GI tract Flashcards
When the abdominal region is divided into 9 what are the top 3 regions known as?
Right hypocondrium, epigastrium, left hypocondrium
When the abdominal region is divided into 9, what are the middle 3 regions known as?
Right lumar, umbilical, left lumbar
When the abdominal region is divided into 9 regions what are the lower 3 regions known as?
Right iliac, hypogastrium or suprapubic, left iliac
What is the subcostal plane?
Inferior border of costal margin
What are the 4 abdominal quadrants?
Right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, right lower quadrant, left lower quadrant
In which quadrant is the liver found?
Right upper quadrant
In which quadrant is the gall bladder found?
RIght upper quadrant
In which quadrant is the stomach found?
Predominantly left upper quadrant
In which quadrant is the spleen found?
Left upper quadrant
In which quadrant is the appendix found?
Right lower quadrant
Name the layers of the abdominal wall
Campers fascia
Scarpas fascia
External oblique muscle
Internal oblique muscle
Transversus abdominis
Transversalis fascia
Extraperitoneal fat
Parietal peritoneum
What are the 3 muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
External oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis
Where does rectus abdominis arise from?
public crest
Where does rectus abdominis insert?
Pubic crest
What is the function of rectus abdominis?
Flexion of the lumbar spine. also keeps the lumbar spine straight at times when the force of gravity extends it.
Where does transversus abdominis originate?
Inner aspect of costal margin (6th-12th rib), edge of thoracolumbar fascia, below from inner aspect of iliac crest. Lowest fibres from iliopsoas fascia
Where does transversus abdominis terminate?
Transversus aponeurosis. Inserts on linea alba, pubic symphysis and xiphoid process.
where does internal oblique originate?
Inguinal ligament, iliac crest and lumbodorsal fascia.
where does internal oblique insert?
Highest fibres insert on lowest 3 ribs. other fibres end on internal oblique aponeurosis. also joined by cut edge of external oblique
where does external oblique originate?
Arises from 12th rib to 5th rib. Has posterior part that arises from 12th -10th rib. Anterior part that arises from 9th to 6th rib.
where does the posterior part of external oblique insert?
Outer half of iliac crest
Where does the anterior part of external oblique insert?
External oblique aponeurosis.
What is the free lower border of external oblique aponeurosis between anterior and superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle known as?
Inguinal ligament
what is the rectus sheath?
Fibrous compartment formed by the aponeuroses of anterolateral muscles.
What is the arcuate line?
The inferior border of the posterior layer of the rectus sheath
Above the arcuate line, what does the external oblique form?
Anterior layer of rectus sheath
Above the arcuate line, what does the internal oblique form?
The internal oblique splits into 2 layers: anterior and posterior lamina (aponeuroses). the anterior forms the anterior layer and the posterior lamina forms the posterior layer.
Above the arcuate line, what does the transversus abdominis form?
The posterior layer of the rectus sheath
below the arcuate line, what muscles form the anterior layer?
External oblique, internal oblique and transversus abdominis
below the arcuate line, what muscle form the posterior layer?
Transversalis fascia
what are the contents of the rectus sheath?
rectus abdominis muscle, pyramidalis muscle, blood vessels, nerves
what blood vessels are found in the rectus sheath?
Superior and inferior epigastric vessels
what nerves are found in the rectus sheath?
Thoracoabdominal nerves (anterior rami of T7-T12 spinal nerves)
what does the superior epigastric artery arise from?
Arises from the internal thoracic artery
Where does the superior epigastric artery run?
Runs inferiorly in sheath behind the rectus abdominis
where does the inferior epigastric artery arise from?
Arises from the external iliac artery
Where does the inferior epigastric artery arise?
Runs superiorly in sheath behind the rectus abdominis
what arteries supply the abdominal wall
superior epigastric artery, inferior epigastric artery. Suplemented by: musculophrenic, posterior intercostals, deep circumflex iliac, superficial circumflex iliac, superficial epigastric
What is the innervation of the abdominal wall?
Lower 6 thoracic nerves and L1
What does the inguinal canal transmit in males?
Spermatic cord
what does the inguinal canal transmit in females?
Round ligament of the uterus
What are the 2 openings of the inguinal canal?
Deep inguinal ring, superficial inguinal ring
Where does the inguinal canal extend to and from?
Extends from deep inguinal ring to superficial inguinal ring. Formed as testis migrate from abdomen to scrotum during development.
What is the floor of the inguinal canal made of?
Inguinal ligament, lacunar ligament, iliopubic tract
What is the posterior wall of the inguinal canal made of?
Transversalis fascia and conjoint tendon
What is the roof of the inguinal canal made of?
Internal oblique and transversus abdominis
What is the anterior wall of inguinal canal made of?
External oblique aponeurosis
what does the parietal peritoneum form?
Forms the innermost layer of the abdominal wall
what is the peritoneum?
Double layered serous membrane
What is the parietal peritonteum?
Outer layer that lines abdominal cavity
What is the visceral peritoneum?
Inner layer that invests the viscera
What is an intraperitoneal organ?
an organ that is completely covered with visceral peritoneum
What is a retroperitoneal organ?
An organ that is external to (and only partially covered by) parietal peritoneum
what is the peritoneal cavity?
Potential space between visceral and parietal layers, contains peritoneal fluid
What is the mesentery?
A double layer of peritoneum that attaches an organ to the body wall
What is the omentum?
A double layer of peritoneum that attaches one organ to another
where does the lesser omentum go?
Extends between the liver and the stomach
Where does the greater omentum go?
Extends between stomach and transverse colon
where is the epiploic foramen?
Entry to the omental bursa
what is the mesentery of the small intestine?
attaches to the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall