Gilgamesh Vocabulary Flashcards
rampart (n)
a fortification consisting of an embankment, often w/parapet built on top
firmament (n)
the vault or arch of the sky, heavens
cornice (n)
a top course that crowns a wall or architectural composition
tocsin (n)
a warning omen, alarm bell
wanton (adj)
immoral, unchaste, unrestrained (usually a woman)
throng (n)
a multitude of assembled persons
byre (n)
a cow barn
foray (v)
a sudden raid or military advance
quay (n)
wharf where ships are loaded and unloaded
succor (n)
relief, help, aid
rancor (n)
bitter deep-seated ill will
exhortation (n)
language intended to incite and encourage; admonition, advice, or appeal
votaries (n)
a person bound by religious vows
scabbard (n)
a sheath for a sword or dagger
rouse (v)
to stir up; excite; awaken; to cause to break from cover
gorge (n)
a deep narrow passage with steep rocky sides
immolation (n)
being killed in sacrifice, to destroy
execration (n)
a curse
garrison (n)
a military post
parapet (n)
a wall, rampart, or elevation of earth or stone to protect soldiers (like a roof)
courtesan (n)
a prostitute with upper-class or royal court clientele
wattle (n)
poles interwoven with slender branches, withes, or reeds and used in building walls, fences, and roofs
whelp (n)
a dog, a young boy or girl, and insult
deluge (n)
an overflowing of the land by water; a drenching rain
prow (n)
forward part of ship’s hull or bow
bullocks (n)
a young or castrated bull, a steer
batten (v,n)
to thrive; strip of wood used to fasten the edges of materials that cover hatches
libation (n)
an act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice (to a deity)
haunch (n)
hindquarter (thigh)
slough (n)
a place of deep mud or mire, a state of moral degradation or spiritual dejection
cur (n)
an inferior dog or cowardly fellow