Global Studies Chapter 11 Section 1-3 Flashcards
Section 1 part 2:
Impact wealth and power of the increased.
Rivalry increased between Sparta.
Delian league - Athenian alliance with other Greek city-sates.
Athens was the most powerful member and protected Greek traders and travelers.
Impact- protected its grain supply that came from the Black Sea.
Athens brought some back from the city states into the league by force and blocking others from leaving.
Cause- Athens requested money to build its navy.
Cause- Athens continued to collect funds even when the war with Persia was over.
Section 1 part 1:
Cavalry- people on horses
Infantry- ground troops
Warfare was common in Greek among the city-states.
546 B.C.-Persia conquers The Greek city-state of Ionia.
Impact-Ionians rebelled because they were used to ruling themselves.
Impact-Athenian Soldiers helped the Ionians and burned down the Persian city of Sardis.
490 B.C.-first Persian war (Persian leader-Darius)
20,000 Persians landed near Athens.
They landed on the plain of marathon, near Athens.
Impact-the perfect place for Persian Calvary and Athenian infantry.
Impact-Athenians were outnumbered and had no archers or Calvary.
Battle of Marathon- Athenians launched a attack and the Persians fled to there ships.
Impact- ended the first Persian war.
480 B.C.- Second Persian war (Persian leader Xerxes)
Persians assembled 100,000 men.
Persians uses the ship of Phoenicians they did not have their own.
Spartans moved north to block them at a pass called Thermopylae.
Spartan king- king Leonidas
Impact- Spartans held them off for days.
Impact-Spartans were attacked from both sides and were defeated.
Persons advanced on Athens
Athenian leader- Xerxes
Athenians were encouraged to flee to nearby islands and abandoned the city state.
Impact- Xerxes burned down Athens and sent ships to pursue the Greek navy.
Battle of salamis
Persians had 1,200 warships (3times more than the Greeks)
Themistocles set a trap: kept his traps hidden then attacked.
Persia lost 200 ships/ the Greeks lost 40 ships.
Impact- broke Persian navel power.
Impact- Persians returned home.
Impact- ended the second Persian war.
Section 1 part 3:
The Peloponnesian war
conflict lasted for about 27 years.
The siege of Athens
Beginning: Spartan army marched into Athenian territory.
Pericles (leader of Athens) ordered farmers to move in to the city walls for safety.
Spartans settled around Athens for a siege.
Siege- forcing the enemy to surrender by cutting of its food or water supplies.
Athens prepared for siege
Built two long walls to line the road that connected Athens to its port city.
Impact- Athens could still receive supplies by sea.
Impact- Athens held on for more than a year.
A plague- (contagious disease) broke out in Athens.
Impact- thousands of people died, including Pericles.
Impact- Spartans left the area around Athens.
War continued until a truce (agreement to stop fighting) was declared in 421 B.C.
Athenians surrender
Truce was broken in a few years.
Athens launched an invasion of Sicily (Spartan ally).
Impact- Sparta helped Sicily and destroyed Athenian forces.
Impact-Athens lost a large part of its navy at Syracuse.
Persia gave money to Sparta so that Sparta could build its own navy.
Impact-Sparta defeated the Athenian navy at the at the battle of aegospotami.
Impact- Spartans then moved and attacked Athens.
Spartans issued another siege.
Impact- Sparta kept supplies from reaching Athens.
Impact- Athenians were starving and were forced to surrender.
Peace terms were harsh
Impact- Athens was forced to demolish the long walls.
Impact- Athens was forced to give up their democratic for of government.
Thousands of Greeks were slaughtered.
Governments fell
Trade dropped
City states ignored the threat of Macedonia a northern kingdom.