Glacial Systems and Landscapes Flashcards
What is a system?
A set of interrelated components working together towards some kind of process. A system will include imputs, outputs, stores, flows, and boundaries, and generally exists in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
What is positive feedback?
Where the effects of an action are amplified or multiplied by subsequent knock-on or secondary effects.
What is negative feedback?
Where the effects of an action are nullified by its subsequent knock-on effects.
What are the purposes of using systems in geography?
- Simplifies complicated physical and human processes
- Shows how energy is transferred and how components change
- Helps us understand how natural change and human activities impact an environment
What are the types of systems?
Isolated system
Closed system
Open system
What is an isolated system?
A system with no interactions with anything outside its boundary i.e. no input or output of energy or matter. These are extremely rare, only existing in things such as a scientific lab experiment.
What is a closed system?
A system with transfers of energy but not mass outside of its boundary e.g. the water cycle
What is an open system?
A system where matter and energy can be transferred across the boundary e.g. most ecosystems, a drainage basin
What is dynamic equilibrium?
Where there is a balance between inputs and outputs in a system, meaning stores stay the same even though flows are ongoing
What is feedback?
Changes to an equilibrium as a result of one of the elements of a system changing
What aspects are linked as part of a landscape system?
Processes (that create landforms)
The global environmental system that controls them
What are the Earth’s major spheres?
Hydrosphere (inlcudes the cryosphere)
Lithosphere (includes the pedosphere)
Where are cold environments generally found?
Most are found at Earth’s northernmost and southernmost points. Above 55 degrees north permafrost is found, mostly in Canada and Russia. In the Arctic Circle above 66 degrees north pack ice is found as well as ice sheets such as Greenland. Below 66 degrees south Antarctica is covered by an ice sheet and surrounded by pack ice. Cold environments are also found around the world in mountain ranges.
What is an ice age?
A time period where there are ice sheets and glaciers on Earth
What is a glacial period?
A time period with unusually extensive polar and mountain ice sheets
What is an interglacial period?
A time period of warmer average global temperatures, during which ice sheets recede
What is an ice sheet?
A large, thick layer of ice, especially one that exists for a long period of time, covering more than 50,000 square kilometres
What is an ice cap?
A covering of ice over a large area, especially on a polar region, covring less than 50,000 square kilometres
What are the most recent geologic time periods?
Holocene epoch - 11,700 years ago to today (interglacial period)
Pleistocene epoch - 2.6 million - 11,700 years ago (ice age)
Together make up the Quaternary Period
What was the climate of the pre-Pleistocene period like?
Global average temperatures 8-15 degrees higher than today, though just before the Pleistocene it was warmer, with some ice present.
When was the last glacial maximum (LGM) and what were conditions like at the time?
Around 22,000 years ago. 25% of the Earth’s surface was covered in ice, as opposed to less than 10% today, including most of the British Isles (by the Devensian ice sheet) and much of North America (by the Laurentide ice sheet).
What is the climate of tundra environments like?
Long and cold winters with average temperatures of -20 degrees
Summer temperatrures are rarely over 5 degrees
For at least 8 months of the year temperatures remain below 0 degrees
Precipitation is low (less than 300mm per year)
Frequent strong winds
What is the vegetation of tundra environments like?
Low lying shrubs, mosses, lichen, grasses, and cushion plants
Vegetation is more common where there is meltwater and deeper soils
There are some dwarf birch and willow trees, but no full grown trees
Biodiversity is low
Most flowering plants are perennials
What is the soil of tundra environments like?
Permafrost is common and contains large amounts of trapped methane and carbon dioxide
Lower down soils are full of peaty undecomposed vegetation and frost-shattered rock
There is a thin, often acidic, organic surface layer
Soils become waterlogged in summer