Global Codes Of Ethics In Tourism Flashcards
Objects and Cover of GCET
- Serves as a framework of reference for responsible and sustainable tourism.
It is a comprehensive set of principles designed to guide key player in Tourism Development
Global Codes of Ethics in Tourism
To whom is GCET Adresses to?
- Governments
- Tourism Professionals
- Travel Industry
- Hotel Communities
- Domestic and International Tourists
What year was GCET adopted? And by who?
1999 by World Tourism Organization
What is GCET Article #1
Tourism’s contribution to mutual understanding and respect between peoples and societies
Identify which GCET
The understanding and promotion of the ethical values common to humanity, with an attitude of tolerance and respect for the diversity of religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, are both the foundation and the consequence of responsible tourism; stakeholders in tourism development and tourists themselves should observe the social and cultural traditions and practices of all peoples, including those minorities and indigenous peoples and to recognize their worth.
GCET Article #1
Identify which GCET
Tourism activities should be conducted in harmony with the attributes and traditions of the host regions and countries and in respect for their laws, practices and customs.
GCET Article #1
How does the Philippines conserve it national heritage?
Through R.A 10066 or the National Cultural Heritage Act
An act providing for the protection and conservation of the cultural heritage, strengthening the national commission for culture and the arts (NCAA) and its affiliated Cultural agencies and other purposes
R.A 10066
National Cultural Heritage Act
Identify which GCET
The host communities, on the one
hand, and local professionals on the other, should acquaint themselves with and respect to the tourists who visit them and find out their lifestyles, tastes and expectations; the education and training imparted to professionals contribute to a hospitable welcome.
GCET Article #1
Identify which GCET
It is the task of the public authorities to provide protection for tourists and visitors and their belongings; they must pay particular attention to the safety of foreign tourists owing to the particular vulnerability they may have; they should facilitate the introduction of specific means of protection, prevention, security, insurance and assistance consistent with their needs, any attacks, assaults, kidnappings, or threats against tourists and workers in the tourism industry.
GCET Article #1
Identify which GCET
When travelling, tourists and visitors should not commit any criminal act or any act considered criminal by the law was of the country visited and abstain from any conduct felt to be offensive. Refrain Trafficking.
GCET Article #1
Identify which GCET
Tourists and visitors have the responsibility to acquaint themselves, even before their departure, with the characteristics of the countries they are preparing to visit. Must be aware of the health and security risks inherent when travelling outside their usual environment.
GCET Article #1
What is GCET Article #2
Tourism as a vehicle for individual and collective fulfilment
Identify which GCET
Tourism, the activity most frequently associated with rest and relaxation, sport and access to culture and nature, should be planned and practiced as a privileged means of individual and collective fulfilment.
When practiced with a sufficiently open mind, it is an irreplaceable factor of self- education, mutual tolerance, and for learning about the legitimate differences between people’s and cultures and their diversity
GCET Article #2
Identify which GCET
Tourism Activities should respect the equality of men and women; they should promote human rights and, more particularly, the individual rights of the most vulnerable groups, notably children, the elderly, the handicapped, ethnic minorities, and indigenous peoples.
GCET Article #2
Identify which GCET
The exploitation of human beings in any form, particularly sexual, especially when applied to children, conflicts with the fundamental aims of tourism and is the nagation of tourism.
As such, in accordance with international law, it should be energetically combatted with the cooperation of all states concerned and penalized without concession by the national legislation of both the countries visited and the countries of the perpetrators of these acts, even when they are carried out abroad.
GCET Article #2
Identify which GCET
Travel for the purpose of religion, health, education, and cultural or linguistic exchanges are particularly beneficial forms of tourism which deserves encouragement.
GCET Article #2
Identify which GCET
The introduction into curricula of education about the value of tourist exchanges, their economic, social and cultural benefits, and also their risks, should be encouraged.
GCET Article #2
What is GCET Article #3?
Tourism a Factor of Sustainable development
Identify which GCET
All the stakeholders in tourism development should safeguard the natural environment with a view to achieving sound, continuous and sustainable economic growth geared to satisfying equitably the needs and aspirations of present and future generations.
GCET Article #3
Identify which GCET
All forms of tourism development that are conducive to saving rare and precious resources, in particular water and energy, as well as avoiding so far as possible waste production, should be given priority and encouraged by national, regional and local public authorities.
GCET Article #3
Identify which GCET
The staggering in time and space of tourist and visitor flows, particularly those resulting from paid leave and school holidays, and a more even distribution of holidays should be sought so as to reduce the pressure of tourism activity on the environment and enhance its beneficial impact on the tourism industry.
GCET Article #3
Identify which GCET
Tourism infrastructure should be designed and tourism activities programmed in such a way as to protect the natural heritage composed of ecosystems and biodiversity and to preserve endangered species of wildlife; the stakeholders in tourism development, and especially professionals, should agree to the imposition of limitations or constraints on their activities when these are exercised in particularly sensitive areas: desert, polar or high mountain regions, coastal areas… etc.
GCET Article #3