GI anatomy and hernias Flashcards
What are the muscle layers of the abdominal wall from out to in?
external oblique
Internal oblique
transversus abdominis
then rectus abdominalis
What is the linea alba?
aponeurosis running down the middle of the rectus abdominis
What are the regions of the abdomen called?
- Right and left hypochondrium (upper lateral)
- epigastric (upper middle)
- Right/ left flank AKA lumbar (mid lateral)
- umbellical region (mid mid)
- R and L groin/ illiac (lower lateral)
- Pubic/ hypogastric region (lower mid)
List intra pertioneal structures:
- liver
- stomach
- gall bladder
- small bowel
- spleen
- uterus and uterine tubes
What connects intrapertioneal structres to the abdominal wall and carries their blood/ nervous supply?
List retroperioneal structures
- vena cava
- abdominal aeorta
- kidneys
- pancreas
What is the greater omentum?
A double fold of peritoneum that attaches to the greater curve of the stomach and the transversing colon, and forms a blanket over the small bowl.
What is the role of the greater omentum?
- protection of small bowel
- can migrate to close infection so stop it spreading
What are the names of the gutters created either side of the colon by peritoneal reflections?
Paracolonic gutters
What is the name of the two pouches formed in females between anus and uterus and bladder and uterus
- anus- uterus is douglas pouch (recto-uterine pouch)
- uterus- bladder is vesicouterine pouch
What is the name of the pouch of peritoneum in men between anus and bladder
rectovesicle pouch
What is the entrance to the lesser sac called?
foramen of windslow/ epigloic foramen
Describe the location of the lesser sac:
- posterior to stomach, anterior to pancreas
- above traversing colon
- in between spleen and liver
Describe the blood supply to the fore, mid and hind gut
- forgut supplied by branches of the celiac trunk which comes off the abdominal aeorta
- mid gut supplied by the superior mesenteric
- hindgut supplied by the inferior mesenteric
What is a hernia?
a protrusion of part of the abdominal contents beyond the normal confines of the abdominal wall
What are the three parts of a hernia?
The sac, the coverings of the sac and the contents of the sac
What is sac and contents of the sac for abdonimal hernias?
sac is usually peritoneum and contents is usually bowel, omentum or fat
What are the three branches of the celiac trunk?
The Left gastric
The common hepatic
the splenic artery
What does the left gastric artery do
supplies the lesser curve of the stomach
What does the splenic artery do? (4)
- Supplies spleen
- Supplies pancreas on its way through
- supplies superior stomach with short gastric arteries
- Supplies part of greater curve of stomach via left gastro- epiploic artery