Global Development Flashcards
What is development
People achieving an acceptable standard of living
What is the HDI
Human development index - a score between 0 and 1. The closer to 1 the more developed the country
What is the development gap
The gap between the most developed and least developed countries
What is GNI
Gross national income per capita- the total value of all goods and services provided that year divided by the number of people living in that country
High income country, low income country
Newly industrialised country
Brazil, Russia, India, china- key emerging markets, fast developing
What factors influence a country’s development
Debt, environment, historical, dependence on primary factors
What is literacy rate
The total proportion of people 15 and over who can read and write
Child and infant mortality rate
Number of deaths of under 5 children for every 1000
What is life expectancy
The average period people are expected to live
Ecological footprint
A method determining how many people are on natural recources
What is the Clark fisher model
A model displaying how the industries people work in changes over time