially when using the rational decision-making model.
Multicultural teams are better able to solve complex global issues
- understanding of different markets
- understanding of best practices in the foreign markets
- knowledge to solve complex global (management) issues.
Better connections with clients/ customers
- being similar helps you understand the needs & desires of the client/customer better (shared cultural background allows you to be perceived more as the in-group)
- Outsider’s perspective can also help you connect with client/customers
Good employees stay in the company because they desire to work in a multicultural team
- the challenges of working in a multicultural team may offer employees opportunity to develop their skills (global skills); they find they have more variety in their work, and find working in a multicultural team satisfying.
Why would multicultural teams not perform better than monocultural teams?
META-ANALYSIS: No pattern between culturally diverse teams & team performance Maznevski, Voigt, & Jansen, 2010
- cultural diversity has no effect (or negligible effect) on team performance :(
What is the variable (missing link) between team cultural diversity & team performance?
What is the solution for managers to improve the performance of multicultural teams?
- Essentially, how manage cultural diversity, ensure that all (cultural, personality) differences are integrated! (MBI Model, 2010).
What is the impact of cultural diversity on team processes?
- Increased divergent processes
- Decreased convergent processes
What are divergent processes (different perspectives) ?
Differences in ideas & opinions leading to a variety of solutions for solving problems. (Different perspectives is not in and of itself a process loss or process gain. It is just an outcome of cultural diversity).
What are the outcomes (impacts) of divergent processes?
- Greater variety of ideas & opinions
- Different problem solving styles (Week 8, TKI Model, 2012)
What is the process gain of increased divergent processes?
Different perspectives lead to greater creativity!
What is the process loss of increased divergent processes?
Different perspectives leads to more conflict (& slower decision making).
What is the effect of different problem solving styles on managing conflict?
- Members may use different methods in conflict - hard to determine whether a conflict exists within the team - because people have different reactions to problems/conflict.
- For example, according to the TKI Model for conflict resolution strategies (2012), people may choose to avoid problems/conflict, whereas another person could be more assertive & direct in solving problems (competitive).
What other individual differences could result in more conflict for multicultural teams?
- DIFFERENCES IN NEGOTIATING STYLES (Week 8: Cooperative vs Competitive).
What is the second way in which cultural diversity affects team processes?
- Decreased convergent processes.
What are the outcomes of less convergent team processes?
- Less consensus around values
- Less coherence for action
What is the process gain of less convergent team processes?
- Less group think
What is group think?
No one questions decisions because everyone does not want to change the decisions for dislike of disruption or for fear of going against the grain (mainstream/majority).
What is the process loss of less convergent team processes?
- Reduced team cohesion (because of the clash of different cultural identities).
What is cohesion?
Cohesion is how well members in a team work together and the degree to which members are willing to stay in the team when things go wrong. Cohesive teams have a bond and get along well with each other.
What do manager’s need to know about Multicultural teams?
Multicultural teams could outperform a monocultural team (and vice versa) as success is dependent on how these team processes are managed.
- Heterogeneous Team (MC)
- Cultural Faultline Team (MC)
- Token Team (MC)
- Homogeneous Team
- The two sub groups become insular & may avoid each other.
- Creates an “Us vs Them” Mentality.
- Propagates an in-group & out-group mindset.
- the token member is often not listened to (token member feels terrible/ isolated).
- which makes it hard to reap the benefits of cultural diversity that is meant to be generated in the first place.