Global Marketing & Research Development Flashcards
involves identifying distinct groups of consumers whose purchasing behavior differs from others in important ways
Market Segmentation
Market can be segmented by:
Psychological Factors
Socio-Cultural Factors
Countries differ along the range of cultural dimensions including:
A country’s level of ______________ has important marketing implications
Economic Development
it chooses for delivering the product to the consumer, a critical element of the marketing mix.
Distribution Strategy
> a few retailers supply most of the market.
no one of which has a major share of the market
developing countries are more fragmented.
Retail Concentration
refers to number of intermediaries between the producer and the consumer.
Channel Lenght
refers to the amount of other messages competing for a potential consumer’s attention.
emphasizes personal selling
Push Strategy
empahsizes mass media advertising
Pull Strategy
standardizing advertising worldwide has both pros and cons, what it is?
under global advertising
firms have been trying tactics to capture the benefits of __________ while responding to individual cultural and legal environments.
Global Advertising
International Pricing is an important element in the marketing mix.
Pricing Strategy
occurs when firms charge consumers in different countries different prices for the same product.
Price Discrimination
involves using the profit gained in one market to support aggressive pricing designed to drive competitors out in another market.
Predatory Pricing
refers to the fact that a firm’s pricing strategy in one market may have an impact on rival’s pricing strategy in another market.
Multi-point Pricing
firms that are further along that experience curve have a cost advantage relative to firms further up the curve.
Experience Curve Pricing
a firm’s ability to set its own prices may be limited by:
Anti-dumping Regulations & competition policy
occurs whenever a firm sells a product for a price that is less than the cost of producing it
rules set a floor under export prices and limit a firm’s ability to pursue strategic pricing
facilitated by cross-functional product development teams
Cross-Functional Teams