GI Flashcards
Wilson’s Ix?
Low caeruloplasmin
Low total serum copper
Increased free copper
Epigastric pain, non-bilious vomiting, inability to pass NG tube?
Gastric volvolus
Link between Crohn’s and Gall Stones?
Crohn’s commonly causes inflammation in terminal ileum, where bile salts are reabsorbed
Less bile salts being reabsorbed causes pigment gall stones
(Crohn’s = Stones; UC = PSC)
Richter hernia?
Hernia where only one side of the bowel wall herniates through - can strangulate without causing obstruction
Budd-Chiari triad?
Risk factors?
- sudden onset, severe abdo pain
- ascites (high saag - transudate)
- tender hepatomegaly
COCP, polycythaemia, pregnancy, thrombiphilia
USS with doppler
Foul smelling, greasy stools in an alcoholic?
1st line Ix?
Chronic pancreatitis
CT pancreas - look for calcifications
Approach to treating dyspepsia with no red flags and no meds/food?
Full dose PPI for 1 month
If response then low dose treatment PRN
If no recovery - take 2 weeks off then test for H Pylori using urea breath test or stool antigen
If negative then double dose PPI may be trialled for 1 month
Then can try other drugs like Ranitidine (H2 antagonist) or Metoclopramide (pro-kinetic)
No need to test for cure but if done then urea breath test
- what warrants urgent referral?
- non-urgent?
Dysphagia + dyspepsia
Palpable abdo mass
> 55 with weight loss AND dyspepsia, reflux or upper abdomen pain
Treatment resistant dyspepsia
Upper abdo pain + low Hb
Raised platelet count or nausea and vom with weight loss/reflux/pain
- weight loss, vomiting with eating, GORD?
- Heartburn, odynophagia, no systemic?
- HIV or steroid inhalers?
- solids+liquids, heartburn, regurgitate food, aspiration pneumonia?
- older man, midline lump in neck, regurgitates food, aspiration pneumonia, bad breath?
- Raynaud’s, talengiectasia, stiff fingers, difficulty breathing?
- Ptosis, muscle weakness at end of day, difficulty swallowing solids+liquids?
- anxiety, intermittent symptoms, painless?
Oesophageal candidiasis
Pharyngeal pouch
Systemic sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
Globus hystericus
Symptoms of carcinoid syndrome? What does the tumour secrete? Ix? Rx? Where are they commonly found?
Can release ACTH - cushingoid symptoms and hypokalaemia
Can release GHRH - acromegaly
Secretes serotonin into bloodstream - can develop pellagra as dietary tryptophan is diverted to make serotonin by tumour (common precursor with Niacin)
Ix: urinary 5-HIAA
Plasma chromogranin A
Management: Octreotide
Cryoheptadine may help diarrhoea
Liver and lung
When fever, constant RUQ pain, raised inflammatory markers, what points towards cholangitis rather than cholecystitis?
Jaundice or raised bili
Absence of Murphy’s sign
Management peptic ulcer?
Drugs that can cause ulcer?
Test for H pylori
If neg, PPI until healed
Why can TPN result in deranged LFT’s?
Cholestasis as nothing passing though bowel - causes slight raise in bili, AST and moderately raised ALP, gGT
What gastroenteritis pathogens have an incubation of:
- 1-6 hrs?
- 12-48 hrs?
- 48-72 hrs?
- > 7 days?
1-6: Staph Aureus, Bacillus Cereus
12-48: Salmonella, E Coli
48-72: Shigella, Campylobacter
> 7 days: Giardiasis, Amoebiasis
Shigella pattern and what Gram stain?
Gm -ve bacilli
Occurs in outbreaks, especially in schools and nurseries - abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea, vomiting
Never invades further than gut wall - pus and blood in stools