Glaciation Flashcards
What is Neve?
Granular snow consisting of low density ice crystals
What is sensible heat?
The amount of heat energy that occurs when an object is heated
What is sublimation?
The transition of ice to water vapour with the liquid stage
What is accumulation?
The addition of snow or ice to a glacier
What is ablation?
The natural removal of snow or ice from a glacier
What is the accumulation zone?
The area of net gain in a glacier
What is the ablation zone?
The net area of loss in a glacier
What is Paleoclimatic?
Climatic conditions in the geological past reconstructed from a data source
What is the Pleistocene Era?
The first epoch of the quaternary period
What is altitude?
The hight of land in relation to sea level
What is latitude?
The distance North or south of the equator
What is permafrost?
Areas of permanently frozen ground
What is the Thermohaline System?
Part of the ocean circulation caused by different water densities due to salinity and temperature
What are Ice lenses?
Formed when moisture, diffused with soil or rock accumulates
What is soil?
Any loose material at the surface of the Earth capable of supporting life
What is Cryohydration?
Individual particles in the soil are split as a result of the freezing and contracting of water on the surface of the mineral particle
What is the Glacial Period?
A time period when ice masses develop and advance to lower altitudes, characterised by a sustained decline in temperature and the formation of continental ice sheets
What is the interglacial period?
A time period when ice cover retreats to the polar regions
What is a crevasse?
A deep fissure or fracture in a glacier
What is basal sliding?
Large scale movement of ice as a result of subglacial meltwater