Git and Github Flashcards
Learn Git and Github, Colt Steel Udemy course
Who created Git and why
Linus Torvalds. He wanted a free VCS (Version Control System)
What is Git
Git is a Version Control System. A Version Control System tracks changes to project files over time.
Explain the 3 states a file can be in
Working directory/tree
Staging area
Committed to repo
What is the command to check git file statusses and what does it report?
git status
when on a given branch. It displays the status of each file that is not yet committed, ie staged or in working directory.
It also reports the status of the branch, things like if the head is detached and how many commits the local branch is ahead of origin (remotes)
Added, removed, modified in staging area and working tree/directory
What is the command to move a file to the staging area?
git add example.txt example2.text
git add .
- add all files from working directory.
What is the command to commit staged files?
git commit -m “some message”
git commit - opens vim or default editor in order to enter message.
How can you check the commits on a branch?
Go to the branch and run git log
How can you see commits on a branch, but compressed to a single line per commit?
git log –oneline - currently checked out branch
How can you see commits on a branch, but as a graph
git log –graph : currently checked out branch
How do you create a git repo
git init command
create on Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket and clone
What is a git repo
A project that git should track history of file changes for over time.
What is an untracked file
A file not yet committed or staged, in working directory
What should commit messages look like
Git itself suggests present tense. Some people prefer past tense.
What does the HEAD refer to
By default it refers to the tip of the currently checked out branch. The tip is the latest commit.
If the head is detached it refers to a specific commit on the checked out branch.
When the head is detached, all the files in your local project will be what it was at the point where that commit was done. Inclusive of changes in the commit.
Explain commit relationships
Each commit has a sha1 hash as an id. The next commit has a reference to the parent’s hash.
In the context of a merge commit, the commit has 2 parent commits
What are atomic commits
Files that do a single thing grouped together as a single commit, that is, staged and then committed together.
What are the benefits of atomic commits
If you have to revert for example, then a single thing could be reverted, and not things unrelated to the revert.
How do you tell git to ignore files and folders
Add a .gitignore file
Files: example.txt
Folders : some-folder/
Explain amending commits
You can amend the most recent commit by adding the –amend flag to a commit (git commit)
You can stage and unstage files
You can write a new git commit message - either with -m flag or set default editor.
How can you see all branches
git branch
- local branchesgit branch -r
- remote branches
How do you switch to other branch
git switch example-branch
git checkout example-branch
How to delete git branch
Must be on other branch
git branch -d the-branch
git branch -d the-branch –force OR git branch -D the branch if the branch not yet merged into a different branch.
Flags shortcuts vs regular
For the full flag use –, for example –delete
For shortcut use -, for example -d
How can you create a branch and switch to it immediately
git switch -c new-branch
git switch –create new-branch
git checkout -b new-branch
When a new branch is created, what is it created from?
By default it is created from HEAD. That means it’s created from the checked out branch OR the commit that HEAD refers to if it’s detached.
How do you rename a branch
When on the relevant branch run
git branch -m new-name OR
git branch –move new-name
What is a fast-forward merge
A merge where the base/parent branch being merged into has not been modified yet, when the feature branch merge is done. Commits are added to this branch, but no merge commit is required.
What is a merge-commit
This is required if the base branch has been modified when the feature branch is merged in. A merge commit is a combination of the changes on both branches.
The merge commit will have 2 parents, which are, the previous commit on the base branch and the last commit on the feature branch.
When not using –oneline, what info is in git log?
Explain merge conflicts
It happens when a file changed on the 2 branches, and git doesn’t know what to use.
Conflicts are marked with Conflict Markers
This CANNOT be a fast-forward merge, so it will result in a merge-commit.
How to interpret git diff
One file is marked with + and the other with -
changes are marked with + for the one branch and - for the other
red means removed and green means added
@@ -4,12 - excerpt +1,12 @@
The + and - references file
The first number is start line, and the second is the number of lines.
Explain purpose of git stash
Two things can happen when switching branches with uncommitted changes (in working tree or staging area). This is that the files are taken with to the new branch if there are no conflicts. Otherwise a warning will be given and switching will be prevented from happening.
In either case, stashing would probably be more preferable. Stashing the changes means saving uncommitted changes temporarily in order to prevent unnecessary commits. It reverts uncommitted changes.
How do you stash changes
git stash, will add a new stash
Multiple git stash commands will create one after the other.
How do you retrieve a stash
git stash pop - will pop latest stash off of stashes list and apply it to working directory. Will remove the stash.
git stash apply - will apply latest stashed changes to working directory, but will not delete the stash.
If there are multiple stashes, the command will refer to the last one in unless stash id is provided, then that specific stash will be popped/applied
When can merge conflicts occur
When popping or applying stashes, if changes have been committed on branch after stash has been created.
When merging one branch into a different branch (merge or pull), where it is NOT a fast-forward merge, ie, the base branch has new commits after feature branch’s creation.
Git revert
git rebase
How do I see all stashes
git stash list
How do I remove all stashes
git stash clear
How do I delete a specific stash without popping it
git stash drop stash-id
How do you detach HEAD
You use git checkout commit-hash.
You can also checkout relative to HEAD for example: git checkout HEAD~1 (one before HEAD) git checkout HEAD~2 (two commits before HEAD) and so on
You can then view the files at that moment in time, and branch off from that branch at that point in time.
