Glaciation Flashcards
What is an inter- glacier?
Is a period of time between two ice ages
What is an ice sheet
Is a mass of glacial ice extending more than 50000 km2
What is an example of a famous glacier
Merdeglace french Alps
Hat dose crevasse mean?
A deep crack found in an ice sheet or glacier
What is this glacier system?
Look at notes…
What is an ice age?
An ice age is a period of time when prolonged low temperatures mean that waterthrush to ice over a large area
What are inputs?
Inputs come from avalanches along sides of the glacier but mainly from precipitation as snow
What is storage?
Over time snow accumulates and is compressed into ice. The water held in storage is the glacier
What is flow?
Under the force of gravity the glacier flows down hill
What is an output?
Meltwater is the main output from the glacier, along with some evaporation
What is abrasion?
A type of weathering where water repeatedly freezes and puts pressure on rocks to break them down
Plucking is…
A process of erosion where glacier ice freezes onto rocks and, as it moves away pulls large pieces of rocks with it
What is an avalanche
A mass of snow and ice that moves very quickly down an mountain side
Causes of Avalanche …
Heavy snowfall
Steep slop
Pressure by skiers
Give seven ways to reduce the affect of avalanches:
Walls & fences on steep slops to hold back snow.
Plant trees to break up small avalanches.
Wedges to protect electricity pylons.
Sheds to protect railway line.
Mounds on flatter ground to slow down. avalanches as it reaches flatter ground.