GIM Flashcards
When should you start statin based on LDL number?
> 20yo with LDL >190
high-intensity statin
How long to continue lovenox after orthopedic surgery?
- 35 days if no increased bleeding risk
- 10-14 days if increased bleeding risk (minimum)
Tx of bacterial conjunctivitis
- none, will go away in 2 weeks
- if treating – topical trimethoprim–polymyxin B or erythromycin
- if uses contacts can use topical fluoroquinolone, but otherwise not first line
Tx and duration of acute bacterial prostatitis after urologic procedure
bactrim or cipro
6 weeks –> use bactrim b/c cipro can prolong QT
Drug of choice for enuresis
impiramine (TCA)
How long to continue SSRI for 1st episode of depression?
4-9 months
SSRI and Bupropion (DNRI) should be avoided in which condition?
Bupropion should also be avoided in bullemia b/c decreases seizure threshold, whereas SSRIs are used to treat bullemia.
Patient on SSRI and with cloudy urine
retrograde ejaculation
Meds that can increase blood glucose
olanzapine statins betablockers (Except carvedilol) HCTZ niacin PI (HIV managment) steroids
Treatment of acute dystonic reaction (as SE Of typical antipsychotics)
Serotonin Syndrome
- describe vitals/presentations
- key meds
- treatment
- hyperthermia, change MS, tremor, autonomic instability (high HR, low BP), N/V/D, HYPERreflexia
- SSRI, linezolid, tramadol
- Tx - benzos +/- cyproheptadine (H1B)
Describe NMS (neurolopetic malignant syndrome) and its treatment
- hyperthermia, change MS, autonomic dysfunction (high BP, high HR), LEAD PIPE RIGIDITY with rhabdomyolysis and HYPOreflexia.
- Tx: Dantroline or bromocriptine
Describe malignant hyperthermia and treatment
- hyperthermia, sustained muscle contraction (high HR high BP), HYPOreflexia, history of inhalation anesthetics
- Tx: RAPID COOLING +/- dantrolene
Treatment of CCB overdose?
IVF, atpropine and slow IV CALCIUM CHLORIDE to counteract peripheral vasodilitory effects of CCV
Organophosphate poisoning
- presentation
- what to measure to confirm?
- treatment
- wet - increase secretions (ie. salivation), sweating, N/V, shortness of breath, tremors, fasiculations, pupils CONSTRICTED, low HR
- RBC acetylcholinesterase level
- TX;
1. remove contaminated clothes
2. activated charcoal (if <4hr)
3. IV atroprine**
4. IV pralidoxime** (after atropine if needed)
Treatment of non-displaced vs. displaced femur fracture
- nondisplaced – surgery + 3 parallel pins
- displaced – total hip arthroplasty (femur + ball + socket) … not hemiarthroplasty
- inter-trocaneteric fractgure –> hip compression screws