GI drugs Flashcards
Cimetidine, Ranitidine, famotidine, nizatidine
H2 blockers - reversible -> decreased H+ secretion from parietal cells
Use: Peptic ulcer, gastritis, mild GERD
Toxicity: Cimetidine - potent inhibitor of P450 , antiandrogenic effects (prolactin release, gyenecomastia, impotence, decreased libido males), cross BBB, placenta.
Both cimetidine and ranitidine decrease renal excretion of Cr.
Omeprazole, prazoles
Proton pump inhibitors
IRREVERSIBLE block of H/K ATPase in parietal cells
Use: Peptic ulcer, GERD, ZE syndrome, gastritis
Toxicity: increased risk of C. Difficile infection, pneumonia; long term: decreased serum Mg
PGE1 analog, increase gastric mucosal barrer, decrease acid production
Use: prevent NSAID induced peptic ulcer (NSAIDs block PGE1 production), maintain PDA
induction of labor (off label)
CI in childbearing women ( abortificant)
Somatostatin analog; inhibit splanchnic vasodilatory hormone (D1?)
Use: acute variceal bleed, acromegaly, VIPoma, carcinoid tumor
Tox: N/V, steatorrhea
Can cause hypokalemia
affect absoprtion, bioavailability or urinary excretion of other drugs by altering gastric pH or by delaying gastric emptying
Al Hydroxide, Ca Carbonate, Mg Hydroxide
Al OH: constipation and hypophosphatemia; proximal muscle weakness, osteodystrophy, seizures
Ca Carbonate: Hypercalcemia, rebound acid increase
Mg OH: Diarrhea, hyporeflexia, hypotension, cardiac arrest
Mg Hydroxide, Mg citrate, polyethylene glycol, lactulose
Osmotic diuretics
Use: osmotic load to draw water into GI lumen
Use: constipation
Lactulose - treats hepatic encephalopathy (gut flora converts to lactic acid and acetic acid that promote nitrogen excretion as NH4+)
Sulfapyridine (antibacterial) and 5-aminosalicyclic acid (anti-inflammatory). Activated by colonic bacteria
Use: UC, Crohn disease (colitis component)
Tox: sulfonamide toxicity, reversible oligospermia
5-HT3 antagonist, decrease VAGAL stimulation. CENTRAL acting anti-emetic
Use: control post operative vomiting, chemo patients
Tox: QT interval prolongation, HA, constipation
D2 receptor antagonist. increases resting tone, contractility, LES tone, motility. Does not alter colon transit time
Use: Diabetic and posoperative gastroparesis; antiemetic
Tox: increase parkinsonian efffects, tardive dyskinesia. Diarrhea
Drug interaction: Digoxin and diabetic agents
CI: small bowel obstruction or Parkinson (due to D1 receptor blocker)
Inhibit gastric and pancreatic lipase -> decrease dietary fat absorption and breakdown
Use: weight loss
Toxicity: steatorrhea, decreased absorption of fat soluble vitamins