Global:India Flashcards
Vindhya Mts.
boundary between Norhtern and Southern India
Eastern & Western Ghats
Mountains on either coast of India
seasonal wind
nomadic conquering people
invaded india through kyber pass, took about 100 years
Gupta Empire
golden age
great expansion of empire
sepoy rebellion
sepoys learned that cartridges of their rifles were sealed with beef and work fat
refused to use cartridge because of religon
civil disobiedience refuse an unjust law nonviolently
Homespun Movement
india boycott of british made cloth
would weave their own
amritsar massacre
while a peaceful protest of Roulette act was taking place officals ordered open fire on them, killed 400 and injured 1200
salt march
gandhi and his followers walked 240 miles to coast to make their own salt
Indian national congress
national political party
claimed to represent all of India, mostly hindu run
Muslim league
Mohammed Ali JInnah: leader
believed a mostly run hindu govn. bad
wanted partition of India
Partition of India
British parliament passed an act to partition India
Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean effects
HImalaya Mts. and Hindu Kush Mts.
separates South Asia from rest of Asia