GI Path Flashcards
how many people will die today of infectious gastroenteritis?
4 causes of mchanical intestinal obstruction
- herniation
- adhesion (fibrosis)
- intussusception (tumor pull things in)
- vovulus - twist on mesentary
cause of esophageal perforation
intramural perforation
longitudinal mucosal tear
due to severe retching (alcoholism or bulemia)
esophageal rings
lower esophagus: Schatzki’s ring
stenosis, scaring
will have squamous AND columnar epithelium
guillain barre syndrome
assciated with campylobacter jejuni - antibodies and mimicry to gangliocytes - immune mediated attack
inflammatory bowel disease
defective recogntiion, tolerance, or elimination of microbiota in a person who is genetically susceptible
pulsion diverticulum
bulge from inside pressure
usually epiphrenic
why do some people with HLA alleles not have celiac?
if get it - mutation in non coding region - 1 NT
RNA binds 2 molecules in that spot turn off inflammatory respont
if polymorphism - doesn’t work well, inflammation is ON
single nucleotide genetic polymorphism in a long non coding RNA leads to on inflammatory meidators
infective esophagitis causes
fungal (candida)
viral (herpes, cmv)
parasitic (chagas)
chronic colitis histo
distorted crypts
h. pylori gastritis
rob, superficial chronic active gastritis
chronic active gastritis with superficial inflammation
lymphoid aggregate
organisms swim in superficial mucin
h pylori and cancer
6x risk of adenocarcinoma
triggers inflammation that leads to atrophy and metaplasia
don’t know why
ulcerative colitis
diffuse predominatly mononuclear mucosal infiltrate
neutrophils in epithelium and in crypt
crypt abcesses
Boerhaave syndrome
cause of esophageal perforation
transmural perforation
rupture of the distal esophagus
retching bulemia endoscopy
crohn histo
non caseating granulomas
eosinophilc esophagitis
mallory weiss esophageal tear
genetic mutation in high grade dysplasia and adenocarcinoma of esophagus
acute bacterial campylobacter colitis
cryptitis/abcesses, mixed inflammation in lamina propria, no crypt distortion
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
can present by itself or be part of eosinophilic gastroenteeritis
idiopathic EoE is common, seen frequently in children w atopic symptoms
This buildup, which is a reaction to foods, allergens or acid reflux, can inflame or injure the esophageal tissue. Damaged esophageal tissue can lead to difficulty swallowing or cause food to get caught when you swallow.
Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic immune system disease. It has been identified only in the past two decades, but is now considered a major cause of digestive system (gastrointestinal) illness.
genetic mutation in barrett’s and low grade dysplasia
shift in cancer prevalence
use to be SCC
now adeno
hypoperfusion watershed
i.e. CHF
can lead to mucosal or mural infarction
- splenic flexure - termination of SMA and IMA
rectosigmoidal - end of IMA, pudendal, iliac
dilated lumen
chronic ganglionitis (t cells!) with myenteric plexus destruction in the DILATED part of the esophagus
progressive loss of myenteric plexus due to chronic inflammation of the ganglion cells
risk fo squamous carcinoma
abnormal motility
barrett’s esophagus
replacement of the squamous mucosa normally present in the distal esophagus with metaplastic columnar epithelium containing goblet cells
long standing GERD
bands of salmon pink mucosa
non neoplastic gastric polyps
no dysplasia!
fundic gland polyp
hypertrophic gastropathy
hyperplastic mucous glands replace oxyntic glands
lot of mucus secretions - diarrhea - malabsorption, lose proteins
caustic esophagitis
physical agents
meds sitting in esophagus
epithelium sloughing off
ischemic bowel disease
initial hypoxic injury
secondary reperfusion injury (greatest damage)
usually colon!
arterial throbosis, empolism, non occlusive (cardiac failure, shock)
Hairpin turn of capillary
sharp turn at mucosa - no great blood supply
stem cells are saved so regen
ischemic injury starts at the surface
esophageal hernia
protrusion of a portion of stomach above the diaphragm
granular cell carcinoma
pathogenesis of celiac
gluten - gliadin - tTG - daminated gliadin - presented on HLA DQ2 or DQ8 on APC to T cell - make abs and attack ucosa
Reflux Esophagitis
Reflux of gastric content into lower esophagus
acid-peptic action of gastric juices leds to esophageal mucosal injury
refluxed bile from duodenum may contribute to mucosal diruption
neuroendocrine tumor
can be benighn
antral gastritis
environmental! HP
antral inflammation –> more acid –> increased risk of duodenal ulcer –> decreased risk of gastric cancer!
intestinal type gastric adenocarcinoma
more common in males and elderly
high prevalence areas - likely environmental component
internal hemorrhoids
covered by columnar rectal mucosa
CMV esophagitis
not seen in normal individuals
ulcers are mostly in distal esophagus
infects endothelial and stromal cells
Chagas Disease and te esophagus
can affect peristalsis
secodary cause is esophageal motility disorder