GI/GU Flashcards
Symptoms of GI problems
Abdominal pain
Weight loss/loss of appetite
Abdominal distension
Energy loss
Painful mouth
Heartburn/acid reflux
Dyspepsia (indigestion)
General observation
Jaundiced- liver problems, liver cancer, gallstones, hepatitis
Finger clubbing- Cirrhosis, ulcerative colitis and crohns
Leukochynia- deficiency of albumin due to liver disease
Koliochynia- anaemia, cirrhosis
palmar erythema
Dupytrens contracture
Palpation and location
Liver- upper border 5th intercostal space down to the last chondral cartilage
– hepatomegaly means the liver will enlarge directly downwards
Spleen- underlies ribs 9, 10 and 11 on the left.
– splenomegaly will lead to the spleen enlarging centrally
Causes of hepatomegaly:
– chronic parenchymal liver disease:
—- cirrhosis etc
– malignancy:
—- primary cancer, secondary metastatic cancer
– right heart failure
– cor pulmonale
Causes of splenomegaly:
– portal hypertension
– infections:
—- glandular fever, bacterial endocarditis
– rheumatological conditions:
—- RA
—- systemic lupus erythramatosus
Always look at splenomegaly if there is suspected hepatomegaly as one can cause enlargement of the other, this is because they are close together and there is increased pressure on the other one.