Gift And Commodities Flashcards
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Warm’?
caliente, cálido, friendly and loving
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Wage’?
What does ‘Breadth’ mean in Spanish?
distancia, amplitud, capacidad
What is the meaning of ‘Ubiquitous’?
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Amity’?
amistad, concordia
What does ‘Slighted’ mean?
What does ‘Sheer’ emphasize?
use to emphasize how very great, important something is
realmente, completamente
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Bundle’?
manojo, haz
What does ‘Withhold’ mean?
What does ‘Encompass’ mean in Spanish?
abarcar, rodear
What is the meaning of ‘Fanciful’?
imaginario, fantástico
What does ‘Underlying’ mean?
subyacente, fundamental
What does ‘At length’ mean?
en detalle
What does ‘Convey’ mean?
comunicar, transmitir
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Ghost’?
fantasma, espíritu
What does ‘Bind’ mean?
enlazar, obligar
What does ‘Reliance’ mean?
dependencia, confianza
What does ‘Bleed’ mean?
sangrar, exudar
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Fob’?
llavero, cadena del reloj
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Comb’?
What does ‘Step forn’ mean?
ir adelante, avanzar, go ahead
What does ‘Crow about something’ mean?
to talk in a proud and annoying way about your success
What does ‘Uneasy’ mean?
inquietante, in a way that doesn’t fit well or seems awkward
What does ‘Least of all’ mean?
especially no
What does ‘Spring from something’ mean?
to come from or be a result of something
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Grasping’?
avaro, tenaz
What does ‘Scarce’ mean?
escaso, raro, apenas
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Bulk’?
masa, volumen
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Peasant’?
What does ‘Commonality’ mean?
puntos en común
What does ‘Assess’ mean?
What is the Spanish translation for ‘Bater’?
What does ‘Canny’ mean?
astuto, sagaz