Global resources Flashcards
What is fracking
High pressure water
Break shale rocks
Release natural gas
Issues with fracking
Small scale tremors
Groundwater contamination
Air pollution
Limitations/challenges with clean energy
Nuclear is difficult to dispose of
Wind turbines are unsightly
On average less efficient than coal
Reasons for a demand of water
Higher population (migration)
Agribusiness and industry reliant on machines
Modern houses with more appliances
Drought from climate change
Resource moved from area of surplus to deficit
Transfer scheme
Areas of water deficit/surplus in the UK
West in surplus (moist wind from Atlantic, mountains causing condensation)
East in deficit (Landmass of Europe, “Rain shadow”, half the rainfall of west)
Key global resources
Impacts of water insecurity
Poor hygiene (cholera)
Less industry/HEP -agriculture
Poorer Q.O.L.
Water for industry
Industry needs water (production)
China will use 33% of water available for production
Less water for industry = less industrial output
Conflict due to water tension
Tension will arise due to scarce water
G. Renaissance dam in Ethiopia
Less supply in Egypt/Sudan
Factors affecting water availability
Elan valley
Mid wales (Cambrian mnt)
6 dams (3 in 1904)
Pumped under gravity to Frankley (s. B’ham)
Increasing water supply
Dams and reservoirs
Increasing storage
Water transfers
Advantages (elan valley)
Provides water for 1m ppl
Gravity needs less energy
Job creation in maintenance
River flooding control
Aquatic activities
Disadvantages (elan valley)
River is no longer natural
High cost + maintenance
Historical sites flooded
Wildlife threat
Increased traffic and noise
Sustainable water in NEEs
Small scale
Environmentally friendly
Appropriate technology
Rainwater harvesting jar
- Benefits
Holds 1500L (filtered rain)
Lockable to stop theft
£60 - mud and cement
Better health/life expectancy
Eco tourism case study
Yachana eco lodge
Protected areas
Industry other than logging
More education
Eco tourism case study
Yachana eco lodge
Tourists can pollute
Travelling causes pollution
Only operates on a small scale
Rainforest management
Selective logging
Conservation and legislation
Eco tourism
Hardwood forestry
FSC is an NGO for sustainable hardwood use
Hardwood sought after but takes time to grow
3 trees planted for 1 cut down
Uk changing demand for food
Population rise from 64m to 73m
47% of food imported in 2013
Why is importing food bad
Dependent on other countries
Food miles & climate change
Domestic agricultural business loss
Local food sourcing (+ & -)
Short distance from farm
Less chemicals used (less shelf life)
More expensive
More seasonal foods