Glaciation Flashcards
Define glacier.
Ice that moves downhill under gravity. They replace rivers in valleys. They transport large amounts of material. As this slides downhill, it erodes the land.
Name 3 processes of glacial erosion.
Freeze-thaw weathering, abrasion and plucking.
Describe freeze-thaw weathering.
Water fills a crack in the rock.
The water freezes and the crack is made wider.
When the ice melts, the pressure is released.
Repetition of this widens the cracks and causes pieces of rock to fall off.
Describe plucking.
Ice freezes and sticks of rock.
When the ice moves, pieces of rock break off with it.
Describe abrasion.
Material carried by a glacier acts like sandpaper, rubbing against and wearing away sides and floor of a valley.
What is a corrie?
A hollow that formed at the start of the Ice Age. Snow collects in them and turns into ice and then slides downhill. Loose rock drags across the valley and the ice erodes the valley.
What is an arete?
When two or more corries develop next to each other, they erode towards each other. The land between them gets narrower until a sharp ridge is formed.
What is a pyramidal peak?
When 3 or more corries cut backwards into the same mountain.
What is an Ice Age?
When ice and snow covered the whole world for many years.
What is a U-shaped valley?
Glaciers followed the route of V-shaped river valleys. These were small, shallow and winding.
Plucking, abrasion and freeze-thaw weathering eroded the sides of the valley.
The valley became wider, deeper, steeper and straighter.
When the ice melted, moraine is dumped and make a flat valley floor. The river that returns is called a ‘misfit stream’ because it does not fit the valley.
What is a truncated spur?
Truncated spurs are when the ends of interlocking spurs are eroded by glaciers.
They are cliffs or cut-off ridges.
What is a hanging valley?
When a tributary river is not eroded, it is left hanging above the main valley. It will become a waterfall.
What is a ribbon lake?
They are lakes formed after meltwater is deposited in areas of soft rock that the glacier eroded easily.
Name four types of moraine.
Lateral, terminal, ground, medial.
Define lateral moraine.
Material derived from freeze-thaw weathering of valley sides and which is carried at the sides of a glacier.