GI - Anatomy (Inguinal canal & Hernias) Flashcards
Pg. 343-344 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Inguinal canal -Hernias
Draw the region of the inguinal canal, including and labeling the following: (1) Aponeurosis of external oblique muscles (2) Abdominal wall: site of protrusion of direct hernia (3) Conjoined tendon (4) Cremasteric muscle and fascia (internal oblique) (5) External spermatic fascia (external oblique) (6) Extraperitoneal tissue (7) Inguinal ligament (8) Internal oblique muscle (9) Internal inguinal ring site of protrusion of indirect hernia (10) Inferior epigastric vessels (11) Internal spermatic fascia (transversalis fascia) (12) Linea alba (13) Medial umbilical ligament (14) Median umbilical ligament (14) Pyramidalis muscle (15) Parietal peritoneum (16) Spermatic cord (17) Rectus abdominis muscle (18) Transversalis fascia (19) Transversus abdominis muscle (20) Superficial inguinal ring.
See p. 343 in First Aid 2014 for visual
What are the 3 layers of (spermatic) fascia around the inguinal canal (superficial to deep), and what muscles contribute to each?
(1) External spermatic fascia (external oblique) (2) Cremasteric muscle and fascia (internal oblique) (3) Internal spermatic fascia (transversalis fascia)
What is the site of protrusion of the indirect hernia?
Internal inguinal ring: site of protrusion of indirect hernia
What is the site of protrusion of the direct hernia?
Abdominal wall: site of protrusion of direct hernia
In general, what is a hernia, and where does it usually occur?
A protrusion of peritoneum through an opening, usually a site of weakness
What defines diaphragmatic hernia?
Abdominal structures enter the thorax
Why may diaphragmatic hernia occur in infants?
May occur in infants as a result of defective development of pleuroperitoneal membrane
What is the most common type of diaphragmatic hernia? What defines this hernia?
Most commonly a hiatal hernia, in which stomach herniates upward through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm
What is the most common hiatal hernia? What defines and visually characterizes this hernia?
Sliding hiatal hernia is most common. Gastroesophageal junction is displaced high; “hourglass stomach”
How is the gastroesophageal junction of paraesophagel hernia? What defines this hernia?
Paraesophageal hernia - gastroesophageal junction is normal. Fundus protrudes into the thorax.
What is the route take by an indirect inguinal hernia? What else follows this path?
Goes through the internal (deep) inguinal ring, external (superficial) inguinal ring, and into the scrotum; An indirect inguinal hernia follows the path of descent of the testes
Describe the entrance point of an indirect inguinal hernia in reference to 2 other structures.
Enters internal inguinal ring lateral to inferior epigastric artery
What causes indirect inguinal hernia to occur in infants? What can result from this?
Occurs in infants owing to failure of processus vaginalis to close (can form hydrocele)
In what gender is indirect inguinal hernia much more common?
Much more common in males
What covers an indirect inguinal hernia?
Covered by all 3 layers of spermatic fascia.
Through what does a direct inguinal hernia protrude? Reference at least 2 structures in your description. Through what structure does it travel?
Protrudes through the inguinal (Hasselbach) triangle. Bulges directly through abdominal wall medial to inferior epigastric artery. Goes through the external (superifical) inguinal ring only.
What spermatic fascia layer(s) cover(s) direct inguinal hernia?
Covered by external spermatic fascia
In what patient population is direct inguinal hernia usually seen?
Usually in older men
What is the reference artery used to distinguish the location of direct versus indirect hernias? What are these locations?
Inferior epigastric artery; Medial to inferior epigastric artery = Direct hernia; Lateral to inferior epigastric artery = Indirect hernia; Think: “MDs don’t LIe”
Where does a femoral hernia protrude, and route does it take? Be specific in describing its location.
Protrudes below inguinal ligament through femoral canal below (on p. 344 in First Aid 2014) and lateral to pubic tubercle
In what gender is femoral hernia more common?
More common in females
Of what condition is femoral hernia the leading cause?
Leading cause of bowel incarceration
What 3 structures create the Hesselbach triangle?
(1) Inferior epigastric vessels (2) Lateral border of rectus abdominis (3) Inguinal ligament
What is another name for Inguinal ligament?
Inguinal (Poupart) ligament
Draw the femoral canal, including and labeling the following: (1) Direct inguinal hernia (2) Femoral artery (3) Femoral hernia (4) Femoral vein (5) Inferior epigastric vessels (6) Inguinal (Poupart) ligament (7) Indirect inguinal hernia (8) Rectus abdominis muscle (9) Hesselbach triangle.
See p. 344 in First Aid 2014 for visual at bottom of page