GIS Flashcards
What is GIS?
Is a collection of computer hardware and software components,spatial data ,people ,policies and procedures that have functional ability to facilitate to capture,manage , analyse and visualisation of spatially referenced data and support-making processes related to geographic space and location
Components of GIS
Policies and procedures
What is metadata and why is it important?
Is data about data.
It allows the user to making an informed decision as to whether the data is suitable for their application purpose or not.
Topology and list examples of the three main topological relationships
Topology- is a branch of mathematics that describes how spatial objects are related to each other
Connectivity.specifying which chains are connected at which nodes
Direction. Defining a from node to a to node of a chain
Adjacency.indicating which polygons are adjacent on the left and which were adjacent on the right side of a chain
What are major data models used in GIS? Explain the differences
Vector data model- data computation is complex
Data structure is complex
Raster data model- easy to perform calculations on raster layers
Sinple data structure
TINS stands for what?
Give strengths and weaknesses
Triangulated irregular network
- accurately reflects data sample as surveyed
-more efficient data storage than DEM
- Contours calculated directly from field observations.
Uneven distribution of points not suitable for many types of spatial analysis
-contours generated from tin are often have spiky appearance ,thus manual enhancement is required
Contour line
A line that joints the points of equal elevation
Uses of DEMS and DTMs
Determining attributes of terrain,such as elevation at any point.
Finding features such as drainage basins and watershed
GPS-Global Positioning System
Is a satellite based navigation system used extremely for marine and air navigation and for precise navigation
Any two GPS errors
Natural error
Instrumental error
Purpose of setting-out?
Correct plan position
Correct level
Correct size