GI Flashcards
mgmt rectovaginal fistual
IBD related:
- asx: observe
- mild: cipro/flagyl
- mod to severe: Infliximab first! (any anti-tnf)…only if persistent dz then surgery
Non-IBD: surgery
20-30% crohns pt will develop anorectal fistula
Mgmt post corrosive ingestion
- CXR and abdominal xray will identify perforation
- if no perf on xrays, early EGD w/in first 24 hours to assess and grade esophageal involvement
acute mgmt does not have role for barium swallow (can ID strictures later)
No NG insertion b/c can induce perforation
common complications of Roux-en-y
- Stomal Stenosis (20%): n/v/abdominal pain/early satiety. Dx EGD. Tx endoscopic balloon dilation
- Cholelithiasis (40%): give prophy URSDA for up to 6 mo post op
- Dumping syndrome (50%): abdominal pain, n, hypotension, reflex tachycardia. Avoid by replacing simple carbs for complex carbs
- SIBO: abdominal distention, flatulence, diarrhea. macrocytic anemia. fat malabsorption (D, A, B1, b12).
Cause: strictures/surgery (anatomical) or motility (DM, scleroderma)
Dx: jejunal aspirate or positive hydrogen breath test
Tx: abx (rifaximin, augmentin), avoid opiates, increase fat and reduce carbs in diet, promotility agents
Anemia in celiac disease
microcytic from iron deficiency
T/F: All patients with UGI found to have ulcer should be admitted
False, if clean base ulcer and stable its low risk and give regular diet and DC on once-daily PPI
high risk features = active bleeding, visible vessel, adherent clot
Tx of recurrent c dif
First recurrence: Vanc PO in a prolonged taper
Multiple recurrence: Vanc PO followed by rifaximin
can use fidaxomicin instead of vanc. recurrence due to spores, not resistance to meds
fatigue and pruritis with cholestatic labs in a middle age female
Primary biliary cholangitis
Tx for PBC
URSDA (delays progression)
Risk of osteoporosis/osteomalacia so give Ca and Vit D supp
Anti-HBs ( Hepatits B surface antibody)
If + Hepatitis B core antibody, IgG (anti-HBc): Resolved Previous Infection
If - anti-HBc: immunity from previous vaccination
HBsAg (surface antigen)
if + anti-HBc, IgM (core antibody IgM): acute HBV
if + anti-HBc, IgG: chronic inactive carrier state
Anti-HBs is negative in acute and chronic infection
how to tell acute/chronic HBV versus resolved
HBsAG: positive in acute and chronic infections
Anti-HBs: positive in resolved previous infection (and those with immunity from prior vaccine)
These are not positive together ever
Hep B serologies
HBcAb: Exposure
HBsAg: Infection
HBsAb (Anti-HBs): Immunity
T/F: Lipase levels remain elevated in chronic pancreatitis
False, usually normal. Presents with abdominal pain and pancreatic insufficiency (steatorrhea, malabsorption, diabetes)
Failure of initial standard triple therapy for H Pylori
Occurs in 20%
Step 1: Eradication testing (urea breath test, fecal Ag test or repeat EGD)
- if positive: quadruple therapy or different triple therapy
- note: PPIs reduce sensitivity of these tests (so if + on PPI, highly likely positive)
Treatment reg for H Pylori
Triple Therapy:
PPI + Clarithromycin + Amoxicillin
(alt)PPI + Clarithromycin + Metronidazole
Quadruple Therapy: PPI + Bismuth + Metronidazole + Tetracycline
all regimens 10-14 days
T/F: In absence of alarm features for GERD, EGD is not indicated prior to failure of 4-8 weeks of bid PPI therapy
TRUE. ALarm sxs i.e. wt loss, GI bleed, dysphagia, odynophagia.
Presentation and mgmt of the most common cause of esophagitis in AIDs patient
- mild to mod odynophagia (pain mild compared to CMV, HSV)
- oral thrush (not always present)
- dysphagia
Tx with empiric trial of oral fluconazole (Nystatin doesn’t work in HIV patients) aka don’t need EGD if high clinical suspicion. unless red flag sxs
Peritoneal dialysis associated peritonitis
wbc>100 or neutrophil >50%. may not have fever or leukocytosis. Tx with intraperitoneal vanc and ceftriaxone/cefepime
Liver disease + neuropsychiatric dz in young patient
Wilson dz. All get slit lamp. Dx by increased serum/urine Copper and low ceruloplasmin. Tx with pencillamine or trientine to prevent permanent sequelae.
Most common cause of acute liver failure in US
Acetaminophen toxicity
T/F: Cholecystectomy should be performed after recovery from gallstone pancreatitis
True!! Reduce risk of recurrence. do it BEFORE discharge
Features suggestive of celiac disease but negative serology
Measure serum IgA levels, high prevalence of deficiency in celiac patients (only test if serology neg).
Patient with + serology or highly suggestive need endoscopy with biopsy (“small bowel enteroscopy”) to confirm dx PRIOR to starting gluten-free diet (reduces biopsy sensitivity). A cutaneous bx showing dermatitis herpetiformis is also diagnostic.
Differentiate eosinophilic esophgitis from pill-induced esophagitis
EE: Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and chest pain and heartburn. Usually in young man with history of atopy (asthma, allergies) i.e. Roshee
PIE: Odynophagia (painful)…and retrosternal CP
Neither need EGD routinely.
