GI - Anatomy (Pectinate line, Liver anatomy, Biliary structures, & Femoral region) Flashcards
Pg. 341-342 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Pectinate (dentate) line -Liver anatomy -Biliary structures -Femoral region
What is another name for the pectinate line?
Pectinate (dentate) line
How/Where is the pectinate (dentate) line formed?
Formed where endoderm (hindgut) meets ectoderm
What 2 pathologies are found above the pectinate line?
Above pectinate line - (1) Internal hemorrhoids (2) Adenocarcinoma
What 3 pathologies are found below the pectinate line?
Below pectinate line - (1) external hemorrhoids (2) and fissures (3) squamous cell carcinoma
What is the arterial supply to the area above the pectinate line? From what major artery does this branch?
Arterial supply from superior rectal artery (branch of IMA)
What is the arterial supply to the area below the pectinate line? From what major artery does this branch?
Arterial supply from inferior rectal artery (branch of internal pudenal artery)
What is the venous drainage of the area above the pectinate line?
Venous drainage is superior rectal vein –> inferior mesenteric vein –> portal system
What is the venous drainage of the area below the pectinate line?
Venous drainage to inferior rectal vein –> internal pudenal vein –> internal iliac vein –> IVC
Give and explain the presence of pain in internal versus external hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids (above the pectinate line) receive visceral innervation and are therefore NOT PAINFUL; External hemorrhoids receive somatic innervation (inferior rectal branch of pudenal nerve) and are therefore PAINFUL
What is the lymphatic drainage of the area above the pectinate line?
Lymphatic drainage to deep nodes
What is the lymphatic drainage of the area below the pectinate line?
Lymphatic drainage to superficial inguinal nodes
What is an anal fissure, and where is it located in reference to the pectinate line?
Anal fissure - tear in the anal mucosa below the Pectinate line
What are 2 symptoms of anal fissure? Where is it located, and why?
Anal fissure - tear in the anal mucosa below the Pectinate line. Pain while Pooping; blood on “toilet” Paper. Located Posteriorly since this area is Poorly Perfused.
What structure(s) do the apical versus basolateral surface of hepatocytes face?
Apical surface of hepatocytes faces bile canaliculi. Basolateral surface faces sinusoids.
How many zones does the liver have, and what are there names?
(1) Zone I: Periportal zone (2) Zone II: Intermediate zone (3) Zone III: Pericentral vein (centrilobular) zone
Which zone of the liver is affected first by viral hepatitis? In general, what else affects this zone? Give an example of this.
Zone I: Periportal vein: Affected 1st by viral hepatitis; Ingested toxins (e.g., cocaine)
Which zone of the liver is affected first by ischemia? To what else is it most sensitive?
Zone III: Pericentral vein (centrilobular) zone: Affected by ischemia; Most sensitive to metabolic toxins
Which zone of the liver contains cytochrome P-450 system? For what clinical condition is this zone also the site?
Zone III: Pericentral vein (centrilobular) zone: Contains cytochrome P-450 system; Site of alcoholic hepatitis
Draw a ? view of the liver, including and labeling key anatomy, such as: (1) Bile canaliculus (2) Bile ductule (3) Branch of portal vein (4) Branch of hepatic artery (5) Blood flow (directional arrow) (6) Bile flow (directional arrow) (7) Central vein (to hepatic veins and systemic circulation) (8) Liver cell plates (9) Kupffer cell (10) Portal triad (11) Sinusoids draining to central vein (12) Space of Disease (lymphatic drainage) (13) Zone I (14) Zone II (15) Zone III.
See p. 341 in First Aid for visual at bottom of page
What is included in the portal triad?
(1) Bile ductule (2) Branch of portal vein (3) Branch of hepatic artery
To what vessel do the liver sinusoids drain? To where does this vessel drain from there?
Sinusoids draining to central vein; Central vein (to hepatic veins and systemic circulation)
Draw and label the following biliary structures: (1) Ampulla of Vater (2) Common bile duct (3) Common hepatic duct (4) Duodenum (5) Gallbladder (6) Left hepatic duct (7) Right hepatic duct (8) Cystic duct (9) Main pancreatic duct (10) Sphincter of Oddi (around the duct).
See p. 342 in First Aid 2014 for visual at top of page
What is important to know about gallstones and the ampulla at Vater?
Gallstones that reach the common channel at the ampulla of Vater can block both bile and pancreatic ducts
What can result from tumors that arise in the head of the pancreas? Where are these tumors located (in reference to another structure besides the pancreas)?
Tumor that arise in the head of the pancreas (near the duodenum) can cause obstruction of the common bile duct
What is the organization of the femoral region?
Lateral to medial: Nerve-Artery-Vein-Empty space-Lymphatics; Think: “you go from lateral to medial to find your NAVEL”
What is contained in the femoral triangle?
Contains femoral vein, artery, nerve (moving laterally); Think: “Venous near the penis”
What structure is used as reference to the local of the femoral sheath fascial tube? How far is the fascial tube from this structure?
Fascial tube 3-4 cm below inguinal ligament
What does the femoral sheath include? How is it different from the femoral triangle?
Contains femoral vein, artery, and canal (deep inguinal lymph nodes)… but NOT femoral nerve; Femoral triangle contains femoral vein, artery, nerve
Draw the femoral region, including and labeling the following: (1) Femoral Artery (2) Femoral Nerve (3) Femoral Ring - site of femoral hernia (4) Femoral sheath (5) Femoral Vein (6) Inguinal ligament (7) Adductor longus muscle (8) Lymphatics (9) Sartorius muscle.
See p. 342 in First Aid 2014 for visual at bottom of page
What is the clinical correlation of the femoral ring?
Femoral ring - site of femoral hernia