Ghost dances Flashcards
What are the choreographic intentions in Ghost Dances?
South American Music-Inti Illimani
South American Culture and Rituals
A letter he received from the human rights activist Joan Jara, whose husband Victor, a Chilean singer, poet and theatre director had been tortured and killed in the Pinochet coup which seized power in Chile in 1973.
When was ghost dances created and when did it come back on stage?
1981 and 1999
What is the aural setting in section 1 Ghost Dances?
The three ghosts are the only ones on stage and it begins in silence then natural sounds come in like wind and water droplets and you can hear the dances jumping and moving around quickly contrasting with the aural setting.
In ghost dances What is significant of the aural setting at the end of each section?
At the end of each section the music from section 1 repeats itself knowing the ghosts are on stage or they are near.
What is the costume of the ghosts?