GIT Flashcards
What is GIT workflow?
its the staging area where we upload or add the files to commit it in the future, also we are able to review them there.
what is the “clone” command
Clone command is a command to bring a repository that is hosted in a place like Githubu to the local machine
what is the “add” command
It tracks the files and changes it
What is the “commit” command
This command saves the files as well as the changes which are made in git
what is the “push” command
uploads the commits which we have made to a remote repo such as GitHub
what is the “pull” command
this command downloads the changes from a repo which is established remotely to the local machine
what is the”status” command
shows all the files updated, changed and new files which arent committed yet.
what is the “git add .” command
this command adds all the files which are new and also mofidied
what is the “git commit -m” command
this command is used for committing and leaving a message, the message comes after the -m inside “ “
what is a git SSH Key
SSH key is an access credential for an SSH protocol, it’s needed for remote communication between machines.
what’s the Githib workflow
Write code - Commit changes - make pull request
what’s the local Github workflow
write code - git add - git commit - git push - pull request
whats git branching
git branching is when we have a main program and if we plan on adding a new feature we are able to make a separate branch where all the commits for the features will be separated from the main branch where the main program is being committed.
how to delete a branch
git branch -d BRANCHNAME
what is git merge
git merge is something used when there are other branches than the master branch and when we need the master branch and the separated branch to join together we can use git merge.