GI Symposium Flashcards
What history would you take from someone with GI symptoms?
Duration, solids of liquids, pain (better one eating or not)§, weight loss, dysphagia
What categories does dysphagia fall into?
- Oropharyngeal
- Oesophageal
- Gastric
What problem would you expect with oropharyngeal dysphagia?
Salivary gland dysfunction - sjogrens
Tongue - amyloid, hypothyroidism
Palatal/ epiglottal and upper oesophageal - MND, parkinsons
What problem would cause oesophageal dysphagia?
Benign mucosal disease - peptic stricture
Malignant mucosal disease
Motility disorders
What is a pharyngeal pouch?
Defect between constrictor muscles and transverse cricopharyngeus muscles - cause out pouching of mucosa where food can become stuck if becomes large can cause regurgitation
Seen w/ endoscopy or barium swallow
How would you manage dysphagia?
Tx underlying cause
Benign: acid reflux suppression and balloon dilation
Malignancy: surgery +- chemo or radio
What symptoms may you see in upper abdominal discomfort?
Heartburn, abdominal bloating, chest pain
Give 2 examples of causes of upper abdominal discomfort?
2. Hiatus hernia
What is GORD - why it happens and symptoms?
- Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Excessive relaxation of lower oesophageal sprinter and raised intra-abdominal pressure
Symptoms : heartburn, epigastric pain, acid reflux, nausea, tooth decay, asthma
Management of GORD
- Lifestyle - weight loss, smoking cessation, reduce alcohol
- PPI - irreversibly block H+/K+ ATPase
- H2 antagonist - reduce acid by inhibiting cells produce acid
- Fundoplication
What is a hiatus hernia?
When stomach moves up towards chest due to problems w/ diaphragm
Manage: surgery
What is oesophageal manometry?
Investigation - probe sits at back of gullet and measures pH and pressure (test abnormal amounts of acid)
What hx would you expect of someone with peptic ulceration?
Epigastric pain - can radiate to back and worsened by food (improved by eating duodenal)
Weight loss
Vomiting/ haematemesis
Cause peptic ulceration?
NSAIDs and helicobacter pylori
Appearance would you expect w/ peptic ulcer?
Clean ulcer, visible vessel and adherent clot