Glaciated Landscapes🌁🗻🏔 Flashcards
Glaciated Landscape
- those parts of the earth’s surface that have been shaped by the action of glaciers🏞
- eg Antarctica🇦🇶, Greenland🇬🇱 - high latitude
- eg Rocky Mountains⛰, Himalayas 🏔🗻 - high altitude
- eg places glaciated in the past - Northern Britain🇬🇧
- a group of objects and the relationships between them
- set of interrelated objects comprising of components(stores) & processes(links) that are connected together to form a working unit
Kinetic Energy
- capacity to do work as a result of motion🎢
Potential Energy🏗
- capacity to do work that a body possesses by virtue of its position and that is potentially transformable into another energy form
Thermal Energy
- capacity to do work as a result of heat🔥
Open Systems
- type of system whose boundaries are open to both inputs & outputs or energy & matter
- an addition of energy and/or materials to a system
- transfer of energy and/or materials out of a system
- layering down of sediment transported by rivers🏞, waves🌊, glaciers🗻 & wind💨, as energy levels decline
- in situ breakdown of rocks exposed at or near the land surface by physical, chemical & biological processes
Mass Movement
- downslope🎢 transportation of material under gravity
- the wearing away and/or removal or rock & other material by a moving force
- process by which liquid water is converted into a gaseous state
- phase changes of water from ice to vapour
- long-term balance between inputs & outputs in a system
Dynamic Equilibrium
- system displaying unrepeated average states through time
Negative Feedback
- automatic response to change in a system that restores equilibrium
Glacier Mass Balance
- the difference between the amount of snow🌨 & ice❄️ accumulation & the amount of ablation occurring in a glacier over 1 year
- addition/gain of snow🌨☃️ & ice❄️ to a glacier over time
- loss of ice❄️ & snow🌨☃️, especially from a glacier, through melting, evaporation & sublimation
- movement of material by kinetic energy of a medium eg water💦, wind💨 or ice❄️
- erosional, transportational & depositional processes by the wind
- chemical & physical characteristics of rock types
- physical characteristics of rocks, including their jointing🛠, bedding🛌, faulting, angle of dip🎢 etc
- direction the slope faces⛰☀️
- local climates whose main characteristics are determined by topography & land use
- process by which snow become ice due to compression
- fresh snow, open feathery structure - density - 0.05g/cm3
- snow which survives 1 summer, firn - density - 0.4g/cm3
- glacial ice - density - 0.83-0.91g/cm3
- takes between 30-40 & 1000 years
- true glacial ice isn’t encountered until depth of 100m - bluish colour - lack of presence of air
- armchair-shaped Holmes found on upland hills
- steep back wall, over-deepened basin & often a lip at the front
Pressure Melting Point
- temperature at which ice melts when under pressure
Extending Flow
- movement of glacial ice down a steep gradient🎢🏔, during which it thins
Compressing Flow
- movement of glacial ice down a gentle gradient🌁, during which it thickens
- type of chemical weathering caused by acid⚗️ derived from rainwater🌧 & dead💀 orgainic material
Rock Flour
- fine material derived from from abrasion by a glacier
- glacial process which includes a combination of freeze-thaw action, solifluction, transport by running water💦 & chemical weathering⚗️🌧
- responsible for initial enlargement of hillside hollows & development of corries
- collective terms for glacial deposits including till & outwash
- unsorted material deposited directly by glacial ice
- material deposited by glacial meltwater💧
- relating to meltwater from a glacier
- streamlined mounds of glacial drift
- narrow, ‘knife-edged🔪’ ridge between 2 corries
Pyramidal Peak
- angular, sharply pointed mountain peak🏔 which results from corrie erosion
- scratches/grooves on rock surfaces formed by glacial abrasion
Roche Moutonnées
- a rock hill shaped by passing of ice
- has a smooth stoss (upstream) side
- has a rough, plucked surface on the lee (downstream) side
Relating to vertical movements of the Earth’s crust
Terminal Moraine
- ridge of till extending across a glacial trough
Lateral Moraine
- ridge of till running along the edge of a glacial valley
Recessional Moraine
- series of ridges running transversely across a glacial trough
Proglacial Lakes
- body of water💦 impounded in front of a glacier
- extreme glacial meltwater outbursts caused by geothermal or volcanic activity beneath glaciers
- hill composed of stratified sand🏝 & gravel laid down by glacial meltwater
- 2 types:
- delta kame
- terrace kame
- long, sinuous ridge composed of stratified sand & gravel laid down by glacial meltwater
Hydrostatic Pressure
- pressure exerted by a confined fluid eg water💦 under or in a glacier
Outwash Plain/Sandur
- flat expanse of glacial-fluvial sediment located beyond an existing or former glacier or ice sheet front
Active Layer
- near surface layer in a periglacial environment which seasonally freezes & thaws
Frost Heave
- downslope displacement of soil particles that results from cycles of freeze-thaw
Stone Garlands
- elongated accumulations of stones on a slope
Artesian Pressure
- hydrostatic pressure exerted on groundwater in a confined aquifer occupying a synclinal structure
- unfrozen ground⛰🏞
- remains of a collapsed pingo🐧, forming a depression surrounded by circular earth ramparts
Energy Security
- uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price💰✅
Urban Heat Island
- town/city🏙 that is significantly warmer than its surroundings rural areas due to human activities🔥🚶🏽🏃🏽♀️
- slow flow of fine, water-saturated regolith from higher to lower ground🎢
- flat-floored, steep-side depressions in periglacial environments
- cloudiness of a fluid caused by large numbers of individual particles in suspension🌫💧