GIPS Glossary Flashcards
Accrual Accounting
The recording of financial transactions as they come into existence rather than when they are paid or settled.
Additional information
Information that is required or recommended under the GIPS standards and is not considered supplemental information.
Administrative fee
All fees except for trading expenses and investment management fees. For example Legal fees, consultation
All-in fee
A client specific type of bundled fee
A point of reference against which the composite’s performance and/or risk is compared.
Benchmark description
General info on investment structure. Name and key feature must be present
Bundled fee
Investment Management + Trading Expense + Custody + Admin Fees. 2 types exist
Capital employed
real estate
Weighted Average Equity, No income return or capital return measured
Capital return (real estate)
The change in value of assets held through meusrement period. Represented as a percentage of Capital Employed
Carried interest (real estate and private equity)
The profits that general partners are allocated from the profits on the investments made by the investment vehicle. Also known as “carry” or “promote.”
A portion of a portfolio that is by itself representative of a distinct investment strategy. It is used to create a track record for a narrower mandate from a multiple-strategy portfolio managed to a broader mandate.
Closed-end fund
real estate and private equity
Committed Capital, # of investors and life of fund are fixed.
Committed capital
real estate and private equity
Pledges of capital to an investment vehicle by investors or firms
Compliant Presentation
A presentation aimed for a composite which includes GIPS standard and supplementary material
An aggregation of one or more portfolios managed according to a similar investment mandate, objective, or strategy.
Composite creation date
The date when firms group one or more portfolios
Composite inception date
The initial date of composite performance record
Composite definition
Detailed criteria that determine the assignment of portfolios to composites. Asset class, target risk metrics, taxes
Composite description
Must include key features. Prospective client must understand investment mandate, objective and strategy
Composite termination date
The date that the last portfolio exits a composite.
Custody fee
The fees payable to the custodian for the safekeeping of portfolio assets. Can be based per transaction. Additional charges regarding safekeeping can be included
Direct investments
private equity
Investments made directly in private equity investments rather than investments made in fund investment vehicles or cash and/or cash equivalents.
Distinct business entity
A unit, division, department, or office that is organizationally and functionally segregated from other units, divisions, departments, or offices and that retains discretion over the assets it manages and that should have autonomy over the investment decision-making process.
real estate and private equity
Cash or stock distributed to limited partners (or investors) from an investment vehicle. Distributions are typically at the discretion of the general partner (or the firm).
Evergreen fund
private equity
An open-end fund that allows for on-going subscriptions and/or redemptions by investors.
Before the fact.
After the fact.
External cash flow
Capital (cash or investments) that enters or exits a portfolio.
External valuation
real estate
An assessment of value performed by an independent external third party who is a qualified, professionally designated, certified, or licensed commercial property valuer/appraiser.
Fair value
The amount at which an investment could be exchanged in a current arm’s length transaction between willing parties in which the parties each act knowledgeably and prudently. Must include accrued income
Fee schedule
The firm’s current schedule of investment management fees or bundled fees relevant to the particular compliant presentation
Final liquidation date
real estate and private equity
The date when the last portfolio in a composite is fully distributed.
Fund of funds
private equity
An investment vehicle that invests in underlying investment vehicles.
General partner
real estate and private equity
A class of partner in a limited partnership. The general partner (GP) retains liability for the actions of the limited partnership. usually fund manager and earns a fee from LP