How do I re-attach HEAD
switch to a branch, checked out one or new one
How do you create a new branch
git branch some-new-branch
git switch -c (–create) some-new-branch
git checkout -b some-new-branc
Explain git reset
git reset commit-hash OR HEAD~2 etc : This will reset the branch to the given commit, and add the removed files and changes to the working directory. HEAD will be set to this commit and the following commits will have been removed from the git log for the branch.
git reset –hard will remove all applicable files for good.
git reset with –soft will add the applicable files to the staging area
What does git revert do
git revert commit-hash / HEAD~2
This will create a new commit that undos this specific commit
When to use revert, instead of reset.
If you work on a team and other developers might have the commits you are resetting on their machines, reset could be problematic seeing as it removes commits. revert is better, because it just creates a new commit. However, changes can just be pulled, in which case reset should be okay.
Explain git restore
Remove file from staged:
git restore –staged filename
Restore file to the last committed state:
git restore filename (because it defaults to HEAD)
Restore file to hash etch
git restore –source hash/HEAD~1 filename
Explain remote tracking branch
The remote branch that is linked to this local branch. After pulling from remote or pushing to it, the tip should be the same for local and remote. If new work is done locally, then new commits are added and the remote tracking branch commit stays where it is.
Therefor local can be ahead of remote.
Explain fetch
get fetch fetches changes from remote repo, but does not integrate them into working directory or local branches.
It fetches new commits and branches, but does not add them into the local branches.
Explain git pull
git pull = git fetch (fetch all remote branches and their commits) + git merge (merge those commits into currently checked out local branch)
example - git pull origin whatever - commits from origin/whatever are merged into the currently checked out local branch
git pull only will pull changes for the checked out branch from it’s corresponding remote branch.
git pull creates a merge commit, if not fast-forward merge
git pull –rebase, does a git fetch
and then instead of merge, it does a rebase.
What are github pages
A service where you can create a static website for your repo.
Create a branch, with the source code and under settings set the github pages setting
Explain Gitflow workflow
The work flow is as follows:
main branch, contains working copy of repo
develop branch is what feature branches are created from and merged back into via PRs
release branches are created from develop branch and any release-related work is done on it.
When the release branch is ready, merge it back into main and into develop.
Tag main with the release version and delete the version branch.
If hotfixes are required, create a hotfix branch from main, and do the fix.
Merge it back into develop and into main.
How do you resolve Pull Request conflicts?
Go to branch PR was created for.
Pull from the branch PR is meant to merge into.
Resolve conflicts locally
Commit and push
Branch protection rules
Under github repo settings you can set settings for your branches, for example, a branch can only be merged into via Pull Request
What can Github actions be used for
To run automated tests for example, when PRs are created to merge into given branch
This is a CI (continuous integration) workflow
What is trunk-based git workflow
All feature branches are PRd into main. Pull requests run automated tests, for continuous integration purposes. Use Github actions for this. Tag main branch when release is done.
What is a remote
A remote refers to a connection to a repo hosted on Github/Gitlab/BitBucket etc.
The default is “origin”.
If you want to collaborate on a project repo, you can fork it, and create a new remote called “upstream” (by convention) in order to pull from the project repo.
Explain forking and forking workflow
When you want to help work on a repo such as React, you can fork their repo (which makes a clone of it on your own Github profile). This is now your own repo with a copy of the original repo’s history, files etc.
You can then create a new remote called “upstream” by convention in order to pull in new commits from the original repo.
You can only merge into the original repo via PR.
How do you create a new remote
git remote add name git-repo-url
How do you merge one branch into another
1) run git merge branch-name when checked out the one you want to merge into
2) rebase the checked out branch with a different branch
3) pull from remote branch (regular or rebase)
What is the point of rebasing a branch?
Rebasing is an alternative to merging and cleans up history preventing unnecesarry merge commits
It basically tells git to use the branch after ‘rebase’ as the new base for your feature branch and it recreates all your current commits on your feature branch and adds it after the tip of the new base.
This changes the history on the feature branch only by adding the base and then creating new commits after the tip that are identical to the commits there were on the branch.
How to rebase
git switch feature-branch-name
git rebase other-branch
OR when pulling from remote
git pull origin whatever --rebase
Handling rebase conflicts
After resolving conflicts, instead of using git commit, rather use git rebase –continue after staging the resolved file with git add.
When not to use rebase
Better not to if collaborators already have the branch with it’s commits on their machines, seeing as history is re-written OR when already stored remotely
However, if they pull with –rebase, it should be fine seeing as if they added commits it will also be added to the tip of this branch.
Explain cherry-picking
Allows you to pull in only the changes of a specific commit(s) into your checked out branch by creating new commit that contains these changes.
What is the point of interactive rebasing?
It allows you to do the following to the checked out branch , which basically changes the history:
- change messages
- combine multiple commits
- delete a commit
Any commits that are newer than the edited commit(s) are recreated, and therefor have new commit hash values.
How to do an interactive rebase
git rebase -i (–interactive) HEAD~9 will check out the last 9 commits in order to edit them. It opens VIM or your default editor. Follow the instructions in the text you are presented.
Starts at HEAD~1 for some reason.
What does rebase onto mean
The new base (after rebase command) is rebased onto the checked out branch.
What is git diff used for
To see changes in files, branches, commits. Use relevant flags and file names in order to filter down the output.