GI Flashcards
Acute and Chronic causes of diarrhoea?
* Gastroenteritis
* Nectrotizing entercolitis
* Intusseseption
* Volulus
* Toddlers Diarrhoea
* Coeliacs
* Allergies- non IgE mediated
A toddler presents with diarrhoea. What are your differentials?
- Gastroenteritis
- Any infection e.g. viral URTIs, Chest infections, otitis media, UTI
- Antibiotic use
Lactose intolerance
Toddlers diarrhoea
A 4 year old presents with diarrhoea. What are your differentials?
- Toddlers diarrhoea
- Parasites
- Overflow dirrhoea in constipation
- Lactose intolerance
- Coeliac disease
- Cystic fibrosis
13 year old presents with diarrhoea. What are your differentials?
- Coeliacs disease
- Lactose intolerance
- Psychosocial- anxiety
Main complication of diarrhoea in young children and babies?
- Dehydration
Causes of dehydration?
- Inability to drink e.g. tonsillitis
- Excessive sweating: high fever, hot climate, cystic fibrosis
- Vomiting: Pyloric stenosis, viral infections, gastroenteritis
- Acute diarrhoea: viral/ bacterial gastroenteritis, food poisoning, antibiotics, any acute infection
- Burns
- Post surgery
- Polyuria- diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus
Signs of severe dehydration in a baby/ child ?
- Sunken fontanelle- baby
- Sunken eyes
- Dry lips and mouth
- Thirst +++
- Tachycardia
- Delayed cap refill time
- Reduced skin turgor
- Reduced urine output
- Weight loss
What is Coeliacs disease?
- Autoimmune condition caused by sensitivity to protein in gluten
- Repeated exposure leads to villous atrophy–> malabsorption
What conditions are associated with Coeliacs?
- dermatitis herpetiformis
- Autoimmune disorders e.g. T1DM and autoimmune hepatitis
What genes are associated with Coeliacs?
Complications of Coeliacs disease?
- anaemia: iron, folate and vitamin B12 deficiency (folate deficiency is more common than vitamin B12 deficiency in coeliac disease)
- hyposplenism
- osteoporosis, osteomalacia
- lactose intolerance
- enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma of small intestine
- subfertility, unfavourable pregnancy outcomes
- rare: oesophageal cancer, other malignancies
When should you think about investigating for Coeliacs disease?
NICE 2009- suggested
Signs and symptoms:
* Chronic or intermittent diarrhoea
* Failure to thrive or faltering growth in children
* Persisten or unexplained GI symptoms incl N&V
* Prolonged fatigue
* Reccurent abdo pain, cramping or distension
* Sudden or unexpected weight loss
* Unexplained iron- deficiency anaemia, or other unspecified anaemia
* Autoimmune thyroid disease
* Dermatitis herpetiformis
* Type 1 diabetes
* First degree relatives with coeliacs
What investigations would you do for coealiacs?
* tissue transglutaminase (TTG) antibodies (IgA) are first-choice according to NICE
* endomyseal antibody (IgA)
needed to look for selective IgA deficiency, which would give a false negative coeliac result
* anti-casein antibodies are also found in some patients
Endoscopic intestinal biopsy- duodenum, usually in children you use jejunal biopsy showing subtotal villous atrophy
May see the following:
* Crypt hyperplasia
* Increase in intraepithelial lymphocytes
* Lamina propria infiltration with lymphocytes
* anti-gliadin antibody (IgA or IgG) tests are not recommended by NICE
Management of Coeliacs?
- Gluten- free diet
- Patients with coeliac disease often have a degree of functional hyposplenism-all patients with coeliac disease are offered the pneumococcal vaccine
- Coeliac UK recommends that everyone with coeliac disease is vaccinated against pneumococcal infection and has a booster every 5 years
- Currrent guidelines suggest giving the influenza vaccine on an individual basis.
What contains gluten?
- wheat: bread, pasta, pastry
- barley: beer
- whisky is made using malted barley. Proteins such as gluten are however removed during the distillation process making it safe to drink for patients with coeliac disease
- rye
- oats- although GF, some react to them, also usually made in factory that is not GF so cannot have
corn (maize)
Acute and Chronic causes of constipation?
* Dehydration
* Bowel obstruction
* Functional constipation
* Hirschsprung’s disease
* Secondary to other conditions e.g. hypothryroidism, coeliac disease, CF
Idiopathic is the most common cause
Signs of constipation in children < 1 year old ?
Stool pattern:
* Fewer than 3 complete stools per week (type 3 or 4 on Bristol Stool Form Scale) (this does not apply to exclusively breastfed babies after 6 weeks
of age)
* Hard large stool
* ‘Rabbit droppings’ (type 1)
Symptoms associated with defecation
* Distress on passing stool
* Bleeding associated with hard stool
* Straining
* Previous episode(s) of constipation
* Previous or current anal fissure
Presentation of constipation of child > 1 year?
Stool Pattern:
* Fewer than 3 complete stools per week (type 3 or 4)
* Overflow soiling (commonly very loose, very smelly, stool passed without sensation)
* ‘Rabbit droppings’ (type 1)
* Large, infrequent stools that can block the toilet
Symptoms associated with defecation:
* Poor appetite that improves with passage of large stool
* Waxing and waning of abdominal pain with passage of stool
* Evidence of retentive posturing: typical straight-legged, tiptoed, back arching posture
* Straining
* Anal pain
* Previous episodes of constipation
* Previous or current anal fissure
* Painful bowel movements and bleeding associated with hard stools
What points to idiopathic constipation as opposed to more serious condition?