For EE: dietary modifications, swallowed fluticasone/budesonide (topical glucocorticoid). Eval includes 8 week trial of a PPI
for PIE: DC offending agent and supportive, will self-resolve
Barium esophagram is used for:
diagnosing anatomical abnormalities and neuromuscular disorders (achalasia)
EGD findings in EE
longitudinal furrows, multiple esophageal (concentric) rings, white specks and mucosal friability
first step in any patient with impaired gastric motility
EGD to exclude gastric outlet obstruction from mechanical/mucosal etiology. even if highly suspicious for gastroparesis
marked colonic dilation without mechanical obstruction (no TP) in a hospitalized/institutionalized man >60
Ogilvie syndrome: acute colonic pseudo-obstruction.
Treat conservatively, serial abdominal exam and xray to eval perforamtion. NG/rectal tube decompression. Consider Neostigmine for those who fail conservative management, though theres many CI
Chronic diarrhea in middle aged female with normal appearing mucosa
Likely microscopic colitis (r/o celiac). biopsy shows lymphocytic infiltration. Remove triggers (nsaids), try antidiarrheal agents (loperamide, bismuth) and can use oral budesonide . No increased risk for malignancy
Chest pain and respiratory distress after forceful vomiting
Booerhaave syndrome.
- rapid development of pleural effusion (usually left-sided)
- subcutaenous emphysema (mediastinal air/retrocardiac air shadow)
UC patient with elevated alk phos
Antibodies positive in Autoimmune Hepatitis (young/middle aged females with range from asx LFT elevation to acute liver failure)
Anti-smooth muscle
Anti-liver/kidney microsomal antibody (LKM-1)
false positive HCV AB
Diagnosing hepatopulmonary syndrome
Need contrast echo (bubble study), will show intrapulmonary vascular dilations (IVPD). this causes R->L shunting and manifests in platypnea (dyspnea when sitting upright relieved supine) and orthodeoxia (opposite of orthopnia)
no good tx other than liver transplant
If you suspect spontaneous esophageal rupture (Booerhave):
Contrast esophogram is the study of choice. A CXR may show mediastinal or free peritoneal air, f/u with the contrast esophgram or CT.
Pleural fluid analysis would show very high amylase.
Interpret SAAG
SAAG>1.1 = portal hypertension from cirrhosis or HF
Look at ascitic fluid protein
<2.5 = cirrhosis
>2.5 = HF, budd-chiari
SAAG <1.1 “are you KIDding me?”
Ascitic protein
<2.5 = nephrotic syndrome
>2.5 = malignancy, TB
Acetaminophen overdose
acute liver failure with LFTs in thousandssss
middle aged female with fatigue, pruritis, elevated alk phos
Primary biliary cholangitis
T/F: IDA is typically seen in celiac dz
older patient with achalasia sxs. Screen for malignancy (obstructive) with EUS or CT
Tx for achalasia
- Pneumatic dilation or surgical myotomy
- if they’re old and would not be a good candidate for procedure, botox injection
intermittent dysphagia to solids/liquids (especially cold liquids)
DES. Barium swallow with corkscrew appearance
Tx for DES
Young patient with intermittent solid food dysphagia
Schatzki ring (intermittently catches on it)
vs peptic stricture in older patient
esophageal cancer
Upper 2/3: Squamous cell (smoking, drinking)
Lower 1/3: adenocarcinoma (reflux, barretts)
IDA + dysphagia in elderly women
plummer vinson syndrome (web in upper esophagus)
stacked circular rings,trachEEEEEEalization, friability.
Food impaction and dysphagia in young adult with hx of asthma/eczema/allergic rhinitis
Eosinophilic esophagitis
Dx with EGD w/biopsy
Tx with PPI or swallowed fluticasone/budesonide
common meds for pill induced esophagitis
doxycycline, nsaids, KCl, iron, alendronate
Initial approach to dyspepsia
<60: H pylori test and treat. If + H pylori, tx. Persistent sxs then 8 weeks PPI. + sx still low-dose TCA.
> 60: EGD
Meds to stop before H pylori testing
Stop PPI for 2 weeks
Stop Abx for 4 weeks
H pylori tx
Triple Therapy: OCLAM Omeprazole + CLarithromycin + Amoxicillin. **If pencillin allergy --> Metronidazole instead of amox
If they hav e received macrolide (i..e had Zpak a few months ago), then quadruple therapy OBMT:
Omprezole + Bismuth + Metronidazole + Tetracycline
T/F: Low cancer risk in duodenal ulcer
True, don’t need post-surveillance really
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
diarrhea, erosive esophagitis, DISTAL ulcers, high gastrin level. Secretin stim test will have same or higher gastrin. can do octreotide scan to localize the gastrinoma. surgical resection, high dose PPI
Presentation and dx of oropharyngeal dysphagia
Choking/coughing in a patient with neuro or muscular disorder i.e. stroke patient. Includes Zenker diverticulum fyi.
Dx: Modified barium swallow/videofluoroscopy
T/F: Celiac patients are at risk for intestinal lymphoma
true, dietary compliance helps reduce risk
Dx: carb breath testing (lactulose, glucose) or jejunal aspirate/culture
Tx: - abx (rifaximin, augmentin)
-high fat, low carb diet
T/F: Young patient with dyspepsia, no red flag sxs and normal labs should be treated with PPI trial
False, H pylori test and treat first. If negative then PPI trial
screening in IBD patient with PSC
annual colonoscopy, inc risk colorectal ca
liver nodule mgmt
<1cm: US f/u 3 mo
>1cm: Liver MRI (or multiphase CT)
percutaneous biopsy not usually recommended
colon ca screening in IBD patients
8-10 years after dx, then q 1-3 years