GIS I Flashcards
What does GNSS means?
Global Navigation Satellite Services
What is the constellation of satellites orbiting the Earth that effectively allow a device with the appropriate receiver and software to determine the exact position on the surface of the globe?
USA’s GPS system
What is Russia’s GPS system?
What is China’s GPS system?
What is the European Union’s GPS system?
What is used by civilian consumer market for coordinate positioning and are made by Garmin and Magellan?
trail GPS devices
What are the application of GNSS access?
Trail mapping apps, coordinate positioning, geotagging, and entertainment applications such as AR location video games
What is the units for the coordinates?
Degrees-Minutes-Seconds and Meters
What shows how many satellites are visible to the receiver?
Satellite View
In Satellite View, what shows how many satellites are currently visible?
In View
In Satellite View, what shows how many satellite have signals strong and clear enough?
In Use
What shows how many satellites are currently in view (grey) and how many satellites are in use (colored) by the device?
Satellite Signal Strength
In Satellite Signal Strength, what provides the most accurate reading?
30 - 99 SNR (Signal-to-Noise-Ratio)
What shows the accuracy of the readings, in meters or feet?
Accuracy Pane
What should be the setting of the ‘compass’ in GPS Essentials?
True North, not Magnetic North