Think Timing, Growth and Diet
* starts after a few weeks of life
* Obvious precipitating factor e.g. fissure, change of diet, timing of potty/toilet training or acute events such as infections, moving house, starting nursery/school, fears and phobias, major change in family, taking medicines
Passage of meconium < 48 hours
* Generally well, weight and height within normal limits, fit and active
* No neuro problems in legs and normal locomotor development
* Changes in infant formula
* Weaning
* insufficient fluid intake or poor diet
Red flags in children with constipation?
* Reported from birth or first few weeks of life
Failure to pass meconium w/in <48 hours
Stool pattern:
* Ribbon stools
* faltering growth is amber flag
* Distension (+/- vomiting)
* Disclosure or evidence that raises concerns over possibility of child maltreatment
What is a necessity to assess for in a child with constipation?
Suggestive features incl:
* symptoms of severe constipation
* overflow soiling
* faecal mass palpable in abdomen
Managment of constipation if there is faecal impaction?
- polyethylene glycol 3350 + electrolytes (Movicol Paediatric Plain) using an escalating dose regimen as the first-line treatment
- add a stimulant laxative if Movicol Paediatric Plain does not lead to disimpaction after 2 weeks
- substitute a stimulant laxative singly or in combination with an osmotic laxative such as lactulose if Movicol Paediatric Plain is not tolerated
- inform families that disimpaction treatment can initially increase symptoms of soiling and abdominal pain
Conservative management of constipation in children?
- Reward charts e.g. star charts
- Increased dietary fibre
- Adequate hydration/fluids
Treatment of constipation (w/o faecal impaction)
- first-line: Movicol Paediatric Plain
- add a stimulant laxative if no response
- substitute a stimulant laxative if Movicol Paediatric Plain is not tolerated. Add another laxative such as lactulose or docusate if stools are hard
- continue medication at maintenance dose for several weeks after regular bowel habit is established, then reduce the dose gradually
- DR LUYT: duration for the same as symptoms have been there e.g. 3 weeks of symptoms- 3 weeks of treatment
How to treat children < 6 mnths for constipation?
- bottle-fed infants: give extra water in between feeds. Try gentle abdominal massage and bicycling the infant’s legs
- breast-fed infants: constipation is unusual and organic causes should be considered
Management of constipation of infants who are or have been weaned?
- offer extra water, diluted fruit juice and fruits
- if not effective consider adding lactulose
What shoudl you ask in Hx when child comes in with constipation?
- Infrequent but normal stools are not indicators of constipation
- Ask about: hardness of stool, painful defecation, crampy abdo pain and blood on the stool or toilet
- Hx of anal fissure is significant
- Preciptating events
- Ask about diet
- Soiling
- Abdo pain
- Developmental milestones
- Ask about pregnancy, birth and meconium passage
Examination in constipation?
- Growth: review growth chart as Hirschprungs disease accompanied by failure to thrive
- Abdo exam- may be able to feel stool in LLQ
- Anorectal examination: anal fissures may be present. Do not perform DRE
What is the commonest cause of vomitting in infancy?
- Around 40% infants regurgitate their feeds to a certain extend so degree of overlap w normal physiological processes
RF for GORD?
- Preterm delivery
- Neuro delivery
Features of GORD in infants?
- typically develops before 8 weeks
- Vomiting/regurgitation
- Milky vomits after feeds
- May occur after being laid flat
- Excessive crying, esp while feeding
Management of GORD in infants?
2015 NICE
- advise regarding position during feeds - 30 degree head-up
- infants should sleep on their backs
- ensure infant is not being overfed (as per their weight) and consider a trial of smaller and more frequent feeds
- a trial of thickened formula (for example, containing rice starch, cornstarch, locust bean gum or carob bean gum)
- a trial of alginate therapy e.g. Gaviscon. Alginates should not be used at the same time as thickening agents
- NICE do not recommend a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) to treat overt regurgitation in infants and children occurring as an isolated symptom. A trial of one of these agents should be considered if 1 or more of the following apply:
- unexplained feeding difficulties (for example, refusing feeds, gagging or choking)
- distressed behaviour
- faltering growth
If severe complications and medical treatment does not work: consider fundoplication
prokinetic agents e.g. metoclopramide should only be used with specialis
Complications of GORD in infants?
- Distress
- Failure to thrive
- Aspirtion
- frequent otitis media
- In older children: erosion may occur
A 6 week year old infant presents with worsening vomitting for the last 2 weeks. What are your differentials?
- Pyloric stenosis
- Milk allergy
- Overfeeding
- Gastroenteritis
- Gastric volvulus
What is Gastroenteritis?
DL tutorial
- Sudden onset of diarrhoea, with or without vomitting
- Most cases due to an enteric virus; can be caused by bacteria or protozoa
- V common- 10% of children present annually
- Usually self- limiting not needing medical attention but can be life threatening
What to ask in hx for suspected GE?
- Diet
- Blood in stools and recent bowel habits
- Presence of fever
- Anyone around him unwell
- Immunisations
- Travel hx
- Rest of hx: PMH, Dhx, Shx, Fhx, ICE
DL tutorial
What to ask in hx for suspected GE?
- Diet
- Blood in stools and recent bowel habits
- Presence of fever
- Anyone around him unwell
- Immunisations
- RF for dehydration
- Urine output, fluid intake and are they floppy?
- Travel hx
- Rest of hx: PMH, Dhx, Shx, Fhx, ICE
DL tutorial
What are the RF for dehydration in GE?
- 5 or more stool in 24 hours
- 3 or more vomits in 24 hours
- Age < 12 months ( < 6 months is worse)
- Intake (worse if not breast feeding)