Global issues Flashcards
the waste
el desperdicio
to use up
rubbish dump
el vertedero
fossil fuels
combustibles fósiles
to increase
we recycle everything at my house, my mum makes us recycle and i eat a mainly vegetarian diet
reciclamos todo en mi casa, mi madre nos obliga a reciclar y como una dieta más vegetariana
From my point of view, the world needs a global effort because there are a lot of people that don’t do anything.
a mi modo de ver, nuestro planeta necesita un esfuerzo mundial porque hay muchas personas que no hacen nada
in order to tackle
para abordar
traffic jam
el atasco
it is certain that
es cierto que
year after year
anos tras anos
as far as i remember
que yo recuerde
i would have liked to help more, but i had to study
me hubiera gustado ayudar más, pero tuve que estudiar
we turn off the lights to save electricity
apogamos los luces para ahorrar electricidad
to waste
el escaso
la naturaleza
recoger basura
to collect rubbish
the effort
el esfuerzo