Giovanni Giolitti Flashcards
Who was he and what did he want?
Most prominent politician of liberal era
PM 5 times
Giolittian era: 1901-1914
Master of transformismo: kept files of weaknesses on every Italian deputy so knew how to gain support. Believed he could ‘transform’ opponents into political allies
In 1911, PM for 4th time
Focused on making italy modern, industrialised, successful country
When was PSI formed
In 1900 election, how many votes did PSI get?
216,000 votes with 32 parliamentary seats
By 1913, how many votes did PSI have?
Nearly 1/4 votes with 79 deputies
Popular in major nouthern cities
Who was PSI led by?
Filipinos Turati
Supported by academically educated intellectuals
Believed socialism could solve italys corruption and persistent rural poverty
Unlike the liberal government, what did socialists do?
Active in taking messages to Italys poor, holding public meetings, lectures and discussions
Grew rapidly with 250,000 industrial workers joining federations in 1902- considerable strike actions
What did Giolitti do with socialists in order to ‘transform’ them?
Offered social reforms:
Limiting woman’s work day to 11 hrs
Banning employment of children under 12
Intro of maternity fund
Non compulsory national insurance fund
MOST IMPORTANT CONCESSION 1906: arbitration court to settle disputes between employees and employers
What was the key issues of social reforms put in place for socialists?
There was a divide between maximists and reformists.
Maximists- wanted revolution and violent overthrow of gov
Reformists- prepared to get change gradually
In 1904, what did Giolitti say about the Catholic Church and state?
They were two parallel lines, which should never meet
Giolitti and the catholics.
In 1911, offered concessions: closed divorce bill in 1904, promoted catholic interests in education
1st PM to win catholic
Pope encouraged catholics to vote in 150 constituencies in 1901 (afraid of PSI)
In 1911, catholics part of governing coalittions
BUT not prepared to actively court greater link with them and not prepared to give concessions on Roman territory so roman question remained unresolved
When was the ANI formed and who was the leader?
Enrico Corradini
Nationalists view on liberal italy and giolitti
Largest threat
Gained strength because of humiliating defeat, Italys weakness as world power, failure of Risorgimento values
Anti socialist and anti liberal
Believed in aggressive foreign policy
Aim to unite italys differing classes through their patriotic love for italy
Supported by educated middle class
Saw Giolitti as everything weak and corrupt about italy, needed to be overthrown
What did Giolitti do at first to gain support from ANI?
Liberal programme of reform and economic modernisation- hoped to view them in positive light
But failed as nationalists more attracted to patriotic messages
In 1911, Giolitti embraced nationalist through invasion of Libya
Existing foreign policy problems.
Key interest in Balkans clashed with allies, Austria who already held territory
Nationalists forcing giolitti to take aggressive stance
Why did italy start war with Libya?
- Italy signed deal with France in 1902, italy would support french expansion into Morocco, in return French back them in influence in Libya, in 1911, French consolidated power and giolitti feared France would break deal
- Another national humiliation unthinkable
- Would gain support from Catholic Church (financial interests)
- Would gain nationalists support
Short term success of invasion of Libya
Greeted with enthusiasm by nationalists
Italys navy forces seized most of libyas ports and coastal towns in only 3 weeks
Overcome shame of Adwa
Catholic Church less antagonistic and corporated with liberals
Long term fail of invasion of Libya
Cost italy 3,500 deaths
Nationalists took credit, claiming Giolitti only did it out of pressure
Increased support for ANI
Blamed liberals for losing so many men, not patriotic
Destroyed Giolittis corporation with PSI (attempts at absorbing socialists into liberal state failed)