GI2 Accesory glands and secretion Flashcards
What affects saliva flow rate?
- mechanical action of chewing
- taste
- circadian rhythm
- diet
- individual variation
WHat are the 2 classificaitons of structure of accessory glands?
- unicellular
2. multicellular (tubular and acinar)
Describe unicellular glands:
Individual cells within an epithelium
e. g. Type II alveolar cells
e. g. goblet cells
Describe multicellular glands that are tubular:
e. g. simple
e. g. compound
-Tubular glands (cells lie along ducts)
e.g Simple tubular (intestinal glands, sweat glands)
Compound tubular (gastric glands)
Describe multicellular glands that are acinar:
e. g. simple
e. g. compound
(cells in sac at end of duct)
Simple acinar (sebaceous)
Compound acinar (parotid, pancreas)
-Compound tubulo-acinar (submandibular)
Acinar vs tubular glands:
acinar cells have sacs at the edn fo ducts
tubular have cells along ducts.
What are the salivary producing glands?
- Parotid glands
- Submandibular glands
- Sublingual glands
- Secretion type:
- location:
- Inneravations:
- route of saliva:
Serous secretions
- Subcutaneously in front of ear and behind ramus of mandible
- Innervated by facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves
- Parotid duct (Stensen’s duct) runs around masseter and opens into oral cavity (opposite 2nd maxillary molar.
- Secretion type:
- location:
- Inneravations:
- route of saliva:
- Mixed (mainly serous secretions)
- Posterior part of floor of mouth
Wrapped around the posterior part of mylohoid muscle - Innervated by lingual branch of facial (VII) nerve via the submandibular ganglion.
- Submandibular duct (Wharton’s duct) runs forward above mylohyoid and opens into oral cavity beneath the tongue (lateral to lingual frenum)
- Secretion type:
- location:
- Inneravations:
- route of saliva:
- Mixed (mainly mucous secretions)
- Anterior part of floor of mouth between oral mucosa and mylohyoid
- Innervated by lingual branch of facial (VII) nerve via the submandibular ganglion.
- Small ducts (ducts of Rivinus) open into oral cavity along sublingual fold
Where are the minor salivaryglands?
small aggregates in the submucosa of oral cavity but not found in gingiva or central hard palate ( beneath the epithelium and lamina propria
1) What type of secretions are minor salivary glands?
2) What is the exception to this rule?
1) mixed (mainly mucous)
2) von Ebner’s glands are serous
What are the main structural features of salivary glands
- Acinar cells (similar structure to enterocytes (columnar cells in small intestine)) + myoepithelial cells (surrounding serous demilunes)
-Mucous tubular cells
-Serous demilune at end of mucous tubule
-Intercalated duct
-Striated duct
(ionic modification)
A serous acinus secretes proteins in an ____a_______
A mucous acinuss secretes secretes _____b________
a) isotonic watery fluid.
b) mucin - lubricant
Where does the main excretory duct of salivary glands lead to?
oral cavity