Global Governance: Anatarctica Flashcards
- mostly in the south of Antarctic circle, except from parts of East Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula.
-the Antarctic circle is located 66.5 degrees south of the equator. - 98% covered in ice and 2% being rock.
- Antarctic peninsula: northern part of mainland Antarctica: 70km wide, mountains located all along it.
Physical geography
- polar desert: temperatures -50°c and -90°c
- annual wind speed 50mph
- low precipitation, lower than 50mm annually
- diverse marine ecosystems surrounding Antarctica
Human geography
- only continent with no permanent human habitations.
- research stations across Antarctica belonging to different countries.
- tourism available: between 2009-2010 3700 people visited
Threats to Antarctica
- 19th century: blue whales
- many whale species were endangered and population dramatically declined due to overkilling.
- international whaling commission (IWC) was established in 1964: ended most whaling
- 1994 IWC established 50 million km squared surrounding Antarctica where all types of commercial whaling was banned: japan opposed.
- Russians exploit southern ocean for species.
- number of fish taken is a concern: especially krill.
- commercial fishing: threat to marine ecosystems: ships and fishing gear: waste dumped: contaminates ocean
- krill: base to food web: loss affects other species: rich in omega 3: fishing for krill has disrupted food chain.
Climate change:
- global warming melts polar ice caps
- increasing sea levels
- penguins may not survive in warmer conditions
- mining has been banned by the Antarctic treaty.
- future demands for resources may put pressure on mineral in Antarctica
Tourism and scientific research:
- usually span between November to march
- come in expeditions, around 50-100 people.
- sites can only be visited very 3 days so impact is small.
- issues: freshwater demand, stress to penguins because of helicopters, few ice free locations.
Managing threats: Antarctic treaty 1959
- between 12 nations
- research rights, scientific research together.
- one of the most successful international agreements.
Managing threats: Antarctic treaty 1991
- negotiated by the UN
- protection for environment, specifically against mineral exploration.
- it wasn’t adopted due to mining wanting to be continued
Managing threats: NGOs in Antarctica
- 30 NGOs e.g wwf and greenpeace
- focuses on: managing southern oceans fisheries, regulating tourism, mitigating impacts of climate change.