Glengarry Glen Ross Flashcards
Roma: Th…
Williamson: Listen to me: They got SOME of them.
Roma: Some of them…
Baylen: Who told you…?
Roma: who told me wh…? You’ve got a fuckin’, you’ve …a…who is this…? You’ve got a board-up on the window….MOSS told me.
Baylen: (Looking back toward the inner office): MOSS…Who told him?
Roma: How the fuck do I know? (To Williamson): WHAT…TALK to me.
Williamson: They took SOME of the con…
Roma: …some of the contracts… Lingk. James Lingk. I closed…
Williamson: You closed him yesterday.
Roma: YES.
Williamson: It went down. I filed it.
Roma: You did?
Williamson: Yes.
Roma: Then I’m over the fucking top and you owe me a Cadillac.
Williamson: I…
Roma: And I don’t want any fucking shit and I don’t give a shit, Lingk puts me over the top, you filed it, that’s fine, any other shit kicks out YOU go back. You…YOU reclose it, ‘cause I CLOSED it and you…you owe me the car.
Baylen: Would you excuse us, please.
Willaimson: I’m sure that we’re insured, George…(Going back inside)
Roma: Fuck insured. You owe me a car.
Baylen: (Stepping back into the inner room): Please don’t leave. I’m going to talk to you. What’s your name?
Roma: Are you talking to me? (Pause)
Baylen: Yes (Pause)
Roma: My name is Richard Roma.
(Baylen goes back into the inner room.)