GitLab Workflow Flashcards
quels sont les 9 items des workflows GitLab
Group, Project, Epic, Issue, Merge Request, Label, Board, Milestone, Roadmap
Quels sont les 4 phases de l’étape de Plan & Create
Epics / Milestones / Issues / Assign Issue
quels sont les 3 outils de GitLab pour faire de la code Review
Snippets / Wikis / Web IDE
définir l’item : PROJECT
The core building block where work is organized, managed, tracked and delivered to help the team to collaborate and plan work in the form of issues. (REPOSITORY)
définir l’item : Group
A collection of projects and/or other groups. They are like folders. (PROJECT)
définir l’item : ISSUE
An issue is part of a project. It is the fundamental planning object where the team documents the use case in the description, discusses the approach, estimates the size/effort (issue weight), tracks actual time/effort, assigns work, and tracks progress. (STORY, NARRATIVE, TICKET)
définir l’item : EPIC
A collection of related issues across different groups and projects to help organize by theme (INTIATIVE, THEME)
définir l’item : MERGE REQUEST
The linkage between the issue and the actual code changes. Captures the design, implementation details (code changes), discussions (code reviews), approvals, testing (CI Pipeline), and security scans. (MERGE REQUEST)
définir l’item : LABEL
Used to tag and track work for a project or group and associate issues with different initiatives (TAG)
définir l’item : BOARD
A visual listing of projects and issues useful for teams to manage their backlog of work, prioritize items, and move issues to the team or specific stage in the project. (KANBAN)
définir l’item : MILESTONE
A sprint or deliverable(s), helping you organize code, issues, and merge requests into a cohesive group (RELEASE)
définir l’item : ROADMAP
A visual representation of the various epics for the group
Quel est l’item le plus haut dans la hierarchie
d’un point de vue métier quel est le workflow général
Create & Discuss / Start MR / commit & Test / Deploy Staging / Ready / Deploy Prod
Quel est le point de départ recommandé de GitLab Flow
an Issue