glacier flashcards
Erosion caused by big rocks at the base of a glacier which scrape underneath the glacier
A sharp ridge formed between two corries cutting back by processes through of erosion and freeze thaw action
valley-like slope formed by glacial erosion where a valley glacier begins
Managing the environment in order to preserve and restore it
ice glaciers pushing objects in its path
a mound made by deposited glacial till
rocks deposited by glacier far from where they started
Feeze-Thaw weathering
water enters cracks in rocks, and then freezes, therefore expanding, causing pieces of rock to fall off.
Glacial trough
A river valley eroded into shape by a glacier: U-shaped rather than V-shaped
Hanging valley
A tributary valley to the main glacier, too high & cold to be fully eroded.
land use conflicts
disagreements on how land should be used
Rock debris and eroded material eroded from the valley floor, deposited by glacier.
Material, mostly sand/gravel left by melt water underneath a glacier
where melt water freezes on rocks under a glacier, and takes chunks of rock off when the glacier moves
Pyramidal peak
Where corries cut back & meet at a point